US Olympic legend and twelve-time medallist Dara Torres (48) is facing a legal battle over the fine print of two of her corporate endorsement deals.
Torres shot to mainstream fame at age 41 as a member of the US Olympic team winning three medals at the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games despite being an average of 10 – 15 years older than her competitors, and a mum. This, coupled with her wholesome model-like looks and public relations skills, has afforded Dara an impressive portfolio of business opportunities post-swimming. Torres, now 48, has endorsed everything from anti-aging creams to ear-phones, she has appeared on various US television networks and even appeared in the coveted Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue – the first female elite athlete to do so. Torres’ image screams health and vitality through middle age and she has built herself into a highly marketable commodity. Dara is also an accomplished motivational speaker.

Dara Torres, 50 freestyle, championship final, 2012 Indianapolis Grand Prix (Swim Photo Credit: Tim Binning, the swim pictures)
To rub salt into the wound further (and despite terminating her contract via a letter dated July 13), a video featuring Torres endorsing the Tommi Copper copper-laced compression technology sleeves was still appearing on Tommie Copper Inc.’s website as of Friday and Dara is still listed as an Ambassador.
Torres has not made herself available for comment but on the same day that she lodged the complaint she did tweet a bikini-clad pic of herself relaxing in a hammock wearing her Koss ear-phones (another product she endorses). Sending the message that she is one cool customer and will not be bullied by the corporate world.
Shame that swimmers do not have higher quality avenues to earn a living than endorsing products. Especially questionable products that they do not use or would never use. Once a person enters into a contract, any terrible thing can happen. Business is full of bad actors, as attorneys say. Swimmers don’t want swim to swim just to keep attorneys raking it in.
Wow, what a silly thing to say. Most athletes earn their income from endorsing products. Jordan – Nike. Rossi – Monster. Froome – Sky. Natalie C. – Speedo. Etc…..
Over prescribed testosterone is huge problem.
There is no way I would take that stuff. You just don’t know what affects it will have on an aging body that no longer “needs” as much in the system as you might as a teen or twenty-something. Scary to think about.
I was momentarily excited to see women’s Limbo drugs . Now I am disappointed to have unearthed a hidden desire that was falsely raised .
Anyone else find it interesting that she is endorsing testosterone supplements…but not as performance enhancers of course? I’m sorry, but with her having achieved such swimming success at a relatively advanced age, I would have advised not endorsing any testosterone products!
See what comes up on a Google search for Vestiage, Inc. Nothing but stock information and a non-functioning company website. No product information. No reviews. Just money.
Don’t believe she was endorsing all their products but specifically the anti aging creams.
I’m fine with it.
Testosterone supplements are needed as you age and your natural production goes down. She is no longer competing, but does represent people in their 40’s and 50’s who could use it.
Needed as you age? You just said that our testosterone production naturally decreases, so why is that something that needs to be “fixed”?
I read an article about an advanced age weightlifter who dominates his category by taking enormous prescribed doses of testosterone in order to maintain a normal level—yeah, “normal” for an 18 year old! It’s ridiculous that these guys are competing without any restriction.
I’m not advocating using it while you compete, but on average your T-levels decline about 1.5% per year. As a result, yes to promote good health you should to maintain a satisfactory level. It’s hard for you to understand I’m sure, but go do some research on the matter.
Rick Mears… winning the hearts and minds of nobody.
Except when we learn down the line that supplemental T increases the risk of something like aggressive early prostate cancer or some other significant health problem just like hormone replacement therapy post-menopause increases the risk of certain types of cancer in women.
Just because something occurs naturally doesn’t mean its always good for you.
The article clearly states the testosterone supplements are for men, and it does not say that she specifically endorses testosterone supplements.
I believe it’s Tommy Copper Inc, not Tommy Cooper.
It’s actually Tommie Copper.
Reviews indicate their products are overpriced and poorly made, and there’s no scientific evidence or clinical studies that indicate copper apparel has any benefit. Pretty much a scam, so it’s not surprising that they’d behave this way. Probably a shrewd move to boost publicity without paying for marketing. No sympathy when shady endorsements like this one go bad.
Let’s be clear. This is simple business where Tommie Copper wants out of it’s contract with Dara and they believe they’ve found a way. I hope she gets her money.