5 of Our Favorite Nutrition Tips from Masters Swimmers
If you’ve recently started swimming, or have been participating in this powerful sport for years, there’s a chance that you may need a refresher on just what to eat to stay in top form.
The Age Old Rivalry of Distance V. Sprint: Who Are Better Swimmers?
Sprinters and distance swimmers have been claiming that their specialty is better than the other, but who is really the superior?
Boarding Group B and the 800 Free Relay
2016 RIO OLYMPIC GAMES Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Swimming: August 6-13 Olympic Aquatics Stadium, Barra Olympic Park, Rio de Janeiro…
Why Cool Down Exercises and Recovery are So Important for Swimmers
Part of a total performance swimming plan is recovery and the cool down exercises that you do after working out. Let’s focus on a few reasons why this step is critical to maintaining optimal performance.
5 Nutrition Tricks for Top Notch Swimming Performance
With all of the fad diets, training tips and random suggestions from gym salespeople, it’s hard to know what nutrition tips work best for swimmers. Here are a few that will keep you in top shape for your next meet.
Bruce Hayes vs. The Albatross and the 800 Relay Glory of 1984
Before Lezak’s heroics in Beijing there was Bruce Hayes and his epic relay leg against the most dominant swimmer of the 1984 Olympics, West Germany’s Michael Gross.
Want to swim fast with great technique like an Olympic swimmer?
Inspired by the Olympics? Do you have a secret goal inside you, brought forth by the Olympic excitement but are unsure how to make it happen?
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How Michael Phelps Spoils the Rest of Us
Pretty much everyone knows Michael Phelps and Ryan Lochte. They are titans of the sport, and they carry relevance outside…
How Iron Helps Swimmers with Their Performance
When it comes to nutrition for competitive swimmers, we often hear about protein and carbs. But what about all of the other nutrients, like iron, that swimmers need to compete as a top athlete?
Foods To Avoid On Race Day
Race day is no different from the rest of the season, but there’re some foods to avoid on race day that you might otherwise be able to enjoy now and then
3 Steps to Better Championship Preparation
Championship season is the time of year when you put even more focus into swimming your fastest. As the physical demand of training lightens, how you manage the remaining hours in your day becomes more critical.
Want to swim faster with better technique?
Want to swim faster as soon as you possibly can? If the answer is yes, then you need to train your brain, and this is may be the best technology to do that and get you moving through the water like an elite swimmer.
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BridgeAthletic Building Blocks: 5 Exercises to Add Breaststroke Power
The BridgeAthletic Building Block Series is a set of 5 exercises that can be performed by swimmers of all levels on the pool deck.
Let the Olympics Affect You – By Sydney King
Sydney King, a junior at Battlefield High School in Haymarket, Virginia traveled to the London Olympics and is giving her advice on how to let the Olympics affect you.
Ian Silverman Writes Letter to IPC About Classification Issues
Ian Silverman has written a letter to the IPC and some of their sponsors about what he calls “fraud” in the Paralympic classification system.