Christy: What’s Next for Banned 15-Year Old?

by Ceci Christy 16

October 09th, 2012 National, News

As a swim mom who also is an attorney concentrating in child advocacy, swim parents and coaches frequently ask me about legal issues within the swimming community, especially issues concerning allegations of sexual abuse. By expanding the coverage of these abuse cases with some legal analysis of the facts of each particular case, we hope to inform and educate our readers about the details and ramifications of the cases.

After posting the story of Chase Panem, the 15 year old swimmer who sexually assaulted a 6 year old child at a pool in Florida, several parents began asking pertinent “what happens after Panem’s conviction and ban for life from USA Swimming?”  The following should provide answers to these questions.

As a 15 year old juvenile sexual offender in Florida, Panem was tried and convicted under a statute specifically drafted for persons under 18 who commit a sexual battery (penetration) upon a victim less than 12.  Panem received a mandatory minimum 25 years in prison under this Dangerous Sexual Felony Offender Act.  When Panem reaches 21, the state will transfer him to an adult center for sexually violent predators where he will serve the remaining term of his sentence.  This statute also requires Panem to register as a sex offender, which he has completed.

During his incarceration, Panem will participate in a specialized treatment program to help reduce the risk that he will commit such acts again.  According to psychological experts, the goal of sex offender treatment is to reduce recidivism and ensure there are no more victims.

Given Chase Panem’s 25 year sentence, he cannot pose a threat to another child in any situation for many years, if ever.  The goal of the system is for Panem to return to the community rehabilitated.  To reinforce this goal, he will continue to be a registered sex offender when he exits the system.  The USA Swimming ban for life also will remain in place.  The effective answer to “what happens?” is that Chase Panem will remain in custody during the prime years of his life and remain forever barred from being in close proximity to any child.

This article is not intended as legal advice and you should seek the advice of an attorney should you have specific legal questions relating to your circumstances.


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Ivy Santos
5 years ago

Chase Panem is deceased. He committed suicide on February 4th 2018. I was dating him and he molested his last and final victim, my then 3 year old daughter. My daughter and I lived with him and spent a year of our lives with him. Yes, he was autistic, spoiled, and a bit off but I never had any indications that he was going to hurt my child. He was always kind with us. When he confessed to me what he had done I was completely shocked. I loved him but being a mother I love my child more and so I called the police on him. He shot himself because he would have been facing life in prison this… Read more »

Nancy Panem
Reply to  Ivy Santos
3 years ago

I am his mother. Yes, I am. Chase did not have a list of victims. He was autistic and had ADHD. He did not get the proper treatment he needed since he was diagnosed at a late age 12 – 13. He was introduced to pornography when we had him in a group that is famous now for failure to supervise their kids. Being autistic , he thought that pornography was accepted in society and he was curious. He saw it on the computer, on TV and people around him talked about it. He was dared by other kids and did what he did to make friends. He didn’t have any REAL friends. His lawyer didn’t even mention the fact… Read more »

8 years ago

He was released this month (April 2016). The info regarding his sentencing was not accurately described in the initial post. He was sentenced to a juvenile sex offender
Program……With a release upon his 19th birthday … (usually it’s 21st birthday). The state of Florida was not able to keep him in custody under the Jimmy Ryce Act either. Sad day for potential victims. There were others before the 6 yr old … I know, because I investigated this specific case. Beware. Check out FDLE SEX OFFENDER list …. they also need an updated pic of him…that was his booking photo in 2011 as a lanky 15 yr old. I’m sure in 5 yrs he has aged somewhat.

Concerned neighborhood
Reply to  TINA
8 years ago

I live in VERY close proximity to him and attended high school with him. What evidence is there that there were multiple victims? I’ve already seen him at the mailbox and my place of work.

Reply to  Concerned neighborhood
7 years ago

It is unfortunate that due to the state attorney not following mandated timelines, that a 2 time teen sexual offender against victims under 12 is freely walking the streets in SW Florida. 25 year sentence, out in 4. No state supervision, as he posts videos on you tube smoking marijuana and stealing his daddy’s imported bacardi. Playing the gangsta in daddy’s house, while daddy buys him a new car, computer, mixing audio. White Rapper wannabe.

Reply to  Junior
5 years ago

Current FDLE flyer lists him as deceased

Ivy Santos
Reply to  Joe
5 years ago

He committed suicide

Reply to  TINA
7 years ago

I personally met him recently. He seems a little off as he has a form of autism. The boy who accessed him of rape also had a history of crawling under stalls and had soiled his pants before doing so to chase? I’m not saying it’s right, but if an autistic 15 year old tried to move the boy or help him clean up (still weird although not really rape) his DNA could have been left behind without him actually raping the boy. I don’t personally care for him as he is childish and annoying sometimes. Is he dangerous? I don’t think so, but I could be wrong. First time I’ve ever been uncertain if an acussed child rapist is… Read more »

11 years ago

25 years for a minor’s first offense?

Reply to  Swimnut
11 years ago

Seems it is not a first offense.

Stasia Warren, Volusia County Court Judge, running for State Attorney and challenging R.J. Larizza. Ms. Warren addresses Mr. Larizza in a live interview:

“You gave Chase Panem State Attorney probation for a sex crime. When Panem committed a Burglary, you did not violate his State Attorney Probation. You did nothing to bring him to justice in one of the courts in our community. This allowed Panem to commit a Sexual Battery on a 6 year old boy”.

11 years ago

No amount of rehabilitation will help this child readjust to society when he is released at age 40. Recidivism is likely. So glad Florida is TOUGH ON CRIME

Reply to  Bossanova
11 years ago

He may not be around to rehabilitate. Checking out the booking page, it says he’s 15 years old, 5’4″, 82 pounds – and he’s in with violent sexual criminals.

Reply to  MarkB
11 years ago

Cruel and unusual punishment indeed

11 years ago

What happens to RIck Curl now?

11 years ago

Whoa, people actually get locked up for this kind of thing!? Now here I was, assuming a lifetime ban from USA Swimming was the highest possible punishment we had in these cases. How silly of me!

11 years ago

I doubt very much this kid will be thinking about “swimming” after his sentence is complete.

About Ceci Christy

Ceci Christy is the mother of two teenage daughters and has held the proud title of swim mom for nine years. She volunteers extensively at her daughters' swim club in Atlanta. While being a mother is her most rewarding job, Ceci also serves as a pro bono child advocate in …

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