SwimSwam Awards: 2024 Short Course World Championships (Men’s Edition)
Noe Ponti went undefeated during evening finals at Short Course Worlds, setting world records in the 50 and 100 fly and adding a meet record in the 100 IM.
U.S. Wins World Aquatics Trophy Again, Lifted by Huge Performance from Women’s Team
The United States women scored 579 points, which was 257 points ahead of the next-best women’s group, the team from Australia.
Gretchen Walsh Supera I 247.000 $ Ai Mondiali In Vasca Corta 2024
Con otto record del mondo stabiliti e una serie di vittorie individuali, Walsh ha accumulato un montepremi complessivo di 247.916,67 dollari
2024 SC Worlds: Day 5 Pick ‘Em Contest Standings
oxyswim led the way in day 5 scoring, racking up 149 points on the day, which matched their score from day 4.
2024 SC World Championships: Day 5 Finals Live Recap
It is the 2nd to last finals session of the 2024 World Champs and Gretchen Walsh is getting a chance to break the 100 fly World Record for the 3rd time.
Alberto Razzetti Bronzo Mondiale Nei 400 Metri Misti
Alberto Razzetti conquista la sua terza medaglia ai Mondiali di Budapest, salendo sul secondo gradino del podio nei 400 metri misti
U.S. Men Averaged 1:40.1 Splits To Smash 4×200 Freestyle World Record
Led by Luke Hobson’s world record leading off the relay, the American men smashed the 4×200 free world record by averaging 1:40.1 splits.
Elijah Winnington Opens Up On Post-Olympic Demons: “I Was In a Really Bad Spot”
Winnington struggled mentally coming out of the Olympics, making the decision to compete at Short Course Worlds one he wrestled with for a while.
Walsh’s World Record Onslaught Gives Her $187K In Earnings Through Four Days of SC Worlds
Having broken six world records individually and another on a relay, Gretchen Walsh is cleaning up at Short Course Worlds with a stunning money haul.
La 4×200 Maschile Ancora Bronzo Mondiale Con Record Italiano: Le Dichiarazioni Degli Azzurri
Gli azzurri della 4×200 stile libero hanno confermato il bronzo di Melbourne, abbassando il record italiano. Queste sono le loro parole dopo la gara.
2024 Winter Junior Championships – East: Day 3 Prelims Live Recap
Highland Hurricanes’ Josh Bey is the top seed in the boys’ 100 breast on Day 3 of the Winter Junior Championships – East in Greensboro.
USA Men Smash World Record In 4×200 Free Relay With 6:40.51
Casas had a 1:40.34 split on the 3rd leg, a big split to pair with Hobson’s World Record lead off leg. The US men broke the record by over 3 seconds.
Luke Hobson Record Del Mondo Nei 200 Stile: Cade Il Record Più Antico Del Nuoto
Luke Hobson ha cancellato il Record del Mondo più antico del nuoto: quello di Biedermann nei 200 metri stile libero maschili
Top-Seeded Americans Bring in Two More Big Names for Men’s 4×200 Free Relay Final (LINEUPS)
The Americans could chase another World Record if leadoff leg Luke Hobson swims well – which he has been all week in Budapest.
Mondiali In Vasca Corta Budapest: Analisi E Risultati LIVE Finali Day 4
Ci aspetta una sessione di finali ricca di emozioni e dove potrebbero cadere altri World Records. Restate connessi con il nostro Live Recap