College distance freestyler Blake Blair reflects on midseason breakthrough
“Swimming is a tough sport to do by yourself, but he is capable of pushing himself,” Albion Head Coach Jake Taber, who has followed Blair’s career since his time as a club swimmer in middle school.
Swim Coach Confidential: Coach Mike Kotch of Brandeis University
Most valuable piece of information you’ve learned from coaching? “Managing an athlete’s brain is just as important as managing their seasonal plan.”
7 Survival Guide Guidelines For Your College Training Trip
Through painstaking trial-and-error (and lots of poolside naps), I have put together the ultimate survival guide for college swimming training trip newbies.
Live Your Own A+ Life
“If you want to live an A+ life, you need to do A+ work” — Gerry Leeds (1922-2014)
13 Things I’ve Learned From 13 Years Of Swimming
#3 – Swim coaches will be some of the most important people in your life and some of your biggest supporters, in and out of the pool.
Is Hypoxic Training Good, Bad or The Wrong Terminology?
You may have heard swim coaches use the term Hypoxic Training and wondered exactly what it meant. The literal definition means to swim with fewer breaths per length and so limit the supply of oxygen to your body.
Jolyn Fashion Photo Vault – Australian Summer
Photographer: Ming Nomchong from The Drifter Blog @thedrifterblog – Models: Liberty Bennett @libertybennett & Hannah Lemke @hannahlemke
9 Odd Things I’ve Learned Swimming This Past Year
Rafael Domeyko is a swimming photographer and a masters swimmer. He has swum his entire life and he continually learns new things about the sport and swimming culture.
Lessons From Legends: The Myth of George Haines
“Who are the most prominent figures in the current and past history of swimming?” (Swim Photo Credit: CW)
Before Foxcatcher: The story of the Swimming Hall of Fame and the John du Pont not depicted in FOXCATCHER, the movie
“The Carell character (playing du Pont) in the movie is not the man I knew,” said swim coach Frank Keefe, who walked out of the film before it ended in disgust. “The John du Pont I knew was my friend, a patriot and a hero…”
Swim Coach Confidential: Xavier University Coach Brent MacDonald
Coach Brent MacDonald was named Coach of the Year after just his first season of competition in the Big East. With this honor, Coach MacDonald has been named Coach of the year in both the Atlantic 10 and the Big East.
The Seconds That Count
“I was losing my mind. I spent the entire morning grinding my teeth, just wanting to get it over and done with. My stomach completely turned, I practically ran back out of the doors when they called my event…”
20 Reasons To Be Thankful For USRPT
Indie Swimming: “With Christmas just ahead, it has caused us to reflect on things we are thankful for. With swimming being a big part of our family experience, we decided to list five things each that we appreciated about the USRPT approach to training.”
10 Words that Have Entirely Different Meanings to Swimmers
SANDBAGGING: Filling a sack with sand in order to create a protective barrier? No…deliberately performing below one’s actual ability…
Olympian Josh Davis Breaks Down USRPT in a Way You Have Not Heard Before – Video
5-time Olympic Medalist, Josh Davis, breaks down your swimming career, and why USRPT works for the majority of swimmers.