Gary Hall Sr.

Lo que Gary Hall Sr. admira de la técnica de mariposa de Rikako Ikee

Al observar la mariposa de Ikee, podrá ver que tiene que tiene los brazos muy altos en el recobro a ambos lados; un brazo de recobro muy vertical comparado con la mayoría. El esfuerzo adicional de Ikee para realizar el recobro con los brazos tan altos puede ser un esfuerzo que vale la pena.

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Are You Anchoring to Improve Your Swimming Performances?

Anchoring is sports psychology that the swimmer does or says or thinks either standing behind or on the starting block, just seconds before the start of an important race.


Swimming Fast: Is It Your Mission?

At The Race Club we speak often about the importance of mental toughness in excelling in swimming races. We outline five important steps that are essential in developing mental toughness, or what we refer to as the ‘killer instinct’.


Nuoto A Stile Libero E Dorso, La Magia Del Numero 90

Per gentile concessione di Gary Hall Sr., 10 volte detentore del record mondiale, 3 volte olimpionico. Portabandiera statunitense olimpiadi 1976…

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Three Pearls for a Faster Approach to the Freestyle Flip Turn

Here are three of my favorite pearls for the approach to the wall that will help you improve your freestyle flip turns.

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Physiology 102: Why Your Swimming Breathing Technique Matters

Courtesy of Gary Hall Sr., 10-time World Record Holder, 3-time Olympian, 1976 Olympic Games US Flagbearer and The Race Club co-founder. Swimming…


Helping Fast Swimmers Get Faster

At The Race Club, we feel that there is a great opportunity to help all swimmers swim faster using some new technology and improving the use of some not-so-new technology.

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How We Create Energy to Swim Faster

When we step on the blocks for a fast swimming race, we are about to increase the energy demands to a very different and high level and, if we expect to swim fast, our bodies need to be capable of producing it.

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La Nuova Rana

Per gentile concessione di Gary Hall Sr., dieci volte record mondiale, atleta Olimpico, allenatore e co-fondatore del Race Club . La rana…

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The Proof of Coupling Motions

I have come to believe that coupling motions are extremely important in swimming all four strokes and on the start to enhance power. I have never been able to prove that belief is correct…..until now.


Come Eseguire Una Virata Esplosiva Nello Stile Rana E Farfalla

Per gentile concessione di Gary Hall Sr., dieci volte record mondiale, atleta Olimpico, allenatore e co-fondatore del Race Club . LA VIRATA…

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The Spin Turn for Butterfly and Breaststroke

This spin turn enables the swimmer to shorten his or her diameter slightly by tucking the knees under the chest more than with the vertical turns of the past. The result is an incredibly quick turn-around.

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How to Kick Start Your Race

Of the ten points we teach at The Race Club for a better start, the kick up of the back leg is perhaps the most powerful and under-utilized technique out there.

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Pulling Correctly in Backstroke

One of the most common mistakes in technique that we see in all strokes is in the pulling motion of backstroke.


Tecnica: Come Migliorare La Partenza A Dorso

La bellezza della partenza a dorso Una partenza a dorso fatta bene è di una bellezza straordinaria. Somiglia ad un…

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