Rikako Ikee Reflects On Difficult Year: “It’s A Miracle That I’m Alive”

by Retta Race 16

February 19th, 2020 Asia, International

Just over a week after 19-year-old Rikako Ikee posted on Instagram that she was back in the gym after having been officially discharged from the hospital in December, the Japanese superstar appeared on national TV to discuss the roller coaster she’s been on the past year.

The first-ever female MVP of an Asian Games, Ikee was diagnosed with leukemia in February of 2019, derailing her plans to shine in front of a home crowd at this year’s Olympic Games. Instead, sprint freestyler and butterflyer has made it known her plan is to go for the 2024 Games in Paris.

Speaking of her leukemia diagnosis and treatment, Ikee said that she tried to maintain positivity, but faced grueling physical effects of anti-cancer drugs, including nausea and pain.

“I couldn’t bear to hear noise, I didn’t want to eat, I didn’t want to watch TV,” she told the TV Asahi interviewer. “I wanted to die.”

“If I hadn’t believed it would be temporary, I wouldn’t have been able to bear it. But then, as I turned the corner, I could go out and eat out, and that joy was unbelievable.”

Since her hospital discharge, Ikee has returned to school and has opened up about the pain she faced during the last year, something she says she never would have survived had it not been for the support of family and friends.

“How could I have felt that way when such enjoyment in life was possible?” she said.

“It’s a miracle that I’m alive, a miracle that I’m here. I never once thought, ‘If only I hadn’t gotten sick.’ Instead, I think of all the lessons it has taught me. I hope so many other people can take courage from my example of one healthy person.”

“This has been the big turning point in my life.”

Another positive step in Ikee’s recovery is the release of her exclusive line with Mizuno Japan. The collection of women’s and men’s suits was a product of Ikee’s direct input and design aesthetic and are available now for purchase.

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5 years ago

You are now in the remission club. Congratulations Rikako-San. Source your food carefully.
Support small-scale farmers, eat organically, lots of fruits and vegetables. God bless you.

5 years ago

This sounds like a perfect opening 3-5 minutes of one of those Olympic human interest stories that air during the Olympic Games.
She’ll be back.

5 years ago

I can totally relate to that beautiful soul truth she has expressed so eloquently . As i experienced 7 near death experiences , it was at times hard to beleive i was still alive ( tsunami in 2004 included + drowning pool experience at age 5 ) . She will likely be stronger inside than she ever was before & in the pool as well ….thats what i wish for her 😍 . Great example of sheer persistence to live & be alive

5 years ago

Great news! 🙏🏾 were answered!

5 years ago

What kind of treatment is that when a patient prefers to die rather then continue to go through it?
Actually I don’t want to know.

Reply to  Yozhik
5 years ago


Corn Pop
Reply to  Gheko
5 years ago

They went to a stem cell transplant which is a reserve option when the initial chemotherapy regime fails. I’m not exactly sure how /when they did it because one has to be in remission for self harvest . Maybe it was donor cell akin to a BMT but where the regraft phase is significantly reduced . Both require complete ablation of bone marrow by high dose chemotherapy before infusion of new cells.

Reply to  Yozhik
5 years ago

are u sure u dont want to know ? why is that ?

David Berkoff
5 years ago

Keep fighting girl!

Coach John
5 years ago

Sport saves, incredible story so far, much more to be written

Reply to  Coach John
5 years ago

it will come in due time …..

5 years ago

What an incredible individual. Best wishes for continuous healing.

Reply to  coach
5 years ago

lets remind ourselves we are incredible individuals as well

5 years ago

What is the point of saying we’re incredible too on a post about Rikako?

About Retta Race

Former Masters swimmer and coach Loretta (Retta) thrives on a non-stop but productive schedule. Nowadays, that includes having earned her MBA while working full-time in IT while owning French 75 Boutique while also providing swimming insight for BBC.

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