Marcelo Chierighini

Relay Analysis: Haughey/Heemskerk Combo Leads Energy Standard To Mixed Free Win

In her first match of the season, Femke Heemskerk was a valuable asset for Energy Standard, producing multiple sub-52 relay legs.

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ISL 2020 MATCH #6 Giorno 2 I Risultati Minuto Per Minuto – Recap Live

ISL Il Match #6 è giunto al suo secondo giorno. Benvenuti nel nostro recap live con risultati aggiornati minuto per minuto

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2020 ISL Match 6 – Day 1 Live Recap

Energy Standard will be without Team Captain Sarah Sjostrom for this match, but should see Femke Heemskerk on their roster for the 1st time this season


Relay Analysis: Centurion Men Remain Undefeated In 4×100 Free

Marcelo Chierighini had the fastest split in the field, 45.67, as the Aqua Centurions won their third straight men’s 4×100 free relay.


Despite Chierighini & Miressi, Centurions’ Mixed Relay Needs Back Half Help

Ranking the lead-off and subsequent splits of the mixed free relay reveal strengths and weaknesses among the contenders.

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2020 ISL Match 3 – Day 2 Live Recap

The LA Current holds the lead heading into day 2 of ISL Match 3 with 262.5 points with the debuting Tokyo Frog Kings trailing behind LA by just 14 points.


International Swimming League: Recap Live Giorno 2 Match 3

International Swimming League A Budapest sta per iniziare il Day 2 del Match 3. Il nostro recap live con i risultati e tempi

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International Swimming League: Recap Live Match 3 Day 1

-International Swimming League: A Budapest va in scena il Match 3. In acqua anche le due nuove squadre, i Totonto Titans e Tokyo Frog

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2020 ISL Match 2 Photo Vault: The Big Show From Budapest

2020 ISL : from Budapest the best photos of the first day of the second match between Iron, London Roar, Aqua Centurions DC Trident

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Match 2 International Swimming League: Album Fotografico

International Swimming League: Match 2. Grazie alle immagini di Mike Lewis e Mine Kasapoglu riviviamo le emozioni del secondo match

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Apple’s 45.9 Lead-Off Propels DC To First-Ever ISL Relay Victory

Apple led off in 45.98, his fourth sub-46 swim of the match, as the Trident held off London to win the mixed 400 freestyle relay.


International Swimming League: Recap Live Con Risultati Match 2 Day2

Benvenuti nel nostro recap live del secondo giorno di gare del Match 2 della international Swimming league Risultati e classifica

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Relay Analysis: Apple Torches Pair of 45-Point Free Splits For DC Trident

Apple split 45.15 on the 400 free relay, and then followed up with a 45.43 anchor on the medley.


Le Assenze Della Stagione 2 ISL: Cody Miller, Ledecky, Manuel, Panziera

Dopo l’annuncio delle squadre della stagione 2 della ISL si nota l’assenza di nomi importanti. Nel team Aquacenturions mancano Panziera e Condorelli

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Dressel Analyzes Three Races in One in 2019 ISL American Derby 50 Skins Final

Caeleb Dressel has released the 7th installment in the “Dissect” series, analyzing three races in one with the Skins Final from the 2019 ISL American Derby.