Breathless Cate Campbell Easily Takes 50 Free Queensland Title (Video)


Day 4 of the 2017 Queensland Championships was relatively quiet minus the performance by Cate Campbell in the women’s splash n’ dash. The 25-year-old fired off a speedy mark of 24.13 to notch the world’s 2nd fastest outing this season, sitting only behind China’s Liu Xiang.

2017-2018 LCM WOMEN 50 FREE

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Remarkably, C1 took zero breaths during the all-out effort, giving her the big edge over the next-closest competitor, which was 19-year-old Shayna Jack, who finished in the runner-up slot in 24.82. Of her solid ‘breathless’ performance this evening, C1 stated, “I have managed to work through it a couple more times and I am becoming more confident and more comfortable with it so it’s just doing those little things right, so when it comes to a major competition I can do them automatically; I have been playing with the breath-no breath for the past two years and I’m the kind of person who likes to live well within her comfort zone.”

The Chandler swimmer continued, “Doing a no-breath 50m freestyle pushes me out of my comfort zone a little but it’s learning the difference between a bad thing and a different thing and I have come to the decision that a no-breath 50m is different rather than bad.

“So I just have to push through that little level of discomfort that comes with trying something new and really working with but I’m pretty pleased with that swim tonight.”

Addressing her start off the block, which is a known weakness, C1 stated, “I’m behind the best in the world in that respect; that one was 0.75 which is pretty good for me bit ideally I would like to get it down to 0.60…that’s what Sarah Sjostrom and Ranomi Kromowidjojo and (my sister) Bronte Campbell are doing so there is a little bit of work to do there.”

“Overall tonight’s swim was a pretty good execution of where I’m at so I would probably give myself an 8.5 out of 10 although coach Simon Cusack will probably comeback with a 7.5.but I will give myself a little pat on the back. A home Games is what we train for – a once in a lifetime opportunity and the closer we get the more excited I get.”

Additional Winners on the Day:

  • James Roberts took the men’s 50m freestyle in a tie of 22.55, as one of only two swimmers to dip under the 23-second threshold. Olympic champion in the 100m freestyle, Kyle Chalmers, produced a mark of 23.58 for 12th seed out of this morning’s prelims, but opted out of finals. James Magnussen only raced the men’s 200m free and 100m free and wasn’t entered in the 50m here in Brisbane.
  • Daniel Fox was tonight’s men’s multi-class 100m butterfly victor, taking the gold in 1:02.21, giving him 836 points.
  • For the women’s multi-class 100m butterfly event, Mary Fisher of New Zealand wound up on top in a time of 1:18.40 for 881 points. The Australian with the highest pointsin the race was Paige Leonhardt, who finished in 1:06.98 for 870 points.

All quotes courtesy of Hanson Media.

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About Retta Race

Retta Race

Former Masters swimmer and coach Loretta (Retta) thrives on a non-stop but productive schedule. Nowadays, that includes having just earned her MBA while working full-time in IT while owning French 75 Boutique while also providing swimming insight for BBC.

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