USA: Divieto Del Costumone Per Cat 12 Anni In Vigore Dal 1 Settembre
Il divieto di indossare determinati costumi da gara per le categorie di età fino ai 12 anni (inclusi) entrerà in vigore negli Stati Uniti il 1° Settembre
USA Swimming Annuncia La Squadra Nazionale Ed I Criteri Di Selezione
USA Swimming ha annunciato i componenti della squadra nazionale della stagione 2020/2021 ed i nuovi criteri di selezione. I vantaggi di essere in nazionale
USA Swimming’s COVID Relief Round Two Sends $1.5M To 627 Clubs
USA Swimming says it provided more than $1.5 million to 627 clubs as part of the second round of the COVID-19 relief program – part of $9 million in total.
USA Swimming Extends Deadline for Scholastic All-America Program Swims
With swimmers emerging from quarantine and posting new lifetime bests, USA Swimming has given athletes until the end of August to post qualifying times.
AAU Diving Moves Nationals Location, Still On for Early August
The AAU has moved the location of their Diving Nationals from Texas to Indiana, with the intent to compete as planned during the first week of August.
Application Period Open For Additional $1.5M of USA Swimming COVID Grants
USA Swimming is now accepting online applications for phase two of its COVID-19 Relief Program, which offers up to $1.5 million to support swim clubs.
USA Swimming Annuncia Gare A Luglio. Tempi Non Validi Per Qualifiche Nazionali
USA Swimming ha annunciato che permetterà la ripresa delle competizioni a Luglio. I tempi non saranno validi per la qualificazione agli eventi nazionali
USA Swimming Will Sanction Meets in July, Times Won’t Count for National Meets
USA Swimming has announced that it will sanction competitions in July, but times will not count towards qualification for national-level meets or events.
Whitley, Neal, Jones, LeVant, Hinds Advised USA Swimming on BLM Statement
The group advised the organization on its second of two statements amid national calls for change following the murder of George Floyd in May.
10 USA Swimming Staffers Accept Voluntary Separation Packages Amid Cost-Cutting
The packages were offered as part of cost-cutting measures within the organization amid the global coronavirus pandemic.
USA Swimming Extends 2021 Membership Dates, Publishes 2019 Financials
USA Swimming’s Board of Directors passed a motion to extend calendar year and seasonal memberships, and push the proposed flex membership changes to 2022.
USA Swimming Distributes $1.5 Million to 317 Clubs; $1.5 Million More Pledged
The money, which was funneled through the USA Swimming Foundation, exceeds the initial pledge of $1.5 million, and comes with up to $1.5 million more in round 2.
USA Swimming Suspends Sanctions Through June 30, Outlines Return to Competition
USA Swimming outlined a three-month plan with recommendations for how to safely return to completion in the wake fo the COVID-19 pandemic.
USA Swimming Pubblica Le Linee Guida Per La Ripresa Allenamenti
USA Swimming ha pubblicato le linee guida per la riapertura degli impianti.Le linee guida dovranno essere poi contestualizzate nei singoli stati federali
USA Swimming Releases Guidelines On Reopening Facilities
The organization has sent out a document outlining how to safely reopen facilities amid the COVID-19 pandemic.