Officials Confirm Three Terrorism Plots Directed at Olympic/Paralympic Games Were Foiled

According to new reports, French authorities foiled three different terrorism plots to attack the Olympic and Paralympic Games, both within Paris and in other host cities around the country.

Five people, including one minor, were arrested in connection to the planned attacks, with the suspects facing various charges. Their identities have not been released at this time.

French anti-terror prosecutor Olivier Christen said that at least one of the three attacks was directed at “Israeli institutions or representatives of Israel in Paris” amid the Israel-Hamas war. However, Christen reaffirmed that Israeli athletes were not the target of the planned attack.

Both before and during the Olympic and Paralympic Games, the country of France was under strict security measures, many of which were directed within the city of Paris. In the center of the city, many roads and walkways were heavily restricted, with a QR code required to enter past certain checkpoints.

At the national level, other significant security measures took place before the Games, including a significant increase in house searches and house arrests by French police forces. Recent numbers indicate that over 936 house searches have occured in France so far in 2024, up significantly from the 154 reported over the same time period last year.

In addition, the nation saw a sharp increase in its airspace defences, with the government deploying war planes, attack helicopters, surveillance aircraft, military drones, and police drones to patrol the skies around Paris and the other host cities for the Games. According to recently released numbers the French Air and Space Force recorded over 750 flight hours in 350 missions, resulting in 90 interceptions.

With the large increase in security measures, both the Olympic and Paralympic Games managed to proceed safely, with the Paralympic officially wrapping up last week. However, there were certainly points where security concerns remained high. On the eve of the Olympic Games Opening Ceremonies, a coordinated arson attack on a high-speed railway just outside of Paris left many skeptical about the security of the Games. Fortunately, nobody was harmed in the attack, though it caused a large disruption to the country’s transportation system. In addition, back in May, police foiled a terrorist plot in which an 18-year-old had been planning to attack crowds at the Olympic soccer stadium in Saint-Etienne.

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5 months ago

I’m glad they stopped it all! It takes a sick person to try to attack innocent people, especially during a global sporting event with the purpose of uniting people from all over the world!

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5 months ago

Props to the thousands of security / police forces from all over Europe stationed around the games to keep Paris / France and its fans / athletes safe!

Sapiens Ursus
5 months ago

Either way the Chinese style artificial intelligence augmented mass surveliance is draconian and I don’t beileve they truly intend on letting it expire

Reply to  Sapiens Ursus
5 months ago

You might be right. But if you think that the Chinese state invented the concept of surveilling its citizenry then you’re too ignorant to be taken seriously.

Sapiens Ursus
Reply to  ZThomas
5 months ago

Western companies like Cisco were the architects of the Golden Shield Project, and pretty much all internet traffic is routed through Arlington VA…

Not sure why you’re trying to claim my comment was painting western governments in a good light. I’ll stand by China being the first to embrace AI augment survelliance on a mass scale, but that’s more attributable to companies like MegVii being ahead of their western counterparts in applications like computer vision (IDK if that’s still true in 2024 but it was in the 2010s) than China being EVIL COMMIES

If you think I was tryong to say China is uniquely bad you’re missing the point

About Nicole Miller

Nicole Miller

Nicole has been with SwimSwam since April 2020, as both a reporter and social media contributor. Prior to joining the SwimSwam platform, Nicole also managed a successful Instagram platform, amassing over 20,000 followers. Currently, Nicole is pursuing her B.S. in Biomedical Engineering at Worcester Polytechnic Institute. After competing for the swim …

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