Le Squadre Europee ISL Già Formate, Aspettando Gli Americani
Le squadre Europee della stagione inaugurale della International Swimming League contano già un ottimo numero di atleti. L’Europa è il…
L’Icona Ungherese Laszlo Cseh Sceglie La Squadra ISL Acqua Centurions
Laszlo Cseh, icona ungherese del nuoto, ha scelto la squadra italiana Aqua Centurions. Lo specialista dello stile farfalla e dei misti gareggerà…
Hungarian Swimming Icon Laszlo Cseh Joins ISL Aqua Centurions
Hungarian swimming icon Laszlo Cseh has joined the International Swimming League squad Aqua Centurions.
Acquarena Cup: A Bressanone 12 Azzurri Convocati Per Le Universiadi
ACQUARENA CUP Bressanone – Brixen 25/26 Maggio 2019 Vasca Lunga 50 metri Risultati L’ASD Bressanone Nuoto e Sport Village Events…
FINA Champions Swim Series 2019 à Budapest – Résumé jour 2
Résumé live de la deuxième journée de l’étape n°2 de la FINA Champions Swim Series à Budapest, Hongrie
Premi Monetari Swim Series Budapest: Sjostrom Guida Classifica Con 50.000 $
FINA CHAMPIONS SWIM SERIES 2019 #2 – BUDAPEST 11-12 Maggio 2019 Budapest, Ungheria Vasca Lunga (50m) Sabato ore 19:30 Cerimonia…
Pellegrini Seconda Nei 200SL-Sjostrom E Hosszu Tre Vittorie In 3 Finali
FINA CHAMPIONS SWIM SERIES 2019 #2 – BUDAPEST 11-12 Maggio 2019 Budapest, Ungheria Vasca Lunga (50m) Sabato ore 19:30 Cerimonia…
2019 FINA Champions Swim Series – Budapest: Day 2 Live Recap
In one of the most highly anticipated races of the night, Federica Pellegrini will compete in the 200 free against the likes of Sarah Sjöström.
FINA Champions Swim Series 2019 à Budapest – Résumé jour 1
Résumé live de la première journée de l’étape n°2 de la FINA Champions Swim Series à Budapest, Hongrie
Budapest: Inarrestabile Panziera-Eterno Scozzoli-Le Top5 Performance
FINA CHAMPIONS SWIM SERIES 2019 #2 – BUDAPEST 11-12 Maggio 2019 Budapest, Ungheria Vasca Lunga (50m) Sabato ore 19:30 Cerimonia…
FINA Champions Serie Budapest: Heintz Dritter über 200 m Lagen
FINA Champions Swim Series 2019 in Budapest 11. bis 12. Mai 19.50 Uhr, nur Finalläufe Budapest, Ungarn Danube Arena LCM…
2019 FINA Champions Swim Series – Budapest: Day 1 Live Recap
Katinka Hosszu headlines the action at the second FINA Champions Series stop in Budapest.
Top 5 Performances from Day 1 of the FINA Champions Series – Budapest
Ajna Kesely nearly broke her lifetime best in the 400 free tonight in a triumphant win.
Swim Series Budapest: Scozzoli Show Con 59.05 Panziera Domina i 200 Dorso
FINA CHAMPIONS SWIM SERIES 2019 #2 – BUDAPEST 11-12 Maggio 2019 Budapest, Ungheria Vasca Lunga (50m) Sabato ore 19:30 Cerimonia…
Milak Is The Man, As The Hungarian Teen Takes 2Fly Crown In Budapest
The reigning World Junior Record holder and Hungarian National Champion Kristof Milak put on a show in front of his home country while competing on night 1 of the FINA Champions Series.