Ask Chloe Sutton

We recently had the chance to catch up with SwimSpray’s President, Andrew Chadeayne. Here’s what he told us:

Chloe Sutton, SwimSprayTomorrow, Wednesday June 11th, SwimSpray’s President, Andrew Chadeayne will interview Chloe Sutton about her commitment to teaching children and adults how to swim. According to Dr. Chadeayne, “we really admire Chloe’s commitment to the sport of swimming, especially educating swimmers. We share the same mission of making the sport better—Chloe focuses on educating swimmers, while we [SwimSpray, LLC] are trying to make the sport healthier by eliminating the unpleasant side effects of chlorine and chloramines. Together we cover the swimmers’body and mind. Actually, the hair and swimsuit too.”

As an illustration of Ms. Sutton’s focus on improving swimmer education, she recently joined Janet Evans, Rowdy Gaines, Jason Lezak, Aaron Peirsol, Brian Goodell, and Kaitlin Sandeno at the Just Add Swim charitable event in Palm Desert California. The Just Add Swim event connected Olympic swimmers with kids of all abilities. The event’s focus was teaching water basics and safety everyone.

When SwimSpray asked Ms. Sutton what she liked most about her involvement, she responded “Saving lives! I get to introduce kids to the water for the first time. They’re learning a life skill and experiencing a whole new world for the first time. It’s an amazing feeling to take a child who has never been in a pool for the first time and see them go from terrified to splashing and blowing bubbles with me having a ton of fun.”

Ms. Sutton also teaches advanced stroke technique to performance swimmers as part of the Fitter&Faster Swim Tour, presented by SwimOutlet.

If you have any questions that you would to ask Chloe Sutton, just post to the comments here, Tweet @SwimSpray, post to SwimSpray’s Facebook, or email [email protected] with your question. SwimSpray will post the answers next week.

SwimSpray is a SwimSwam Partner.

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10 years ago

Hi Steve – more water? On Earth?

Reply to  Andrew Chadeayne
10 years ago

Yes. Because I’m pretty sure all the water that will ever be, is right now.

Reply to  Steve Nolan
10 years ago

Hi Steve.

Actually there is more water added to earth all the time. Comets and asteroids deposit it in the atmosphere on on the ground if they survive the entry. The leading theory is that this is the source of all water on earth. Deposited over billions of years (though admittedly most of it came from very long ago when comets were much more plentiful.

Becky D
Reply to  SwimDad
10 years ago

Oh, Swimdad…. Please follow the link embedded in Steve’s original post.

10 years ago

Will there ever be more water?

Becky D
Reply to  Steve Nolan
10 years ago

Thanks, Steve. I somehow missed that video when it was originally posted. It made my day.

About Gold Medal Mel Stewart

Gold Medal Mel Stewart

MEL STEWART Jr., aka Gold Medal Mel, won three Olympic medals at the 1992 Olympic Games. Mel's best event was the 200 butterfly. He is a former World, American, and NCAA Record holder in the 200 butterfly. As a writer/producer and sports columnist, Mel has contributed to Yahoo Sports, Universal Sports, …

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