Practice + Pancakes: Lone Star Aquatics Take Stability Training to a New Level

FORM is swim goggles with a smart display. FORM is a sports technology company with a simple mission: to break down the barriers between what swimming is and what it could be.

I took a drive up the road from Austin to Round Rock, where at the Chasco Family YMCA, you can find Lone Star Aquatics putting in work. They have a pretty different philosophy on training than most other club teams (one that might even get highlighted in a future video…).

Their dryland work really stood out to me, and to kick things off, they typically warm up using Indo boards. They do a variety of exercises on them, including squats, push ups, planks, med ball throws… you name it, they balance it. After that, they had a pretty intricate plyometric set, including ladder jumps, box jumps, and burpee work.

Once in the water, my favorite part of their workout was the use of “kick balls”, which are floating toys use to help with stability in the water. For their main set, Lone Star had a 25 ladder dedicated to Chad Stein, a former Lone Star swimmer who passed away.

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Becky D
5 years ago

I’m torn about that burger. Was that cooked well done?

5 years ago

Thanks for the video. If you came this morning at 6:00am I could have demonstrated “old man’s 1000.” – 20 x 50 yard on 5 minute interval. That pool is our families home base.

Lots of good memories and a soft spot for Lone Start among all family members. Our son was born skinny and with a lots of respiratory problems – no asthma but lots of pneumonia every year. 10 years ago, I found a Red Cross swimming class and sent him there and he came back swimming like a fish. I thought it would be good for his lungs to practice swimming but knew absolutely nothing about swimming in America. After a quick search, found Lone Star Aquatics… Read more »

Adam Depmore
Reply to  PsychoDad
5 years ago

Tell him I said congrats on breaking the medley record! Solid squad right there!

Reply to  Adam Depmore
5 years ago

I will, thanks. I was scarred to death at District last weekend, after he DQ-ed that relay last year at the State (after taking 3rd) at prelims. They have chance at the tittle this year, perhaps. Regionals in 8 days and he has chance to make State in 50 free and 100 breast. That will be the first taper meet for him this season, but who knows.

5 years ago

Protein Pancake mix might be the most vital tool in the swimmers toolbox next to no breathes into walls and changing out of a swimsuit on deck with only a towel.

5 years ago

The whole stability training thing has always been full of mixed reviews. Seems like waste of time when you could be focused on scientifically proven training methods, but Im only a doctor and not a high school swim coach so what do i know.

The effects of isolated and integrated ‘core stability’ training on athletic performance measures: a systematic review by Reed et al. 2012

Reply to  swimmyswammer
5 years ago

So more scientific testing needs to be done.. angry Dr. Man, if we are going to get down to it.. If the principle of specificity is to be followed, isn’t all land training a waste of time? Is there any evidence of casual relationship or direct correlation between any land-based activity and in-water ability?

Reagan O'Holonai
Reply to  swimmyswammer
5 years ago

Sorry I just got back from taking my 2 lovely swollen children to swim practice at an undisclosed club in Nebraska, so I’ll make your credibility execution swift and tidy. First of all, you know nothing about science because you were clearly born before circa 1985, the year when teaching controversial sciences to developing “larvae” was deemed legal, whoops! Secondly, a doctor of your caliber should be fighting nasty colds and ignorance instead of propagating those ill-needed entities into our glorious 2nd world country. If you wish to contest these accusations I have set up a guest book at my website .Sign the guest book please. Have a lovely day, sir!

Mrs. Reagan O’Holonai
Loving mother and boy scout

About Coleman Hodges

Coleman Hodges

Coleman started his journey in the water at age 1, and although he actually has no memory of that, something must have stuck. A Missouri native, he joined the Columbia Swim Club at age 9, where he is still remembered for his stylish dragon swim trunks. After giving up on …

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