USA Swimming Board Approves Creation of a 9-Member Task Force to Help Guide Search for New CEO

by Spencer Penland 20

October 10th, 2024 National, News

USA Swimming released a few updates in communication with their members on the state of their search for a new CEO today. Firstly, the USA Swimming Board of Directors approved the creation of a 9-member CEO Search Task Force, mirroring the action they took in 2017, the last time they were searching for a new CEO.

The task force will be helping to guide the search for the new CEO, identifying, selecting, and filtering through the candidates to recommend for the position. Per USA Swimming’s release, “the Task Force solicits a broad range of input from a diverse set of members, and while the Board approved the structure, each stakeholder group directly named the members.”

Here is the makeup of the Task Force:

  • Maya Dirado Andrews (Board appointee, 10-Year Athlete Representative)
  • Natalie Coughlin (Board Vice Chair and Board appointee, 10-Year Athlete Representative)
  • Katy Arris-Wilson (Board appointee)
  • Sabir Muhammad (Board appointee)
  • Caitlin Leverenz Smith (10-Year Athlete Representative, appointed by Athletes’ Advisory Council)
  • Michael Lawrence (appointed by the Coach Advisory Council)
  • Jamie Platt (appointed by the Zone Directors’ Council)
  • Anne Berry (appointed by the USA Swimming Foundation)
  • Ginny Nussbaum (appointed by the National Team Steering Committee)

As the above list shows, there were several Board appointees, and the Athletes’ Advisory Council, Coach Advisory Council. Zone Directors’ Council, USA Swimming Foundation, and National Team Steering Committee each appointed a member as well. There are some well-known former swimmers on the list, including Maya Dirado Andrews, Natalie Coughlin, and Caitlin Leverenz Smith. Ginny Nussbaum was also the head coach of the 2023 World Junior Championships girls team. There is one member of this Task Force who served on the previous iteration in 2017, Michael Lawrence. Lawrence is the head coach of Lake Forest Swim Club in Illinois and has previously served on the USA Swimming Board of Directors, as well as the American Swimming Coaches Association (ASCA) Board of Directors.

As far as this Task Force goes, it differs quite a bit from the 2017 version. Firstly, in 2017, there were only 7 members of the Task Force. The makeup was very different also. In 2017, the Task Force featured a former USA Swimming president, 2 former athletes, a swim club founder, a current coach, and 2 members with legal experience. It appears they have taken a slightly different approach this time around, seemingly focusing in on people who have on-the-ground experience working closely within the USA Swimming apparatus.

For example, there were 2 former National Team athletes on the 2017 Task Force, while this time around, there are 5. We know Dirado Andrews, Coughlin, and Leverenz Smith very well, given their more recent swimming careers, but Katy Arris-Wilson and Sabir Muhammad were very high profile swimmers in their day too. Arris Wilson was a National Team member from 1987-1992, wherein she competed at 2 Pan Pacific Championships, a World Championships, and the Goodwill Games. She also served as the president of TIDE Swimming in Virginia for 11 years and  currently invests and advises private equity. Muhammad was a prolific college swimmer for Stanford who held 3 NCAA, US Open, and American Records, and for Team USA at the 2000 SC World Championships, where he won a pair of medals. Muhammad also started a learn-to-swim program with the Boys’ and Girls’ Club of Metro Atlanta, and was a pilot for the USA Swimming Make a Splash program.

As for the other 4 members of the Task Force, Lawrence brings a long tenure of service in various capacities given his stints on the USA Swimming and ASCA Board of Directors. He and Nussbaum are both currently head coaches of club programs, Lake Forest Swim Club and Long Island Swim Club. Jamie Platt also brings coaching experience into the fold, as he was the head coach of Division I La Salle University prior to taking his current position as the executive director of Middle Atlantic Swimming, as well as the non-coach director of the Eastern Swimming Zone. Anne Berry also has coached at essentially every level of the sport and has 20 years of experience as a corporate and government relations professional.

All that is to say that is to say that this Task Force is made up of 9 individuals who are currently or have previously been very intimately involved in the sport at the ground level. There’s a handful of former National Team members, as well as a number of club coaches (or presidents, in Arris-Wilson’s case), an LSC executive director and Zone director, and members who have been involved in learn to swim and swimming outreach initiatives.

USA Swimming also announced that they have selected NU Advisory Partners to lead the search for the next CEO. NU Advisory Partners was founded in 2023 and specializes in sports and technology hires. The founders account for decades of experience at major search firms. CEO Nada Usina was a captain for the Florida State women’s swim team, where she swam from 1990-1994. USA Swimming Board Chair Chris Brearton said on the selection that “NU Advisory Partners brings a modern and professional approach to this critical process.”

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3 days ago

There have been several posts on social media forums where coaches have been called out for posting anonymous on here, and devalued as “trolls”, or “keyboard” warriors. I would push back and say that USA Swimming is still heavily run by a group of old boys club coaches. We see them at clinics, and conventions unprepared and unhelpful. Putting yourself out there can be dangerous to your career and livelihood, and we have seen coaches pushed out as a result of speaking out against the norm.

I’m hopeful that this committee can find some leadership, but there are several people on there who are problematic. Better leadership is needed not just at that level, but also simplified. Why do… Read more »

Reply to  Swimcoach55
3 days ago

^^^this is true, and I’ve had that conversation with several people in recent weeks.

It feels very much like a “criticize under your real name…so we can punish you accordingly” scenario.

Truth Teller
7 days ago

Lake forest swim club is circling the drain. Hasn’t been relevant in over a decade

8 days ago

Has Mintenko been replaced or will this be at the discretion of the new CEO?

Reply to  Shogun
7 days ago

Radio silence from Colorado Springs on all things national team / national junior team.

In their defense, they lost all three key players (Posegay, Mintenko, Floyd) over the past several months, with the Olympic Games and Junior Pan Pacs templated onto that period. That’s rough. They are reeling.

SuperSwimmer 2000
Reply to  Shogun
7 days ago

If they replace her, it will be at the discretion of the new CEO. Or at least that’s the way it was. The board passed by-laws that takes away any discretion of the interim CEO to hire or fire anyone. Hopefully they give up that power when they hire the permanent CEO.

8 days ago

Geezus…. Several of these individuals are the reason USA Swimming has lost the confidence of the membership! Many of these same people’s were on the board under Chuck Wielgus and rubber stamped the sexual abuse cover-ups, attacking the victims and the offshore insurance fraud the organization perpetuated on the membership for years! It reminds me of the “gold medal” fact finding committee from the movie Revenge of the Nerds! Pitiful…

Reply to  Cookie
8 days ago

As far as I can tell, only one of these individuals was on the board under Chuck Wielgus.

Reply to  Braden Keith
8 days ago

Just one is bad enough….

SuperSwimmer 2000
Reply to  Cookie
8 days ago

DErPiTY deRp DeRP de derp.

Reply to  Cookie
8 days ago

But why would you exaggerate?

Paddy dodge
8 days ago

“task force” LOL

8 days ago

I applaud this effort and the diverse and dynamic group of the task committee. I have every confidence this collaborative will take their time and vet convincingly the next CEO. Well done!

Reply to  MigBike
7 days ago

I am confident they will break their own arms to pat them selves on the back while saying “jolly good job everyone, break open the Champagne”

Time will tell though

SuperSwimmer 2000
Reply to  John
7 days ago

Sounds like the same image came to your mind!

SuperSwimmer 2000
Reply to  MigBike
7 days ago

Why is it I imagine you applauding, standing in a tuxedo and monocle, arms extended, clapping from the wrists, chin up and out in a condescending manner, nodding slightly in approval?

8 days ago

Need more Coaches for input !

taylor swift
8 days ago

“this time around, seemingly focusing in on people who have on-the-ground experience working closely within the USA Swimming apparatus”

you’d think USA swimming hiring heads would’ve started out with that in mind lol, glad to know they’re trying to change with a more swimming knowledgeable task force 🙂