Da Leon Marchand A Summer McIntosh: Tutti I Nuotatori Candidati Ai Premi Laureus 2025
Tra i candidati ai premi Laureus, tra i più prestigiosi per uno sportivo, ci sono i nuotatori Leon Marchand, Summer McIntosh, Caeleb Dressel, Ariarne Titmus.
Summer McIntosh To Leave Sarasota After This Season, Considering Joining Bowman At Texas
McIntosh is looking to join a pro team after this summer’s World Championships, with Bob Bowman and the University of Texas at the top of the list.
Summer McIntosh Sta Prendendo In Considerazione Di Allenarsi Con Bob Bowman
McIntosh sta valutando nuove opportunità di allenamento, con l’opzione più concreta rappresentata dal prestigioso gruppo d’élite di Bob Bowman
SwimSwam’s Top 100 For 2025: Men’s #10-1
Leon Marchand was the clear-cut #1 male swimmer in the world last year after winning four individual Olympic gold medals in Paris, all in record fashion.
Oltre La Vasca: Storie, Curiosità E Notizie Dal Mondo Dello Sport Della Settimana
Benvenuti a Oltre la Vasca. la rubrica che vi accompagna di domenica con storie, curiosità e notizie dal mondo dello sport, dentro e fuori le corsie
WADA Drops Defamation Lawsuit Against USADA
An ethics complaint against former U.S. drug czar Rahul Gupta was also dropped. USADA CEO Travis Tygart said the news was “complete vindication.”
Let’s Make Our Swimming All-Star Weekend
NBA All-Star Weekend is around the corner. Does a swimming All-Star Weekend exist? From celebrities to butterfly relays, here are some ideas.
Il Nostro All Star Weekend Del Nuoto
L’NBA All Star Weekend è alle porte. Esiste l’All Star Weekend del nuoto? Tra celebrità che si tuffano in acqua e staffette a farfalla ecco alcune idee.
Beyond Gold: Post-Olympic Blues Through Nietzsche, Schopenhauer And Heraclitus
What’s left after an Olympic gold? What would philosophers like Heraclitus, Schopenahuer and Nietzsche think about post-Olympic blues?
La Depressione Post-Olimpiadi Attraverso Eraclito, Nietzsche e Schopenahuer
Cosa rimane dopo un oro olimpico? Cosa penserebbero della depressione post olimpica filosofi come Eraclito, Schopenahuer e Nietzsche?
The Invincible Records
Though more modest than a world record, two Northern Virginia Swimming League records have stood since 1965, both by the same swimmer.
Nuotare Con Le Parole: Aforismi E Citazioni Che Raccontano L’Essenza Dell’Acqua
Da sempre, l’acqua ha ispirato scrittori, atleti e filosofi, dando vita a pensieri profondi e aforismi indimenticabili. Vediamone alcune
How Much Faster Are Conference Championship Meets Getting? Part I: SEC Men
The SEC, even before the addition of a loaded Texas team this year, has historically been an incredibly strong conference.
SwimSwam Pulse: 34% Pick Sjostrom As Swimmer To Round Out Quarter Century Top Five
Sjostrom won a world title in 2009 and claimed two Olympic gold medals in 2024, making her one of the best swimmers of the past 15 years.
Swimming Gave Me Everything — Now, It’s Time to Fight for Its Future
A call-to-action as college swimming & diving faces strict roster limits set to be implemented in the pending settlement of the House v. NCAA case.