Adidas Swim – “The Next 4” Ambassador Program

by SwimSwam Partner Content 24

February 01st, 2017 Industry, News

This is for the creatorsโ€ฆ Adidas Swim is looking for THE NEXT 4 men and women who are ready to lead!

Are you passionate about swimming? Do you have the dedication it takes to succeed? Do you have what it takes to reach your goals?

Submit your application today!* Click here.

Perks you will receive as one of THE NEXT 4 Ambassadorsโ€ฆ

  • Exclusive Adidas outfitting to wear throughout the year in and out of the pool.
  • Opportunity to test new product and provide valuable feedback and insight.
  • Be the first to receive the newest product on the market.
  • For every purchase made on the Adidas Swim website (launching in March) using the Ambassadors Coupon code, the ambassador will receive 10% of the total sale credited to their account available to use on additional Adidas product.

If you are interested in becoming one of THE NEXT 4 Ambassadors, please fill out the form provided in the link above/below and submit your information. Applications will be accepted until March 1, 2017.


To qualify as an ambassador, you must ย be a current, active swimmer. All ages are welcome to apply. USA applicants only. * All NCAA DIVISION I, II, III, NAIA and High Schoolย athletes are not eligible for the Adidas Ambassador Program due to existing rules and regulations regarding eligibility within the legislation of the governing bodies of the Sport Organizations overseeing competition. Applications will be accepted Feb 1, 2017 – March 1, 2017. Winners will be announced by March 15, 2017 via Adidas Swim Instagram (@adidas_swim) For more information please contact [email protected].

Swimming announcement is courtesy of adidas swim, a SwimSwam partner.ย 

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7 years ago

Have they announced their new ambassadors as of yet?

8 years ago

Before I start my long drawn out rant. I would like to say that I was part of a certain company dealing with swimmers and teams and deciding which athletes would get sponsorship money. Now onto the good stuff. This is one of the best ideas any swim company has ever come out with whether it be Speedo, Tyr, Arena, Finis, A3, Nike, Dolphin or anyone else I am forgetting. Swim companies are always looking for the gold medalist or the person that’s going to get the most recognition i.e. Missy Franklin. But what they don’t look at are the swimmers that potential he could do something with a bit of help. For example this year after graduation there will… Read more ยป

The Screaming Viking!
Reply to  Swimfish87
8 years ago

I love this and wish more companies would do it too! There are a lot of athletes out there who might not be world class but have a story to tell or are unique in ways that would tie to great marketing.

Reply to  The Screaming Viking!
8 years ago

Great for marketing, great for athletes that meet that little push great for everyone involved.

8 years ago

Soooo their pool is unsponsored pro swimmers and masters swimmers?

The Queen
Reply to  dmswim
8 years ago

I am pretty sure they would open this up to everyone if it weren’t for NCAA rules/regulations. NCAA is pretty strict about free product & sponsorships and it could affect their eligibility.

Reply to  The Queen
8 years ago

I wasn’t criticizing Adidas for the disclaimer to college students. It was wise that they added it.

Reply to  dmswim
8 years ago

There are many swimmers who have graduated swimming at a national / international level who are not pro

Reply to  Swim2win
8 years ago

By pro I didn’t mean sponsored, I meant pursuing swimming as a career/means of financial support.

Reply to  dmswim
8 years ago

Interesting concept of letting swimmers self-nominate to represent them…. interesting to see who ended up being the 4.

8 years ago

Right? Its been a great decision so far for some Adidas swimmers to forego a college education, turn pro, and then miss the Olympics.

bobo gigi
Reply to  Don
8 years ago

Mr Andrew?
It’s been a while we didn’t talk about him on swimswam….
Imagine if Michael Andrew swam in NCAA at NC State! It would explode all swimswam records in terms of comments.

Reply to  bobo gigi
8 years ago

What a great visualization! SwimSwam, Michael Andrew, NC State. It ! It ! It ! Comments would go nuclear! ๐Ÿ™‚

Reply to  Don
8 years ago

Nice work Don bashing a very humble, kind, considerate kid on the internet. Way to support American swimmers. Narrow minded and childish. You must be an Olympian yourself to talk so brash. Now back to the real post—looking for the Next Generation Athlete to join other amazing adidas swimmers.

Reply to  HOWIE
8 years ago

Bashing? Or maybe reality. Taking chump change from a supplement company over a Stanford education is hardly a wise choice. Not understanding that there are several swimmers equally as talented and hungry as you is crazy. He may or may not become an Olympian. Passing on an education when you might make money as a pro is a gamble no one should ever be advised upon in this sport. If you want to buy into his “sure thing” hype go ahead.

Reply to  Don
8 years ago

Wait four years MA will make the team in the 100 breast and I believe he can make it in the 200 IM and butterfly is kind of open.

Reply to  Uberfan
8 years ago

He can still go to college , no? In effect he’d probably choose somewhere like Liberty who btw have the worst ‘whiteboy gospel’singers in history. Virginia what hath ye becometh?

Adidas guy
8 years ago

Yes, in the fine print it states that swimmers taking part in NCAA/ NAIA swimming are not eligible for this program. If you swimmer is looking to forego this option as an athlete. If selected you would need to make that decision before taking the spot.

8 years ago

Hey my son he’s 13 (7th grade) is interesting in applying would this give up his high school and NCAA eligibility?

Joel Lin
Reply to  Swimmer
8 years ago

That is an excellent question. I’m rather shocked this answer isn’t clear in the solicit lines. It is possible Adidas is not going to go out with a position on this, which would not be for best.

On the other hand, US junior or national team members and some other elite club athletes are comped apparel. That hasn’t created any NCAA noise so far as I am aware.

The Screaming Viking!
Reply to  Joel Lin
8 years ago

I thought it was spelled out pretty clearly if you read the entire post.

bobo gigi
Reply to  The Screaming Viking!
8 years ago

๐Ÿ˜† ๐Ÿ˜†

Reply to  Joel Lin
8 years ago

Being given apparel is a bit different than getting a 10% cut of any sales you contribute to. Also, at least in my day, Speedo was pretty generous giving free apparel, bags, and suits to anyone on a sponsored club who made it the NSCA Juniors and above. It’s not just for national teamers.

Reply to  Swimmer
8 years ago

Swimmer – I wouldn’t recommend it, but usually you can contact a compliance department of an NCAA school and they’ll give you feedback.