At Least 4 Australians Will Still Compete In ISL Season

At least four Australian swimmers are still planning to participate in the International Swimming League despite reports that an international travel ban could bar Australians from competing.

A source tells SwimSwam that four Australians are confirmed to be planning to compete in the ISL this season in spite of Swimming Australia directives, though specific names aren’t yet available.

During the coronavirus pandemic, Australia has maintained heavy restrictions on international travel. SwimSwam has been told that at least one Australian athlete had an exemption to that travel ban denied by Swimming Australia. Traveling to the ISL season camp anyways would be considered a breach of Swimming Australia’s Code of Conduct and could cause the Australian federation to pull funding and support from the athlete.

Then today, the London Roar announced that none of its Australian athletes would be competing in the ISL this season. The Roar had the most sizable Australian contingent of any team, with 9 Australians on the roster including huge names like Minna Atherton, Cate Campbell and Kyle Chalmers.

It’s not clear whether the four unnamed swimmers who will be competing in the ISL are receiving Swimming Australia funding or not. It’s possible that Swimming Australia would have less authority over the movements of athletes who are not receiving financial support from the federation. You can see a full list of all 28 Australians named to original ISL Season 2 rosters here.

The ISL’s second season is taking place during a five-week training camp block in Budapest, Hungary. The professional swimming league said last week it would test every athlete every five days during the camp, but declined to reveal whether athletes would be quarantined to hotels and training facilities while in Budapest.

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4 years ago

Terrible decision that Swimming Australia is not supporting athletes in competing.

They should be advocating on behalf of getting athletes permission to travel, not helping stand in opposition.

Not surprised to see short sighted decisions like this being made by Swimming Australia though to be fair.

Many Australian athletes have been granted permission to travel internationally to compete. No reason that Swimmers couldn’t apply/push for the same.

Reply to  M D E
4 years ago

exactly, cricketers can go, tennis players, soccer players…athletics….but not swimmers – makes no sense

Corn Pop
4 years ago

London Roar are managed by a professional sports agent who has strong connection with swimming . The ot h er 4 may be individually free agents . What is important is not Swimming Australia permission but Federal Govt approval .

If I th e y submitted travel & Quarantine plans then it is on th e m . However booked & paid for return flights are being cancelled at short notice by airlines There isroom for sympathy but those with a approval to leave & bumped off return flights have been whingeing the Govt should somehow ensure they get back !

Returns are going to yo be difficult coming into Xmas thru March . But if they can stay… Read more »

4 years ago

I wonder what part of the Code of Conduct allows them to control the athletes like this?

Reply to  Troyy
4 years ago

Good question

4 years ago

Wonder if the 4 is based on them training/living outside Australia (not sure any of them do?) or them not receiving any funding from SA so not worried about any consequences or just that these particular swimmers decided to just say screw it and go anyways?

Anyone care to bet on who ends up going?

Reply to  SwimFan
4 years ago

The one name of the four that we know, the case is that the swimmer is not being funded, and that is the primary reason that swimmer has escaped judgement by Swimming Australia. The rest, in essence, are under contract with Swimming Australia, is what they’re claiming.

So, you’re definitely on to something with the funding.

Reply to  Braden Keith
4 years ago

No funding or don’t need the funding (ie Katie L, Simone). People who make enough with sponsors etc that they can “afford” not to worry about it.

Reply to  Ghost
4 years ago

Not an amazing idea to go against your governing body during Olympic year though

About Jared Anderson

Jared Anderson

Jared Anderson swam for nearly twenty years. Then, Jared Anderson stopped swimming and started writing about swimming. He's not sick of swimming yet. Swimming might be sick of him, though. Jared was a YMCA and high school swimmer in northern Minnesota, and spent his college years swimming breaststroke and occasionally pretending …

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