4 Reasons to Become Surge Strength Dryland Certified (SSDC)

Before SURGE Strength created the first swim-specific strength training certification it wasn’t possible to become dryland certified. Whether you already understand and value dryland in your program or if you want to learn how to start a dryland program for yourself or your team, becoming SURGE Strength Dryland Certified (SSDC) will help you realize the improvement that an effective dryland program can bring.

Here are some other reasons you should become SURGE Strength Dryland Certified (SSDC):


SURGE Strength Dryland Certified



1) Write Better Dryland Workouts

Having better results in a dryland program starts with being able to write better workouts. It can quickly feel overwhelming about where to start and what to focus on if you’re doing it by yourself. This is why it’s so important to understand the foundational dryland principles that should always be considered when creating a dryland workout.

One of the most helpful resources we created in the SURGE Strength Dryland Certification was a Dryland Plan Checklist. This details line by line items you need to complete in order to complete your dryland season plan, dryland weekly plan, and finally for each individual dryland session. But simply following the checklist you’ll be able to zero in on exactly what you need in order to create a sound dryland plan overall and for each dryland session.

A key element in either dryland or swim training plan is knowing what phases you’ll go through in the periodization of a season. It can quickly get overly complicated when trying to understand what type of phases you should do in a dryland program. But in the SURGE Strength Dryland Certification Curriculum, we’ve broken it down into a few simple but effective phases. This allows for results without the confusion, especially if you don’t have much of a strength & conditioning background.

As you learn how to write single session dryland workout we’ll teach you the “dynamic eight” variables that you need to account for in each of your dryland workouts. You can probably think of a few off the top of your head but when you can take into account all eight variables it gives you the incredible power of customization over any dryland workout for any type of athlete and their goals.


2) Learn How to Prevent (And Avoid) Injuries in Dryland (And Swimming)

It may seem like injuries just occur out of nowhere but that’s actually rarely the case. This is especially true with a sport like swimming that is non-contact., as compared to football, soccer or basketball. Because of the nature of swimming, there are really only a few pathways to injury for swimmers and you’ll learn how to not only identify them but how to actively counter them through proper dryland programming. Imagine if your dryland program allowed yourself or your swimmers to have none or close to zero injuries? Just that type of result will magnify your swimming training by allowing more consistent and effective time in the water.

One of the keys you’ll learn about helping swimmers avoid injuries when you become SURGE Strength Dryland Certified is a very specific ratio to pay attention to. This simple, but often overlooked ratio is critical to successful dryland workouts by improving performance but also by avoiding injury. And once you learn this simple ratio you’ll be able to easily identify it in your dryland workouts and help ensure your swimmers avoid common injuries associate with swimming.


SURGE Strength Dryland Certified



3) Discover how to have Synergy between Dryland & Swim Training

Being able to balance training in the water and on land is a challenging feat. We created the SURGE Strength Dryland Certification with the overall goal of building better athletes to generate faster swimmers. This means the focus is never on how much a swimmer can max out in a lift, performing an extreme exercise, or for them to become an Olympic Weightlifter. The goal is simply to improve their swimming performance! Not all improvements on land translate to better performance in the water. But by earning your SSDC you’ll understand the critical elements that will allow dryland improvements to transfer to in-water performance.

One aspect of the overall balancing act between dryland and swim training is making sure swimmers have the needed energy at certain times during a weekly training cycle, especially when there’s a big set in the water or competition. A critical key to managing an athlete’s energy is keeping dryland training as clean as possible. You’ll learn how to do this in the SURGE Strength Dryland Certification and therefore have dryland workouts that don’t burn out swimmers. A dryland program that leaves swimmers with nothing for their in-water training isn’t part of a sound dryland program.


4) Professional Development In Becoming SURGE Strength Dryland Certified

Whether you currently write your own dryland program or receive a custom dryland program, like a SURGE Strength Program, becoming SURGE Strength Dryland Certified will help you create better workouts and/or allow better communication with those that are writing your dryland workouts.

A hallmark of successful coaches and athletes is an unrelenting thirst to learn. The SURGE Strength Dryland Certification will definitely satisfy your dryland curiosity and allow you to develop an even deeper understanding.

Once you earn your SSDC credentials you’ll also be able to procure professional liability insurance from a number of insurers. This is extremely valuable and very affordable once you have SSDC behind your name. And if needed you’ll be able to earn CEUs from national organizations like the NSCA, NASM, and many others by becoming SURGE Strength Dryland Certified.

And last but not least by becoming SURGE Strength Dryland Certified you’ll have fulfilled a requirement if you’re interested in joining SURGE Strength as a Dryland Certified Coach. You can become a part of what SURGE Strength is doing with swimmers and swim teams worldwide by delivering their SURGE Strength Programs via app to athletes all around the world.




Dryland Training Certification

Dryland Training Certification Dryland Training Certification





Dryland Training Certification




Dryland Training Certification



The goal of SURGE Strength is simple:



SURGE Strength - Dryland Training for Swimming

Courtesy of SwimSwam’s exclusive dryland training partner, SURGE Strength.

SURGE Strength is swim-specific, strength training by Chris Ritter. SURGE Strength builds better athletes and faster swimmers through Dryland Programs, Courses and Certification.

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About Chris Ritter

Chris Ritter

Swimming has always been a part of the life of Chris Ritter, founder of RITTER Sports Performance What Chris discovered after his swimming career, as he entered his swim coaching career was how important dryland training for swimmers can be. Chris has earned numerous strength and conditioning certifications, including: CSCS, NASM-PES, USAW …

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