Mewen Tomac

Grousset y Manaudou bajan de 50 en 100 libre; Velly, récord de edad en 800

En el octavo lugar, Sacha Velly, nacido en 2005, registró un 8:09.62, rompiendo el récord de edad francés para los jóvenes de 16 años.

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Yohann Ndoye Brouard se impone con 53.6 en 100 espalda en Niza

El futuro de la espalda francesa luchó anoche en los 100 espalda masculino, ya que Brouard remató con una mejor marca de 53.60 en la final de la noche.

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Velly Sets French Age Record in 800 FR, Grousset and Manaudou Crack 50 in 100FR

21-year-old Maxime Grousset led the men’s 100 free this morning, going 49.31 to edge out 30-year-old Florent Manaudou (49.67).

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Golden Tour Muffat A Nizza Giovani In Evidenza Nel Primo Giorno-Risultati

Si è aperto il Golden Tour Camille Muffat a Nizza. Nel primo giorno di gare tanti giovani in evidenza sul palcoscenico internazionale

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Brouard Pops 53.6 100 Back, Desplanches Edges Former WJR-Holder in 4IM in Nice

The future of France’s backstroke battled tonight in the men’s 100 back, as Yohann Ndoye Brouard went a 53.60 lifetime best tonight.


Frenchman Yohann Ndoye Brouard Hits 53.8 100 Back at FFN Nice Day 1 Prelims

This morning, Brouard’s 53.88 was less than a tenth away from his lifetime best, and he’ll battle another young French talent, Mewen Tomac, in the final.

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Wattel Closing In On 100 Fly Olympic Qualification At French C’ships

After seeing Melanie Henique take her 50 fly national record, Marie Wattel is on a mission in the women’s 100 fly event at these French Elite Championships.

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Campionati Francesi Florent Manaudou Conquista La Sua Terza Olimpiade

Campionati francesi Florent Manaudou conquista il pass per la sua terza olimpiade. I risultati del secondo giorno di finali

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Manaudou se clasifica para sus terceros JJOO tras nadar los 50 libre en 21.73

Manaudou, de 30 años, se enfrentó a los 50 libre y ganó el evento cómodamente en un tiempo de 21,73. Eso redujo .16 de su esfuerzo matutino de 21.89.

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Manaudou Qualifies For 3rd Olympic Games With 21.73 50 Free

30-year-old Florent Manaudou is smiling, as he just clocked an Olympic qualifying time in the men’s 50m freestyle at the French Elite Championships.


Campeonato de Élite Francés: Manaudou hace ruido en las series de 50 libre

La marca matinal de Manaudou se encuentra a solo .09 del estándar de calificación de 21.80 dictado por la Federación Francesa de Natación (FFN).

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Manaudou Stakes Claim On 50 Free During Day 2 French Elite Prelims

One of the fastest 50m freestylers ever was in the pool this morning to claim the top seed in his pet event as Florent Manaudou produced a time of 21.89.

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Campionati Francesi: Beryl Gastaldello Qualifica Olimpica Nei 100 Stile

Ai Campionati francesi Beryl Gastaldello conquista l’oro e si qualifica per Tokyo nei 100 stile. I risultati delle finali Day1

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Los 52.8 de Metella en 100 mariposa señalan la recuperación de su hombro

Metella puso a prueba su hombro en este Campeonato de Élite Francés 2020 después de someterse a una cirugía en enero de este año.

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Campionati Francesi Al Via Torna Metella Highlights Batterie Day1

I Campionati francesi di qualificazione olimpica sono iniziati questa mattina. Torna in acqua anche Mehdy Metella dopo operazione

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