This Saturday Belton High School will host a quad meet featuring Southlake Carroll, Austin Westlake, Austin Vandergrift, and Belton High.
No two teams have been more dominant in the 6A class (bigger schools) in recent years than Southlake Carroll and Austin Westlake. Southlake has won five consecutive boy’s state championships and Westlake is fresh off of back to back girl’s state championships.

The Westlake boys’ 400 free relay out-touched Southlake for silver at last year’s Texas 6A State Championship meet – by .01 seconds.
In the 5A class (smaller schools) the Vandergrift girls dominated this past year’s state field and took home the 5A crown winning by over 60 points. Belton’s Coach Patrick Henry, who is hosting the meet, has named it the 1st Annual Super Quad.
When asked what it meant to host a meet of this magnitude in the middle of the Texas high school season Coach Henry replied “this time of year it is all about the racing and we are going to have some fun and fast racing this weekend”. He went on to add that this type of meet is something he hopes to make a tradition and keep hosting. “I would love to have the top teams in the state get together and race in a small meet environment where we are not restricted to the entry limits of bigger meets and all our kids get a chance to race”.
This meet also serves as a “lance chance” meet for any swimmers trying to pick up their cuts for the North TISCA mid-season Invitational in two weeks. Last year Southlake Carroll and Austin Westlake did not see each other at a meet until the mid-season TISCA Invite where Southlake dominated both the boy’s and girl’s competition. They met again in the 6A state championship in February where Southlake won the boy’s championship, Westlake won the girl’s championship, and in the total team scores Westlake edged out Southlake 323 to 312. This weekend should provide some fast racing and a sneak peak of what lies down the road in the Texas High School Championship Season.
Southlake is going to win this year????
Just a mid-season quad-dual training meet, nothing special, no fast suits etc.
Just some good racing competition, while focusing on later in the season.
Southlake won 5 of 6 relays. (all the boy’s relays)
Westlake missing three good girls that may have tipped the scales of the results….however, no diving at this meet and Southlake has quality divers in both boys and girls.
Southlake has fine Team depth, but Westlake has some high quality individuals, two of whom, unfortunately, were not there.
The Westlake Girls would still be considered the favorite for the 6A State Championships, as quality rules at the Texas State Meet.
Rematch in two weeks at North Tisca between Southlake and Westlake.
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Thanks for the Recap Coach Murphy! Lets make sure we pamper our divers. We are going to need them.
That Noah Henry-Jack Levant matchup though will be the only talk from this meet that really matters.
I heard Westlake is practicing for 2 hours before the meet tomorrow lol
No that would just be the inferior swimmers at Westlake- Lost Creek
Don’t be too cocky now Nick Carlson, arrogance wont get you anywhere..especially in the pool
Recent reports state that Dr. Dreidel WILL be rapping/signing autographs on the Vandegrift bench so please come by and support!!!
No one is looking towards the future though. As vandegrift’s amazing young talent continues to show as spectacular, no one will stand a chance in the next few years.
Thanks to Kendall shields and Renee Jacobs, the girls team of vandegrift swimming will dominate the meet
VHS’ boys and girls teams BOTH have the depth of swimmers, relays and team cohesion to be dominating at 5A state. One or two superstars don’t win championships TEAMWORK does!
Shields & Jacobs are not even on the team anymore. 2 swimmers don’t mean the difference between a winning or losing team, no matter who you are!
Im assuming you are talking about 5A
Guys, we all know who is going to win this meet. According to the psych sheets, Belton is ranked 10th in the medley relay! If that doesn’t sounds promising then I don’t know what will. Belton is the overwhelming favorite in this meet!