Three French NAG Records Fall in 3rd Stage of Golden Tour in Amiens
With a month to go before their championship meets, both 17-year-old Cyrielle Duhamel of Stade Béthune Pélican Club and 16-year-old Mewen Tomac, swimming in front of his home crowd in Amiens, broke French national age group records.
Retour sur le 3e jour du meeting Golden Tour d’Amiens
Le Marseillais Mehdy Metella a déclenché son troisième titre du weekend avec une victoire dans le 100 papillon.
2017 Golden Tour Amiens, Day 3 finals recap
FFN Golden Tour Camille Muffat – Amiens Dates: Friday, April 28 – Sunday, April 30, 2017 Prelims 8 am GMT+1…
Amiens jour 2 : records pour Duhamel, Desplanches, Lecluyse et Metella; doublé pour Verraszto
Le Suisse Jeremy Desplanches a amélioré son propre record national dans le 200 4N à Amiens.
Jeremy Desplanches sets new Swiss national record, 200 IM, Golden Tour
FFN Golden Tour Camille Muffat – Amiens Dates: Friday, April 28 – Sunday, April 30, 2017 Prelims 8 am GMT+1…
Amiens jour 1 : Stravius marque son retour, Hosszu empoche 4 titres
La Hongroise Katinka Hosszú a gagné 4 fois vendredi soir à Amiens.
Katinka Hosszu takes 4 events on the first day of Golden Tour, Amiens
FFN Golden Tour Camille Muffat – Amiens Dates: Friday, April 28 – Sunday, April 30, 2017 Prelims 8 am GMT+1…
2017 FFN Golden Tour Camille Muffat Amiens commence vendredi
FFN Golden Tour Camille Muffat – Amiens Vendredi, 28 avril – dimanche, 30 avril, 2017 Programme : Les séries à 8h00…
2017 FFN Golden Tour Camille Muffat Amiens – Preview
Jérémy Stravius will swim in front of his home crowd this weekend in the third and final stage of the 2017 FFN Golden Tour Camille Muffat.
Hosszu in 15 Wettbewerben für Weltmeisterschaften vorqualifiziert
Ungarn hat ein vorläufiges Team für die Weltmeisterschafte im eigenen Land in Budapest im Juli benannt, nachdem die nationalen Meisterschaften…
Hungary Announces Worlds Qualifiers Post-Nationals
Hungary has announced their current roster for the 2017 World Championships following the conclusion of their national championships.
Hosszu Posts World-Leading 2:09.3 in 200 IM on Day 2 of Hungarian Nats
Hosszu’s strongest performance of the night came in the 200 IM, where she blasted a 2:09.38 to win gold and become the fastest performer in the world this year.
Kapas and Proud set 2017 world best times at Golden Tour, Marseille
Golden Tour, Marseille Friday, March 3rd – Sunday, March 5th Marseille LC Event Website Entry Lists Results Live Results The Golden…
Rikako Ikee took 2 wins at Golden Tour Marseille, day 2
Golden Tour, Marseille Friday, March 3rd – Sunday, March 5th Marseille LC Event Website Entry Lists Results Live Results The Golden…
Hosszu Scores Double Wins On Day 1 Of Golden Tour In Nice
Hungarian Katinka Hosszu was doing her thing in Nice today, wrangling in two victories on the first day of Golden Tour competition.