Japan Swim Olympic-Qualifying Event In Limbo As Games Moved To 2021


As of today, the 2020 Japan Swim remains on the international calendar, essentially representing the sole elite swimming meet for the month of April. The meet was set to represent Japan’s only Olympic-qualifying meet; however, with the official International Olympic Committee (IOC) announcement that the next Summer Olympic Games will not take place until 2021, things may change in terms of this particular meet’s meaning.

Asian media is expecting the Japanese Swimming Federation (JASF) to announce today that this meet will still take place, but will no longer represent the sole qualifying opportunity for the now-2021 Olympic Games.

Either the meet will simply represent a non-Trials championships meet, with another Trials meet slated for 2021. Or, this meet will serve as 1 of 2 Olympic-qualifying events, as swimmers are already tapered and gunning for world-class performances at a home nation-hosted Games.

We will update this article as soon as the JASF has formally announced the plan.

In the meantime, World Championships finalist and Japanese national record holder Shinri Shioura took to YouTube to relay his thoughts on the Olympic Games’ postponement.

“Unbelievable,” is the word the 28-year-old used to capture his reaction to the delay.

However, he pragmatically says, “a longer preparation will allow me a chance to be faster.”

Shioura says he will stay positive and encourages all athletes to simply do their best in light of this groundbreaking decision.

You can view Shioura’s YouTube video below. If you view on YouTube directly, you can enact English subtitles.


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4 years ago

And then you have Daiya Seto chilling in the background waiting for his time to swim the 200 fly…..

Casas 100 back gold in Tokyo
4 years ago

One of the reasons I love Retta headline is that it always helps me (a non-native English speaker) learn new words.

About Retta Race

Former Masters swimmer and coach Loretta (Retta) thrives on a non-stop but productive schedule. Nowadays, that includes having earned her MBA while working full-time in IT while owning French 75 Boutique while also providing swimming insight for BBC.

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