Jonas Deichmann’s triathlon around the world has been halted for nine weeks in Istanbul, Turkey because the country’s borders are closed due to the coronavirus pandemic. On Monday, Deichmann returned to the road on bike but he is still waiting for a visa to gain access to Russia and continue his route to Vladivostok on the coast of the Pacific Ocean.
Deichmann was stopped about 2 weeks after setting the world record for the longest unassisted swim in December: 450km along the coast of Croatia towards Montenegro. He then logged miles of biking through the Balkans and Turkey before he realized that the border between Istanbul and Russia was closed.
He used the past 9 weeks for light training sessions in southern Turkey, according to Deichmann’s press release. He stayed in an apartment hosted by Turkish native Rahmi Gozele who became Deichmann’s cycling partner at times. Here are some pictures courtesy of his photographer, Markus Weinburg, showing how the extreme athlete made the most of this unexpected pause:

Jonas Deichmann cycling courtesy of Markus Weinburg

Jonas Deichmann Cycling courtesy of Jonas Deichmann

Jonas Deichmann cycling with his host Rahmi Gozele courtesy of Markus Weinburg

Jonas Deichmann courtesy of Markus Weinburg
Together the German Triathlon Union DTU, the German-Russian Forum, and the Russian Olympic Committee were able to obtain a Russian visa which allowed him to enter Russia through either Bulgaria, Romania, Moldova, or the Ukraine. With this visa, his press release explains, Deichmann will be able to transverse the Russian border while complying with coronavirus tests and quarantines. He anticipates no further coronavirus-related obstacles while en route to the Pacific Ocean.
His press release estimates that the visa will be accessible to him on Friday, but according to his social media post on Friday he has not yet received it.
The 40,000 kilometer journey began in Munich, Germany on September, 26, 2020 and was estimated to take 12 months. This delay in Turkey will likely extend that to 14 months or more.
What’s Next?
Next, Deichmann will bike through Russia to Vladivostok on the coast of the Pacific Ocean. Then he will be hitchhiking on a boat to travel to San Francisco. Once he steps foot in North America, Deichmann will run 5040 km (3,131.7 mi) from San Francisco to New York. There, he will board another boat to cross the Atlantic Ocean, taking him to Lisbon where he will end his circumnavigation of the globe by cycling back to Munich, Germany.
His immediate next step will be cycling through Siberia. For context, Siberia’s two week weather prediction shows potential low of -22 degrees Fahrenheit and a maximum high of 20 degrees Fahrenheit. Deichmann prepared for these conditions by training at -25 degrees Celsius (-13 degrees Fahrenheit) in Deutsche Bahn, Minden.
Deichmann continues to post daily updates of his globe-circumnavigating triathlon on his Instagram page.
Full Press Release
It goes on for Jonas Deichmann on his Triathlon around the world
The adventurer and extreme athlete Jonas Deichmann, who has been stuck in Turkey for 9 weeks due to closed borders, can continue his circumnavigation of the world in the triathlon discipline.
Deichmann began his project on September 26 in Munich. He rode by bicycle over the Alps to Karlobag on the Croatian coast. From there, he swam 450 kilometers along the Adriatic coast and reached Dubrovnik on November 22 after 54 days in the water. In the process, the Munich native set a new record for the longest swim distance without an escort boat. From Dubrovnik, Deichmann continued eastward by bicycle, with the goal of reaching the Pacific coast of China in the spring.
When Deichmann reached Istanbul in mid-December, he found that all land borders in an easterly direction had now been closed due to the tightened Corona situation. An alternative plan to change direction and circumnavigate the world in a westerly direction is currently difficult to implement for the same reason, but remains open as possible option.
Deichmann used the waiting time for light training sessions in southern Turkey. A call for help in the triathlon scene now seems to bring the hoped-for solution. The German Triathlon Union DTU, the German-Russian Forum and the Russian Olympic Committee have used their network to get a visa for Russia for Deichmann, which should be ready next Friday at the Russian Consulate in Istanbul. This opens up the possibility of entering Russia via Bulgaria, Romania, Moldova and Ukraine. The borders on this 13 000-kilometer route are currently traversable with coronatests and quarantine in Russia. After entering Russia, the route will be clear all the way to Vladivostok on the Pacific Ocean.
In order to be able to cycle through Siberia in winter, Deichmann has prepared himself especially in the cold chamber of the Deutsche Bahn. He will change to his winter gear in Bulgaria to be able to pass the expected minus 20-30 degrees in Siberia.
The Munich native already holds records for all three major continental crossings by bike: Eurasia from Portugal to Vladivostok in 64 days, the legendary Panamericana from Alaska to Tierra del Fuego in 97 days, and last year the route from the North Cape to Cape Town in 72 days – a whole month faster than the previous world record.
There is a book about Cape to Cape in stores and a documentary film at
Great feat even though I reckon a wetsuit as a vessel.