CT High School Athletes File Lawsuit Challenging Trans-Inclusive Policies

In what is an inevitable step in the ongoing debate over where transgender athletes fit into the binary male and female sporting system, a group of high school athletes in Connecticut have filed a federal lawsuit challenging the state’s trans-inclusive policy in regard to high school athletics. The state is one of 17 that have trans-inclusive athletics policies.

A conservative religious group called The Alliance Defending Freedom filed a federal lawsuit this week on behalf of a group of students who are challenging the state’s policy that allows trans athletes to compete based on their gender identity. This is the 2nd suit filed by the Alliance Defending Freedom after they filed a Title IX complaint last summer.

The suit alleges that “inescapable biological facts of the human species [are] not stereotypes, ‘social constructs,’ or relics of past discrimination.”

“That biological unfairness doesn’t go away because of what someone believes about gender identity,” said Alanna Smith, one of the plaintiffs in the suit, who is a sophomore at Danbury High School. “All girls deserve to compete on a level playing field.”

Danbury High School won last year’s CIAC High School State Championship in the open division.

The plaintiffs in the case name two high school seniors in Connecticut who are transgender student-athletes. In a statement, one of those seniors Terry Miller said that she feels that this is another case of discrimination, which she has faced her whole life.

“So many young trans people face exclusion at school and in athletics and it contributes to the horrible pain and discrimination that my community faces,” she said. “There is a long history of excluding black girls from sports and policing our bodies. I am a runner, and I will keep running and keep fighting for my existence, my community and my rights.”

Miller was the top qualifier for finals in the girls 100 meter dash before being disqualified for a false start. She won the 200 meter dash and was a member of the winning Bloomfield High School 4×400 meter relay. During her sophomore year of high school Miller set Connecticut open-class state records in the girls’ 100 meter dash and 200 meter dash. The other athlete named, Andraya Yearwood, finished 4th in the girls 100 meter dash last season as a junior.

As compared to policies held by USA Swimming, the NCAA, and the International Olympic Committee, Connecticut does not require transgender athletes to undergo hormone therapy to participate in sports.

The suit is being fought by the ACLU of Connecticut.

“The language of the complaint, which deliberately misgenders transgender youth and demands that high school athletics be organized by chromosomes, is an assault on the basic dignity and humanity of transgender people and a threat to the privacy and equality of all students,” Chase Strangio, deputy director for Trans Justice with the ACLU LGBT & HIV Project, said in a statement. Last year, the ACLU published a report title “Banning Trans Girls from School Sports Is Neither Feminist Nor Legal,” addressing the argument that policies allowing transgender students to compete in girls’ athletics is anti-women.

The CIAC, which governs high school sports in Connecticut, released this statement:

CHESHIRE, Conn. – The Connecticut Interscholastic Athletic Conference (CIAC) is committed to equity in providing opportunities to student athletes in Connecticut. In 2013 the CIAC adopted its current policy regarding transgender participation in athletics. When first adopting that policy and when subsequently reviewing it, the CIAC consulted with and relied on statements and advice from numerous bodies and organizations, including the Connecticut Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities, the Connecticut State Department of Education, the National Federation of State High School Associations, and the Office for Civil Rights.  The CIAC believes that its current policy is appropriate under both state and federal law, and it has been defending that policy in the complaint that was filed previously with the Office of Civil Rights.  Although OCR’s investigation is still pending, the CIAC is aware that a lawsuit has now also been filed in federal court. The CIAC will respond to that lawsuit after we have a chance to review it further.

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2 Cents
5 years ago

This is all you need to know: A conservative religious group called The Alliance Defending Freedom filed a federal lawsuit this week on behalf of a group of students who are challenging the state’s policy that allows trans athletes to compete based on their gender identity. This is the 2nd suit filed by the Alliance Defending Freedom after they filed a Title IX complaint last summer.

A conservative religious group…. name one of those that exists that does not have a history of discrimination. Yeah, maybe there are some kinks that need to be worked out in the policies, but in no way should it be led by a group like this. According to the SCLU they are described as… Read more »

5 years ago

I get both sides of the argument. However, my guy just went 20.2 in the 50 free 2 weeks ago. If he decided that he is ready for the transformation, does he get a D1 scholarship or a spot at Womens NCAAs? Does he/she get the American record if he swims at a college meet?

We have categories for lack of physical features at the Paralympics, why can’t we just add a sub class for gender transition to that. Class S16 males to females Class S17 females to males. Both compete only under the premise that they have spent 3-5 years in gender transition.

Why cant we say that we will respect the biologic make up of a person… Read more »

Brian M
5 years ago

Maybe this will provide a little perspective. A transgender woman just qualified for Olympic Trials in the marathon. (S)he had never been a runner in adolescence, and only took up the activity as an adult for weight loss during transition surgery, and didn’t even attempt a marathon until 3 years ago. So in 3 short years, an adult went from absolute novice to OT’s in a 26.2 mile race. Think of all the women that have worked their entire life to meet that standard. Then this dude just pops in and in 36 months he punches his ticket. If that doesn’t give you pause, then you cannot have an objective conversation about this topic.

5 years ago

“inescapable biological facts of the human species [are] not stereotypes, ‘social constructs,’ or relics of past discrimination.”

I’m not sure if this will go anywhere but that is a perfect summary of the flaw of letting Athletes compete with whatever gender they choose.

Ol' Longhorn
Reply to  IM FAN
5 years ago

It’s nice that we know all the “inescapable biological facts of the human species.” We can save a s—ton of money, close 2/3 of the NIH, and just be done with biological research. Who knew!?!

5 years ago

In international chess, there is a women’s division and an open division. Women can, and sometimes do, elect to play in the open division, but men cannot play in the women’s division. I think that arrangement would work well for all sports, i.e. one division restricted to biological women, and the other division open to anyone.

Ain’t no one winning here
5 years ago

Tough call for both sides

Reply to  Ain’t no one winning here
5 years ago

2 sides being the fair side and the unfair side?

Ol' Longhorn
Reply to  coach
5 years ago

“There were good people on both sides.”

Ain't no winning
Reply to  Ol' Longhorn
5 years ago

Coach, I read up on this and the student-athlete with the suit is clearly in the right. There is an unfair advantage that cannot be disputed. For the other party they will never be seen as legitimate athletes in their sport.

About Braden Keith

Braden Keith

Braden Keith is the Editor-in-Chief and a co-founder/co-owner of SwimSwam.com. He first got his feet wet by building The Swimmers' Circle beginning in January 2010, and now comes to SwimSwam to use that experience and help build a new leader in the sport of swimming. Aside from his life on the InterWet, …

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