Dear Swim Coach, Thank You

by SwimSwam Staff 17

August 14th, 2015 Club, Lifestyle, Opinion

Courtesy of @swim2win4life

Dear Coach,

Thank you for making me not only a better swimmer, but also a better person. You taught me sportsmanship, teamwork, and to look at life with a positive attitude. Swimming is a team sport and working with others is one of the most important things to learn in life.

Thank you for lending an ear anytime I need to talk. Whether it was about swimming, or drama, or anything else, I knew that you would be there to listen to me. You knew what to say back to me and helped me out if I was in a tough situation.

Thank you for all those pre- race pep talks you gave me. When I was nervous, or even scared, you came up to me behind the blocks, told me to close my eyes, and told me that I could do it. You knew exactly what to say and didn’t say too much to make me over think.

Thank you for believing in me and pushing me to my limits. There were days when I absolutely did not want to do that set that you just scribbled out, but I was able to make it through and get faster. You believed that I could do it, even if I thought I couldn’t.

Thank you for always having my best interest at heart. You never led me down the wrong path and knew what was best for me. Sometimes I had a different opinion for what was best for me, but I’m glad that I listened to you and followed your instructions.

Thank you for understanding that I’m not perfect. I had off days, I had crappy races, heck, I might’ve even thrown up after my first mile, but you helped stand back up and keep going. Instead of getting angry with me, you analyzed my race and helped me improve from there.

Thank you for always sticking by me through my ups and downs. I swam good races and bad races, but no matter what, you were standing by the side of the pool ready to give me feedback on my race. I mean, sometimes I had no idea where you were, but I would eventually spot you in the mass of people.

Thank you for dealing with me every day. Sometimes I was too excited, other days I had the sassiest attitude. You’ve seen the craziest side of me and put up with me on my bad days and I can’t say there are many people in the world who have done both.

Thank you for always sticking by my side. Through all kinds of drama, negativity, and obstacles, I knew that I could count on you to be there for me no matter what. It wasn’t easy, but tough times make tougher people and I’d say we’re pretty tough together.

Thank you for being my coach and thank you for everything that you’ve done for me. There is absolutely no way that I could’ve done this without you. You tell me that I create my own successes, but I needed the right mentor to give me the tools to be successful.

Thank you, Coach.

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7 years ago

Coach also a Avery time student

Gabriel Masfurroll
7 years ago

Thank you to all my coaches/ gracias a todos mis entrenadores:
Jaume Sole, Joan Ferri, Carlos Adern, Jan Freese, Taguchi, Dalbergh.

Wei Wei
8 years ago

Thank you! When i was very young, swim coach helped me open a door. Then I could say during whole my life: Hello swim world!

Kraig Jennings
8 years ago

Thank you so much ????. I will share all the thoughts and comments with my coaching staff. Here at the Andrew and Walter Young Family YMCA we are here to make change happen in our community. That is why I work for the YMCA and USA Swimming ????. Keep Swimming. Keep up the Great Work Coaches.

Merci McCarthy
8 years ago

“Stick to the Plan” swimmers!!!

Moh japar
8 years ago

Itu ciri pelatih yg punya hati dan sabar pasti akan berhasil

8 years ago

I totally accept all the posts prior. I received this from an amazing and inspirational masters swimmer that I have had the privilege to coach, that has just won 4 medals including gold at UK Nationals and at a time when I am know that I am giving my all to all my swimmers whom for the majority are exceeding all expectations bar a few, whom whether a swimmer or coach or club member who does not understand how deep in your blood you strive to succeed and do the right thing for each one. As a coach you go on and on no matter the hurdles or politics in your way, you will carry on, its second nature. Trust… Read more »

Dawnn Taylor
8 years ago

Coaching tests your will, tries your patience, challenges your mind, improves your communication skills and wears you out! IT IS THE BEST JOB IN THE WORLD! As a coach for many years the look in an athletes eyes says it all….the frustration ,the pain ,the joy ,the pressure, the hurt , the pride , the exhaustion and yet the drive to never quit And we feel it too! Never quit … There will always be another swim meet. Hang on and enjoy the ride!