Blueseventy welcomes back Roque Santos

Blueseventy has reappointed Roque Santos to lead it’s performance swimwear division. The USA Olympian was at the helm when blueseventy revolutionized pool swimwear in 2008 and has returned to push forward the current and future swimwear range.

Having launched the new nero14 on 1 January, sales of blueseventy’s flagship suit have been remarkable. Both the USA and Australia are already running low on stock and extra production has been called on to meet demand.

Santos is based in California and actively engaged in the world’s coolest swimming community. His passion for the sport and detailed industry experience will be invaluable to blueseventy. With suits already being chosen by some of the best swimmers in the world for Olympic finals, Santos is tasked with driving the development of even faster suits and increasing blueseventy’s market share globally.

Santos represented USA at the 1992 Olympic Games in Barcelona, specializing in the 200m breast stroke. He was a seven-time NCAA All-American swimmer at University of California, Berkeley.

Since retiring from elite swimming he’s been actively engaged in the swimwear industry and continued his passion as a successful masters swimmer. His wife and children are also swimmers. It is this love of swimming that makes him an ideal choice for blueseventy, and brand which developed from a passion for the water and developing equipment that allowed swimmers to enjoy it even in the harshest of conditions.

Santos said:

Roque Santos“The nero14 is a seriously fast suit. I’ve come back to the company and I’m impressed, it’s no concidence that nero14 selling out. Blueseventy have kept things simple with their designs, there are no gimmicks so it’s easy for consumers to understand what’s good about this suit. It fits, feels good and it’s fast. I’m looking forward to working with the small, but very passionate team to drive things forward.”

About blueseventy

blueseventy, block adblueseventy, aptly named to suggest 70% of the earth covered in water, is the world leader in triathlon and open water wetsuits, swimskins and goggles.  Since 1993, the Seattle-based company has designed, tested, refined and crafted products using superior materials and revolutionary details that equate to comfort, freedom from restriction and ultimately a competitive advantage in the water. blueseventy products have instilled confidence in beginners as well as carried world-class athletes to victory. blueseventy products can be found in more than 250 retail locations across the U.S. and in 30 countries. For more information, visit The water is open.

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 This release was provided to SwimSwam courtesy of blueseventy.

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Josh Davis
11 years ago

Roque is the best! So glad he will continue to be a positive presence on pool decks.

11 years ago

Congrats Blueseventy – you are lucky to have Roque!

11 years ago


Now, Roque, lead the charge to bring back the full-body suit as FINA legal #missnerocomplegs