Benedetta Pilato

2021 ISL Match 8 Preview: Tokyo Faces 3 Team Finalists of the Past 2 Seasons

Match 8 of the 2021 ISL regular season features 3 teams that have been in the ISL Final each of the past 2 years as well as the Tokyo Frog Kings.


International Swimming League: Live Recap Match 8 Day 1

Recap live della partita numero 8 della stagione regolare della International Swimming League. Risultati completi primo giorno

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Anteprima Match 8 Sfida Al Vertice Tra Energy Standard E London Roar

La partita 8 della stagione regolare ISL presenta 3 squadre che sono state in finale ISL negli ultimi 2 anni. Lotta tra ENS e London Roar

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2021 International Swimming League – Match 3, Day 1: Live Recap

Anastasiya Shkurdai and Energy Standard are confronting Iron, London Roar, and NY Breakers in Match 3 of the 2021 International Swimming League season.


International Swimming League Match 3: Gli Italiani In Gara Stasera

Il Match 3 della International Swimming League partirà questa sera alle 20:00 ed in acqua ci saranno 6 italiani in gara con squadre estere

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2021 ISL Match 1, Day 2: le Clos and Szabo Will Swim 50 Fly Side-by-Side Twice

Both ENS’s Chad Le Clos and AQC’s Szebasztian Szabo will swim the 50 fly individual and skins event double, side-by-side.

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International Swimming League Match 1 Day 2: Risultati Live

Siamo pronti a raccontarvi da Napoli il secondo giorno del Match n. 1 Della International Swimming League – terza stagione

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Aqua Women Pick Freestyle, Energy Men Pick Fly For Match 1 Skins Races

Read to get a step-by-step look at how the new skins stroke selection protocol likely played out on during the premier match of the ISL’s 2021 season.


2021 ISL Match 1, Day 1 Start Lists: Sjostrom Entered in Only Free Events

Energy’s Sarah Sjostrom will swim the 50 free in her first ISL season 3 match. 55-capable Maddy Banic will swim the 100 fly in her place.

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ISL 2021 Napoli: Risultati Live Match #1 Primo Giorno

Risultati e recap live del primo giorno di gare del Match 1 ISL 2021 con Energy Standard, Aqua Centurions, Toronto Titans e DC Trident

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International Swimming League Match 1: Anteprima E Programma Gare

ISL darà il via alla sua stagione 3 a Napoli, con il primo match con quattro squadre a sfidarsi oggi, giovedì 26 e domani, venerdì 27 agosto.

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ISL Season 3, Match 1 Preview: Draft Shakeup Doesn’t Diminish Energy Standard

While other teams in the league benefitted far more from the swimmer draft that preceded season 3, Energy Standard’s strengths are not diminished.


ISL Depth Charts: Energy Standard Returns 5 Individual Winners From 2020 Final

Given the way they’ve kept the roster mostly intact, Energy Standard is certainly a contender to come out of ISL Season 3 as champions.


International Swimming League: Il Nuovo Sistema Punteggio “Gem&Stars”

La ISL ha implementato un nuovo sistema di classificazione delle gare e degli atleti per la stagione 2021, denominato “GEMS e STARS”.

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Breaking Down the New ISL Gems and Stars Ranking System

The ISL is implementing a new GEMS and STARS ranking system to allow athletes, coaches, and fans to closely monitor event rankings.