Nic Fink on Swimming Without Pressure, Nearing Finish of Grad School

by Ben Dornan 6

October 31st, 2022 National, News, Video, Video Interview



Staying true to the past year and a half, breaststroker Nic Fink has been competing pressure-free in these later years of his career. Fink says he’s accomplished everything he’d wanted to in his career and the rest is icing on the cake, allowing himself to swim freely. This has paid dividends for the world champion, both figuratively and literally, as he has won more races than ever before and reaped the earnings from said victories.

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1 year ago

I don’t think you can be in a better position than this guy. Olympic medalist, grad student.

Good quote from “Rudy” sums it up…

“In this life, you don’t have to prove nothin’ to nobody but yourself. And after what you’ve gone through, if you haven’t done that by now, it ain’t gonna never happen.”

Joel Lin
1 year ago

Just a rocket scientist getting a graduate degree from world class Georgia Tech program while winning international medals in swimming.

1 year ago

How can you not like this guy?

1 year ago

I had the pleasure of seeing Saturday’s finals live – including Ledecky’s historic swim. I happened to be waiting by the area where the swimmers came out of the locker room (en route to their rides.) Nic Fink was one of the first to emerge and was literally swarmed by fans. He could not have been more gracious or warm to the throng of young swimmers that wanted pictures and autographs. He was unhurried in all of his actions which gave everyone a sense that he was totally present in the moment. I was most impressed with his display of leadership and sportsmanship. I hope he realizes that he made a difference to all those fans – likely a strong… Read more »

Reply to  SMO
1 year ago

Class act in every way!

Go Jackets!!
1 year ago

Nic is an awesome person in and out of the pool. He deserves all the success he is seeing. Always a positive presence in practice