Len Open Water Cup 2021: Domani A Barcellona La Seconda Tappa
La seconda tappa della LEN Open Water Cup si svolgerà domani a Barcellona. in acqua i migliori specialisti delle europei delle acque libere
Brazil’s Ana Marcela Cunha is Tokyo Olympic Champion in Women’s Open Water 10k
Brazil’s Ana Marcela Cunha won the women’s 10k open water race at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. Sharon van Rouwendaal finished second Kareena Lee was third.
Olimpiadi Di Tokyo Ana Marcela Cunha Oro Nella 10km Femminile
La 10km femminile alle Olimpiadi di Tokyo 2020 è stata conquistata dalla brasiliana Ana Marcela Cuhna. Rachele Bruni chiude al 14° posto
Italy Tops Team 5k Podium At 2021 European Championships
Bruni, Gabbrielleschi, Paltrinieri, and Acerenza threw together a winning swim of 54:09.0 to take gold in the team event.
Team Event bei Europameisterschaften: Silber für Boy, Beck, Muffels, Wellbrock,
In einem sehr spannenden Finish sicherte Florian Wellbrock die Silbermedaille für die deutsche Mannschaft im Open Water Team Event über…
Europameisterschaften: Bronze für Florian Wellbrock über 10 km
Während er über die nicht-olympischen 5 km noch auf den Neoprenanzug verzichtete, entschied sich Florian Wellbrock über die 10 km…
Olympic-Qualified Leonie Beck Scratched 10k At 2021 European Championships
Following a 5th place finish in the women’s 5k, Leonie Beck decided not to race the 10k; an event which she has qualified to swim in Tokyo.
2021 Euros: Van Rouwendaal And Paltrinieri Add To 5k Victories With 10k Golds
Van Rouwendaal and Paltrinieri both came back on day 2 ready to race, each collecting their second gold medals thus far.
Van Rouwendaal And Paltrinieri Take 2021 European Champs 5k Open Water Titles
Olympic gold medalists Sharon van Rouwendaal and Gregorio Paltrinieri took the first 2 open water gold medals at 2021 Euros.
Heintz, Kusch, Heidtmann starten bei Swim Open in Stockholm
Malmsten Swim Open Stockholm 2021 8. bis 10. April Stockholm, Schweden Wettkampfprogramm Veranstaltungsseite Startlisten Ergebnisse Zeitgleich mit dem deutschen Qualifikationswettkampf…
Olivier Repeats as Doha World Series 10K Champ, Cunha Takes Women’s Race
France’s Marc-Antoine Olivier won the men’s 10K, finishing in 1:52:02.40, more than three seconds ahead of anyone else.
Lea Boy und Leonie Beck belegen 3./4. Platz bei Freiwasser-World-Cup, Doha
Hinter der Siegerin aus Brasilien, Ana Marcela Cunha und der Französin Oceane Cassignol schlugen Lea Boy als Dritte und Leonie…
Rachele Bruni Quinta Nella 10km Femminile “Sono Soddisfatta”
Fina Marathon Swim World Series Rachele Bruni quinta nella 10 km femminile dichiara di essere soddisfatta Condizioni proibitive
FINA Marathon Swim Series Start List E Gare In Diretta Su FINA TV
FINA Marathon Swim World Series 2021. Pubblicata la entry list della gara maschile e femminile. Diretta streaming su Fina tv
2021 FINA Marathon Swimming World Series Kicks Off Saturday in Doha
The loaded field for the first series race in 13 months includes the last two men’s Olympic champions in open water: Ferry Weertman (above) and Ous Mellouli.