Court Rules Swiss Muslim Girls Have to Learn to Swim with Boys

The European Court of Human Rights reached a decision on Tuesday that 2 Swiss Muslim girls are obligated to learn to swim with boys. Per the court’s decision, muslim parents in Switzerland cannot refuse to send their daughters to school swimming lessons where they learn to swim with boys.

The case was brought to the ECHR when the parents of 2 girls, ages 9 and 7 at the time, refused to send their daughters to mandatory mixed swimming lessons at their school in Basel, Switzerland. Their objection to sending the girls to the coed lessons was based on religious freedom. Officials then fined the parents in the amount of $1,380, leading the parents to bring the case to court.

The court believes that their ruling justifies the enforcement of the “full school cirriculum” and “successful integration into society.” They rejected the idea that Swiss authorities had violated their freedom of religion.

The following is a statement from the court:

“The public interest in following the full school cirriculum should prevail over the applicants’ private interest in obtaining an exemption from mixed swimming lessons for their daughters.”

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Stan Crump
8 years ago

RIP – Freedom of Religion. Coming to a country near you soon.

8 years ago

If only every court could make every kid learn to swim.

8 years ago

I bet they also object to the teaching of evolution

Reply to  Markster
8 years ago

I don’t know what muslims think of evolution but this is one family in Switzerland who are demanding separate swimming lessons for their girls.

I have conducted swim lessons for women only but we had to find a facility that could be closed to ALL others but the participants . Ive nothing against the idea but there should be equal access to a men only session . There are many men & boys who would like to learn to swim in a male only environment .

And yes Trans can choose .

Reply to  G.I.N.A
8 years ago

It’s not an issue regarding personal preference, but a misguided grievance filed under religious discrimination, which is clearly not the case

Reply to  WaitAMinute
8 years ago

Note that this order ends at puberty . I am foreseeing this in my alternative suggestion though my example was for adults . There is no reason communities cannot accomodate youths separate gender swim sessions in addition to mixed .

Ppl will use religion to demand all sorts of stuff but there are ways around to counter this .

Reply to  G.I.N.A
8 years ago

The mixed swim lessions in school are just until 7th grade. Afterwards the spiltt up in gender seperate groups! This is because primary school classes (1-6 grade in Switzerland) are very small and local so the kids can walk to school! (In my whole class, we where 13 kids in 6th grade. And yes, I grew up in Switzerland)

About Lauren Neidigh

Lauren Neidigh

Lauren Neidigh is a former NCAA swimmer at the University of Arizona (2013-2015) and the University of Florida (2011-2013). While her college swimming career left a bit to be desired, her Snapchat chin selfies and hot takes on Twitter do not disappoint. She's also a high school graduate of The …

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