Jeanette Ottesen

Ottesen Gets On Danish Roster For Worlds In Women’s 50 Fly

31-year-old Olympic medalist Jeanette Ottesen qualified for this summer’s World Championships in the women’s 50m fly.

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Signe Bro Takes Women’s 100 Free To Make Danish Gwangju Roster

Just one swimmer nailed a World Championships-worthy time at Taastrup Swimming Center tonight to kick-off the 2019 Danish Open.

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Ottesen Set To Compete, But Blume Missing From Danish Open

New mama Jeanette Ottesen continues her comeback tour, while Olympic champion appears M.I.A. at the Danish Open.

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Mireia Belmonte será parte del equipo de Peaty en la ISL

La campeona olímpica española se une así al equipo London Roar de la ISL, que estará capitaneado por Adam Peaty y contará con todas las grandes estrellas australianas. La acción comenzará este otoño.

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Arrivano I London Roar E Katinka Hosszu Aggiunge Morozov Ad Iron ISL

La Champions League del nuoto introdotta quest’anno dalla International Swimming League sta appassionando i nuotatori europei. Adam Peaty, attraverso il suo profilo Instagram…

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Adam Peaty’s ISL Squad Now Named London Roar

Playing on its team captain Adam Peaty’s legacy as The Lion, the London-based International Swimming League squad will now be called London Roar.


Kisil, O’Connor & Ottesen Among ISL Team London’s Newest Members

Meet the newest members of the ISL Team London’s line-up.

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Meeting Edimburgo: Vall consigue el triplete; Peaty y Ottesen ganan

Jessica Vall ha arrasado en las pruebas de braza del Meeting de Edimburgo. Adam Peaty ha bajado de 27 segundos en 50 braza y Jeanette Ottesen ha regresado a la competición con victoria en 50 mariposa tras ser mamá hace poco más de un año, .

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Welcome Back Win For Jeanette Ottesen In Edinburgh

Jeanette Ottesen is competing at one of her first elite meets since returning to racing since the birth of her daughter. She won the women’s 50m fly in Edinburgh.


Peaty Wakes Up & Clocks World’s 5th Fastest 50 Breast

Adam Peaty woke up and swam the world’s 5th fastest 50m breast this year.


Costa y Vall triunfan en Edimburgo; Peaty muestra su poderío con 58.73

En el meeting de Edimburgo, la española Melani Costa se ha reencontrado con la victoria en 400 libre, mientras Jessica Vall ha logrado el oro en las pruebas de braza con grandes marcas. Adam Peaty ha hecho de las suyas, marcando 58.73 en 100 braza. James Guy ha conseguido también un doblete.

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Guy, Willmott, Anderson Follow Peaty’s Gold In Edinburgh

After winning the men’s 200m freestyle last night in a new meet record effort of 1:47.66, James Guy beat the men’s 200m fly here in Edinburgh to complete the double.

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Peaty Punches 59.94 100 Breast For Breakfast In Edinburgh

Adam Peaty is automatic, punching yet another sub-minute 100m breast time in prelims, this time in Edinburgh.


Ottesen Joins British Crew At Edinburgh Itn’l This Weekend

The Edinburgh International Swim Meet is truly living up to the ‘international’ part of its namesake, as athletes from Spain, Denmark and beyond will be joining a strong British contingency at the Royal Commonwealth Pool this weekend. Among them is new mom Jeanette Ottesen of Denmark.

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Se retira la recordwoman mundial Rikke Møller Pedersen

La danesa Rikke Møller Pedersen ha anunciado su retirada. Pedersen es la actual poseedora del récord mundial de 200m braza, además de bronce olímpico y múltiples veces campeona de Europa.

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