Siobhan Marie O’Connor

Kaylee McKeown 2:06.63 Nei 200 Misti, Record Continentale E Terzo Tempo All Time

Kaylee McKeown sigla la terza prestazione all time nei 200 metri misti, segnando il nuovo Record continentale e del Commonwealth in 2:06.63

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2022 World Champs Previews: A Walsh-McKeown Battle Is Brewing In The 200 IM

Alex Walsh comes into Worlds as the fastest non-Hosszu 200 IMer since 2016. However, can she defeat Kaylee McKeown, last year’s #1 swimmer in the event?


SwimSwam Pulse: 58% Believe Women’s 200 Fly World Record Will Stand Longest

China’s Liu Zige set the seemingly unreachable world record of 2:01.81 in the women’s 200 butterfly back in 2009.


Siobhan-Marie O’Connor Si Ritira Dal Nuoto: La Traduzione Della Lettera D’Addio

Dopo 11 anni di carriera l’argento olimpico dei 200 misti a rio 2016 Siobhan- Marie O’Connor si ritira dal nuoto agonistico

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L’Argento Olimpico Siobhan-Marie O’Connor Non Parteciperà Ai Trials

L’argento olimpico dei 200 misti Siobhan Marie O’Connor ha annunciato che non parteciperà ai Trials olimpici della prossima settimana

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SwimSwam’s Top 100 for 2021: Women’s #100-76

In addition to her impressive track record, Seebohm was a big ISL talent this past season, ranked T-24th overall in the MVP rankings.


Rivelato Il Primo Team England Di Sempre Con 85 Atleti

Swim England ha rivelato una rosa di 85 nuotatori, che formano il primo team England in assoluto in vista dei Giochi del Commonwealth

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5 Big Things From Day 1 of ISL’s Match #6

The Toronto women’s backstroke combo of Lisa Bratton and Kylie Masse (pictured) was one of the standouts from today’s match


Abbie Wood Breaks 5-Year-Old British Record in Women’s 200 IM

Abbie Wood of the New York Breakers swam a new best time and British Record to win her first career 200 IM in the International Swimming League.


Peaty, Scott Among GB Swimmers Heading To Irish McCullagh Open Meet Next Month

Adam Peaty heads up the team of GB swimming superstars who will race at the McCullagh Open Meet in Ireland next month from February 20th-23rd.


ISL Day 2: Recap Live Gran Finale Di Stagione A Las Vegas

ISL International Swimming League, è pronta a regalare agli appassionati l’ultimo appuntamento della stagione. Il reca live del gran finale

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International Swimming League – Recap Live Las Vegas Day1

International Swimming League. A Las Vegas è tutto pronto per la prima serata del gran finale di stagione. Il nostro recap live con tutti i risultati

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ISL: Le Formazioni Delle 4 Squadre Della Finale Di Las Vegas

ISL chiuderà la sua stagione inaugurale questo fine settimana a Las Vegas.Le quattro squadre hanno scoperto le loro carte vincenti.

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London Roar Finalize Roster for 2019 ISL Finale in Las Vegas

Adam Peaty and the London Roar are the favorites, on paper, at the International Swimming League championship this week in Las Vegas.


James Guy, Entre Los Confirmados Para Los London Roar De La ISL

El británico James Guy es uno de los confirmados a formar parte de los London Roar de cara a la temporada inaugural de la ISL.

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