Russian Pres. Says Breaststroke Underwater Rules May Be Changing Again

As broken by Craig Lord at, Russian federation president Vladimir Salnikov released a statement on the federation’s website telling his constituency that FINA will consider easing the underwater rules on the starts of all breaststroke races. We heard similar reports on deck at this past weekend’s SEC Championship meet, but Salnikov’s remarks seem to confirm that at least there is consideration being given.

The rule would allow unlimited dolphin kicks for the first 15 meters, but only off of the starting block where the splash is most preventative of the officials’ view. This would be an alternative to installing underwater monitoring cameras, which would seem to make this newest proposal moot.

Current rules only allow one kick, however as we saw with Cameron van der Burgh and many others at the Olympics, the rule is difficult to enforce on the starting end. It was called at least once at the SEC Championships, though the specific example easily recalled is on the breaststroke leg of an IM, meaning the view was unimpeded by the athlete’s entry into the pool.

It would seem, by the 15 meter rule, as there would be an upper limit on the number of dolphin kicks that can be fit into 15 meters when a pullout is accounted for. Salnikov, in his statements, expected 2-3 would be the maximum plausible with the rules change. That is, of course, only if doing an actual pullout is somehow enforced by the new rules. If it is not, then the pullout on the start would likely disappear altogether. 

Remember now that there is no 15-meter rule on breaststroke races, period. This change would even the field on the powerful underwater breaststrokers, like Breeja Larson, who are already almost at 15 meters even while doing a standard, legal pullout off of the blocks.


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Breaststroke fan
11 years ago

I just read an article and I can’t believe this is still being considered. If the change is to solve a problem then eliminate the dolphin kick. No need for underwater cameras. Just get rid of the dolphin kick. This is breaststroke NOT butterfly!!!! Do not punish those that have worked for years because you want an easy way out. Why is not eliminating the dolphin kick being presented as an option?

12 years ago

Just leave rules as they are and use existing cameras to DQ cheaters, like van der Burgh, after race is completed. If he was DQ-ed after the race and stripped of the gold, we would not have to talk about this.

Reply to  PsychoDad
11 years ago

I agree. It shouldn’t happen. Breaststrokers will no longer win the breaststroke. it will be won by those with good butterfly skills. Breaststoke should be left the way it is. It is a very technical stroke and only those that are technically very correct ever do well at it. Why make it easier on the rest. Leave Breaststroke as Breaststroke.

12 years ago

How about, instead of allowing the unlimited kicks they do the opposite and eliminate the dolphin kick. That would make it easier for officials. What they should be talking about when it comes to Breaststroke is the elbow recovery rule. That is rarely called at the age group level.

Chubs Peterson
12 years ago

It’s all in the hips!

12 years ago

If the “too expensive, too hard to enforce” excuse wins, does that put drug testing next on the chopping block????

Seriously, illegal dolphin kicks happen into and off every wall, even in between, and RARELY GET CALLED.

I say video to eliminate the cheaters at the top, the true breastrokers will rise up. Otherwise, the stroke is history.

12 years ago

who says it is easier to get away with from a turn than from a start?! haha. we even have people adding dolphin kicks to the finish now! I say we just make one race. get rid of all four strokes entirely and make it a dolphin kick race. let people swim however the hell they want to when they come up for air… that’ll solve it.

12 years ago

Sounds like fun! I love innovation. You people sound like old fuddy duddies

Reply to  jman
11 years ago

There is a difference between innovation and bastardization. One pays respect to the integrity of the stroke and it’s core make-up. One simply makes changes to avoid dealing with difficulties. As a swim coach, I remind my athletes on a regular basis that our focus and intent must be to EMBRACE rather than avoid adversity, as that is the only place true success can be found. Not exactly consistent with the message FINA would be (once again) sending with this rule change.

12 years ago

What is FINA’s problem?! Why are we “accommodating” what is easy, instead of what is right. This will kill all former records for breaststroke events-similar to a stupid decision FINA made a couple of years ago with suits. Why doesn’t the GOVERNING body actually start governing things and stop accommodating everyone with a complaint about anything. Make some rules and ENFORCE them, stop modifying them to try and please everyone.

Reply to  Swammer
12 years ago

this has to be the worst possible way to resolve the dolphin kicks in the pull out. if they were to be crazy enough to pass this rule, who says within the next year swimmers will start doing 2-6 dolphin kicks off EVERY wall. Then FINA will sink to the ultimate low and allow unlimited dolphin kicks off every wall. if this were to happen it would just be a continuous pattern of FINA giving in too cheaters and the stroke will be runined. smh….

About Braden Keith

Braden Keith

Braden Keith is the Editor-in-Chief and a co-founder/co-owner of He first got his feet wet by building The Swimmers' Circle beginning in January 2010, and now comes to SwimSwam to use that experience and help build a new leader in the sport of swimming. Aside from his life on the InterWet, …

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