Trials Olimpici Canadesi: 20 Atleti Invitati Per Gara E Solo Finali
I trials olimpici canadesi cambieranno drasticamente. Potranno partecipare solo atleti su invito ed al massimo 20 per gara
La Presidente Di Swimming Canada Nominata Candidata Al Bureau FINA
Aquatics Canada, l’organo direttivo generale per gli sport acquatici in Canada, ha nominato il presidente di Swimming Canada Cheryl A. Gibson.
Il Comitato Olimpico Canadese Investe 5 Milioni $ Nello Sport
Il Comitato Olimpico Canadese (COC), il Comitato Paralimpico Canadese e Own The Podium (OTP) hanno annunciato un investimento significativo per lo sport
Swimming Canada Pubblica La Guida “Return To Swimming”
Swimming Canada ha pubblicato la guida ufficiale COVID-19 Return to Swimming. Illustra le raccomandazioni per il ritorno degli atleti agli allenamenti
Campionati Pan Pacifici In Canada Del 2022 Rinviati Al 2026
Campionati Pan-Pacifici del 2022 rinviati al 2026. L’ultimo evento internazionale in ordine di tempo a subire gli effetti della pandemia COVID-19
2022 Pan Pacific Championships Deferred To 2026, Will Remain In Canada
With the FINA World Championships and Commonwealth Games both scheduled in 2022, the Pan Pacific Championships have been delayed until 2026.
Swimming Canada Creates Work Group For Return To Swimming After COVID-19
Following a growing trend, Swimming Canada has established a working group to plan a safe return to swimming when the coronavirus pandemic begins to lift.
Canada E Germania Chiedono Rinvio Mondiali FINA Al 2022
Canada e Germania chiedono che i Campionati del Mondo del 2021 vengano rinviati al 2022 poiché per le federazioni due eventi così vicini sono ingestibili
Swimming Canada Announces Cancellation Of Remaining Summer National Events
In the wake of the Olympic postponement, all Canadian national events slated for the summer have been cancelled.
Canada Dichiara Che Non Parteciperà Alle Olimpiadi Estive
Il Canada diventa la prima nazione a boicottare le Olimpiadi estive del 2020. Chiede al CIO il rinvio di un anno e dichiara che non manderà atleti
Swimming Canada CEO Issues Statement Supporting Olympic Postponement
Ahmed El-Awadi “is very much aligned with many of the points” made by USA Swimming CEO Tim Hinchey regarding postponing the 2020 Olympics for one year.
Swimming Canada “Evaluating Contingency Plans” For Olympic Trials
Swimming Canada released a statement stating that it continues to monitor the COVID-19 situation and no decision has been made on the Olympic Trials.
Markus Thormeyer Named Swimming Canada Male Swimmer of the Year
Markus Thormeyer’s breakout performance to qualify for the 200 back final at the 2019 World Championships earns him Swimming Canada Male Swimmer of the Year.
Fotherby Wins Third Gold On Day 3 Of Canadian Junior Championships
Justin Fotherby won his third event in as many nights at the Canadian Junior Championships in Calgary, coming out on top in the boys’ 14-15 100 breast.
Buck, Fotherby & Rathwell Claim Second Wins On Day 2 Of Canadian Juniors
Regan Rathwell, Carter Buck and Justin Fotherby all picked up their second win of the competition on day 2 of Canadian Juniors in Calgary.