David: Gary, Have You Ever Googled Your Name?

Gary: So, I’d been following the Republican primary…

David: False.

Gary:  So, I subscribe to Ashton Kutcher’s Twitter feed, and he was talking about something called the #RepublicanPrimary.  Anyway, I just found out that Santorum was actually a Republican Primary Candidate, or “Re-Primate” in the swamps of shorthand.

By the way, I think I might be a Republican.

David (ignoring the last comment):  Speaking of Googling.  Did you know that when I Google “Gary Hall Jr.”, the Google toolbar automatically fills in the word…

Gary: It pops up for “Rick Santorum” too. Do you have any idea how many times I had to Google “Gary Hall Jr. Gay” for that to happen?

David: More than me googling “Reginald Veljohnson Dead”?

Gary:  He’s dead? I uh…I’m getting a lot of information here.  I might need a pause.

Anyway, that Gay Google thing is totally normal. It also happens when you type in “Ian Thorpe”, so, you know, there’s no way it could mean anything. I mean other than the fact that a lot of people are accidentally typing the word “Gay” when they Google me.  And Ian apparently.

David (without pausing): Anyway, don’t you think it would be funny if we had a contest to see who could come up with a new word for an expression that swimmers use all the time?

Gary:  No David I, um, sorry, I was checking my latest Tweets.

David:  Do you really use Twitter?

Gary:  Absolutely not. I was Googling “Reginald Veljohnson” to find out what the toot you’re talking about. I swear, an oracle can’t make sense of your blathering sometimes.

David: Anyway, I was thinking…

Gary (interrupting): Good. Good. You just keep thinking, Butch. That’s what you’re good at.

David: You know what would be funny?  To have a contest to see who can think of a funny word for something that people talk about all the time in swimming. Like when a man cuts himself with a razor, because it got clogged with hair.  We could call that mix of gel, hair, blood, and pain “the 200 breaststroke.”  You get what I’m saying?

Gary: Gary: It would appear that some pubescent hate-monger has been typing the word “Gay” after “David Cromwell Idea” too.

David: What about verbs?  You know, like a lot of people say that somebody is “Mel-Stewarting” when they breathe to the side in butterfly.  Or they’re “GHJ’ing” when they write bad columns?

Gary:  What about “Dave Cromwell’ing” when someone regurgitates a joke that they made in a previous column and thinks that it’s (still) clever? See “I don’t want to be “”Gary Hall, Jr.’d”” by the Aussie media” from our first column.

Disclaimer: If you have construed anything in this column as anti-gay rights, anti-republican party, or anti-Ashton Kutcher you don’t read good.  Click Here for further research.


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About Gary Hall, Jr. and David Cromwell

Gary Hall, Jr. Gary Hall, Jr. has 10 Olympic medals in swimming and represented the United States national team for 15 years. He is currently an active healthcare consultant with a focus on diabetes care providing board support, strategic alliance, marketing and public relations strategy, international sales and distribution services, advocacy, …

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