SwimQuaintences: Nitro Swimming Age Group Practice (Video Feature)

What’s a Swimquaintence?

Whether you’re an athlete, coach, or parent, you’re at the pool for hours a week. Practice, meets, volunteering… you put in some serious time. And during that time, you meet other people who are putting in their time. Swimquaintences. We all have them.

I recently visited Nitro Swimming (see Coleman’s Carpool or Practice + Pancakes) and asked them about their swimquaintences. I have to say, it really doesn’t get much better than age group practice. The kids are there just to have fun and because they love swimming, and obviously this leads to some pretty adorable stories.

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Rian Covington
6 years ago

You should visit Bolles School sharks seniors (late night) during practice!!!!

About Coleman Hodges

Coleman Hodges

Coleman started his journey in the water at age 1, and although he actually has no memory of that, something must have stuck. A Missouri native, he joined the Columbia Swim Club at age 9, where he is still remembered for his stylish dragon swim trunks. After giving up on …

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