Matt Bell Sentenced To 7 Months In Jail For Sexual Exploitation Of Former Athlete

Former owner and high performance coach of Ajax Swimming, Matt Bell, was sentenced to seven months in jail for the sexual exploitation of a former teenage athlete.

Bell pled guilty to sexual exploitation and luring in late August after admitting in court that he had had sexual contact with the victim on multiple occasions and exchanged several sexually charged texts with the victim between 2010 and 2011. During that time the victim was 16 and Bell was 30.

During today’s sentencing Ontario Court Justice John Adamson said, “Nothing I do here will bring back [her] innocence. It sounds like much of the joy of her high school and university years was devoured by this crime.”

The victim, now in her 20s, came forward to the Durham Police last year, reporting the abuse.

Bell’s sentencing falls short of the 2 years minus one day sentencing that prosecutors asked for and closer to the four to six months Bell’s defense attorney asked for.

Bell’s jail time will be followed by two years of probation and he will be on the national sex offender registry for life.

While Swimming Canada suspended Bell at the time the initial charges were brought forward and thus far there has been nothing provided by Swimming Canada suggesting the suspension has been lifted, there has been no news as to whether he is officially banned by Swimming Canada.

In Ontario, where Bell was previously coaching, he would not be able to meet the requirements for the Coach Compliance List which lists all coaches deemed eligible to be on deck at sanctioned competition. In order to be on the list, a coach needs to be able to pass a Police Vulnerable Sector Check, which he would not.

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8 years ago

He served 10 weeks of the 7 month sentence. He is now out and still no Public Statement from Swim Canada or Swim Ontario.
Note he is a Registered Sex Offender.

Not convined
8 years ago

Please report the facts accurately and don’t sensationalize. The facts from Durham news: 2 encounters during which sexual touching occurred. Not multiple occasions of sexual contact.

Alison G
Reply to  Not convined
8 years ago

Oh how sweet, someone coming to the defense of a convicted sex offender. Trying desperately to underplay this disgusting act. Twice, ONCE, or multiple…how about NEVER? How about a coach NEVER has sexual contact with my 16 year old kid?! No need to sensationalize anything. If he’d touched her ONCE in ANY manner deemed sexual by the girl, that would be enough for me to say the guy should never coach again.

Bo swims
Reply to  Not convined
8 years ago

He plead guilty.

Reply to  Not convined
8 years ago

Really, you’re not convinced, that despite pleading guilty it was all a frame up of some sort. I believe the judge showed mercy, in sentencing, because Mr Bell did plead guilty and the young woman was not forced to endure a trial

Reply to  Not convined
8 years ago

The FACT is that Matt Bell is a REGISTERED SEX OFFENDER. Is that clear enough for you and your Friends.

Reply to  Not convined
7 years ago

Who are the 5 children/people that support “not convined” opinion?

8 years ago

Hopefully he fades off into oblivion and doesn’t hurt anyone else moving forward.
Should NEVER be allowed to coach again. Surprised Swim Canada has not ever issued a statement about his future; brutal.

Bo swims
Reply to  Swim2016
8 years ago

Give them time to read the written decision…

Reply to  Bo swims
7 years ago

Well do you now think as of this Date March 9, 2017 that they have had enough Time to make a Public Statement? on a Registered Sex Offender who is now out on the street. Still No Public Statement by Swim Canada or Swim Ontario.

Reply to  Swim2016
8 years ago

As noted elsewhere on this site, it would be almost impossible for him to coach in Ontario given that he wouldn’t be able to pass the necessary police background check. Personally, I hope that Swimming Canada gives him a lifetime ban, as this would send a very strong signal. Although as we learned from the Cecil Russell case, lifetime bans are difficult to carry through!

Reply to  plavec
8 years ago

The difference between Russell and Bell. Is that Bell is a Registered Sex Offender, which is a big difference and it goes to your point that he would not pass a Criminal Police background check as a Registered Sex offender. The rumor is that
Swim Ontario is considering , if he did find people to coach, “coaching under supervision”. If that were to happen they would be breaking Federal Law. As Stated still no Public comments with either Swim Canada or Swim Ontario.

Reply to  Swimming
8 years ago

Are you kidding me?! Let him coach again?!

Reply to  What!
8 years ago

Until Swim Canada or Swim Ontario comes out with a statement to prove otherwise that is the rumor I have heard from at least two sources. What I suggest people do if they are interested is contacting the Federal Minister of Justice and bring up this subject, that is what I have done and if enough people do that it might encourage the swim associations to at least make a public Statement.

Reply to  What!
8 years ago

If you or anyone has a concern about this contact:

Honorable JodyWilson- Raybould M.P. [email protected]

About Mitch Bowmile

Mitch Bowmile

Mitch worked for 5-years with SwimSwam news as a web producer focusing on both Canadian and international content. He coached for Toronto Swim Club for four seasons as a senior coach focusing on the development of young swimmers. Mitch is an NCCP level 2 certified coach in Canada and an ASCA Level …

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