Swimmer at Indianapolis US Open Site Tests Positive for Coronavirus

David Woods of the IndyStar newspaper in Indianapolis, Indiana is reporting that a swimmer who participated in last week’s U.S. Open at the Natatorium at IUPUI tested positive for an infection of the novel coronavirus.

A letter sent to meet participants by USA Swimming says the swimmer was tested Tuesday, 3 days after the conclusion of the meet, and that test came back positive.

The swimmer was not identified, though the letter indicated that the swimmer was present for all 4 sessions of the US Open meet in Indianapolis. USA Swimming says that they are assistant local officials with identifying those who qualify as a “close contact” for purposes of contact tracing.

The individual was temperature checked and passed a health questionnaire screening upon each entry to the facility.

Approximated times when the swimmer was at the Natatorium:

  • Thursday: 6:45-8:30 PM
  • Friday: 10:30AM-12:15PM
  • Friday: 5:30PM-9:00PM
  • Saturday: 11AM-2:45PM

The Indianapolis site was one of 9 locations used for the unique-format US Open meet that ran from Thursday through Saturday of last week. That site was one of the more star-studded venues. 14 members of the US National Team participated in the event, including Olympic medalist Cody Miller and former World Record holder Kathleen Baker. Also racing at that meet was Canadian Maggie MacNeil, a junior at the University of Michigan, who was the 2019 World Champion in the 100 meter fly.

Indiana, like most states in the US, has seen a dramatic increase in the number of coronavirus cases over the last month, averaging 6,372 new daily positive tests in the last 7 days. That’s roughly 10-times the daily rate from the early wave of the infection. 89 deaths caused by COVID-19 on Tuesday was Indiana’s highest single-day total of the pandemic so far, and the state currently has over 3,000 Covid-19 patients in hospitals – more than at any other point in the pandemic.

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4 years ago

From someone who swam at this meet – there was virtually zero contact with other swimmers. Rules were well enforced, extremely widespread layout, masks were worn at all times. I would be very surprised if this swimmer caught the virus from the meet itself, or spread it to anyone else at the meet.

Reply to  Rumplestillimigchortlebot
4 years ago

Yeah the ISL swimmers say the same thing about the bubble, except that they all posted tons of pictures of themselves huddling together without masks on.

With no media allowed, how are we to know?

Reply to  swimapologist
4 years ago

Sorry but does anyone want the Olympic Spirts to survive? Do you realize what you are asking for? The media has propelled this environment of fear. I do believe that the focus on the Coronavirus has done nothing but potentially cause fear and alarm around the nation regarding this virus.

We need to remember that our response as a nation to the Coronavirus should be a balanced approach.

I will remind everyone about the dangers of the shut down.

What happened to moderation? What happens to masking, hand washing, social distancing and avoiding large gatherings.

Lockdowns. This is the science.

Here are the negatives associated with lockdowns.


Mental health issues including depression… Read more »

Last edited 4 years ago by Swimily
4 years ago

USA Swimming has done a phenomenal job and the US Open event in Indianapolis was a safe event. Thank you to USA Swimming for making it possible for the kids to compete. If there is one swimmer that tests positive at one of NINE sites, I DO consider that to be statistically small considering the large numbers of athletes involved. (The number is most likely higher. But there are positive cases in restaurants, stores, etc. We ARE going to have exposure.) lWe need to remember the numbers involved here. And we need to remember that close contact per the CDC is defined as within 6 ft of a person for 15 minutes without wearing a mask. The swimmers abided by… Read more »

4 years ago

But how were his times?

Reply to  CraigH
4 years ago

or her

Reply to  DMSWIM
4 years ago

I believe they were positive! 😉

Reply to  StuartC
4 years ago

That’s the dad joke I needed to start Saturday off right!

Reply to  CraigH
4 years ago

Dropped a few 19’s on the competition

4 years ago

OMG! I just realized that “The GOAT”, Ray Looze, and some of his Indiana University kids were at IUPUI. I hope they’re all OK.

4 years ago

This doesn’t surprise me. IUPUI Natatorium is poorly maintained, it’s dirty and the air quality is poor. People are always getting sick and catching viruses after meets in that place. Hell, I get sick at the cost of parking every time I go there…

Reply to  Guerra
4 years ago

The anecdotal evidence is strong with this one

Reply to  Guerra
4 years ago

A premier pool
Clean, fast, fun

Pools don’t cause illnesses

SuperSwimmer 2000
Reply to  Guerra
4 years ago

Odd. I’ve been to the Natatorium maybe hundreds of times since competing at state my sophomore year in high school. Never once got sick or caught a virus there. Although I do admit the air quality has been poor.

Ol' Longhorn
Reply to  Guerra
4 years ago

“Indiana Has More Per Capita Coronavirus Hospitalizations than 44 Other States.” Nov. 18. Indy Star. https://www.indystar.com/story/news/health/2020/11/18/indiana-leads-42-states-covid-19-hospitalization-rate/6325849002/
Brilliant work there, Chief. Your leadership on the issue can clearly knock off the bottom 6.

Reply to  Guerra
4 years ago

Parking was free

4 years ago

This is too ridiculous…

Corn Pop
4 years ago

A letter? Evil Grand Postmaster at work delaying contacts thus spreading virus &,making the US ungovernable for new admin.

Or no pre set txt messaging agreements?

Reply to  Corn Pop
4 years ago

There’s this new thing called email. You should check it out

Corn Pop
Reply to  Swimmmer
4 years ago

An Email is an Email but the article said ‘ letter’ .

4 years ago

Three cheers for Herd Immunity!

Ol' Longhorn
Reply to  Guerra
4 years ago

Never been achieved without a vaccine. Sweden’s “herd” now has 173% rise in cases from Sept to October. Stanford faculty passes with 85% of the vote a resolution to condemn Scott Atlas’ approach. You might think the trolling (and that’s being generous — you may be that dumb) is funny, but it’s just irresponsible right now. You claim to be in the know with elite, what you call ethical coaches with integrity, show some character yourself.

ct swim fan
Reply to  Guerra
4 years ago

You need 200,000,000 + people to get sick or vaccinated in this country before there is herd immunity. We are only at about 12,000,000 sick, only 188,000,000+ to go.

About Braden Keith

Braden Keith

Braden Keith is the Editor-in-Chief and a co-founder/co-owner of SwimSwam.com. He first got his feet wet by building The Swimmers' Circle beginning in January 2010, and now comes to SwimSwam to use that experience and help build a new leader in the sport of swimming. Aside from his life on the InterWet, …

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