Michael Phelps’ Court Date Put Off a Month Until December 19

Michael Phelps, who was arrested on September 30, 2014 and charged with DUI, excessive speed, and crossing double lane lines, will not appear in court until December 19, 2014 at 9AM.

Phelps had been stopped by police at 1:40 am outside Fort McHenry Tunnel in Baltimore, after being clocked driving 84 mph in a 45-mph zone. Police said Phelps failed field sobriety tests and his blood-alcohol level was 0.14%, nearly twice the state’s legal limit of 0.08%.

On October 5, Phelps announced “…I’m going to take some time away to attend a program that will provide the help I need to better understand myself.” Meanwhile, USA Swimming announced it would be suspending Phelps and taking away his athlete’s stipend for six months, and would take him off the roster for the 2015 World Championship Team.

Phelps’ trial date had originally been scheduled in Baltimore District Court for November 19 but was postponed a month at the request of his attorney, according to official Maryland Judiciary Records.

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Calm Down Francis
10 years ago

0.14% is two beers without eating. If he had refused the breathalyzer and submitted a blood test, he would have surely passed. Hardly consider this a guy with “problems.”

Reply to  Calm Down Francis
10 years ago

Calm Down Francis – if you’ve been taught that “two beers without eating” will give you a BAC of .14%, then it appears as though there is an education problem in this country. I don’t care if you haven’t eaten in 24 hours, even if you shotgun two beers in 5 minutes, two beers does not give you a BAC of .14. That is absolutely, unequivocally false, especially for a 6’3″ 190-pound male.

10 years ago

totally agree with u ! what will happen is under way ; no need to stress or worry . It’s not the end of the world . Rise on Michael , u are fine .

10 years ago

I doubt this is trial by jury. It’s a hearing in front of a judge. He’s probably having a really rough time in Rehab now that the initial media blackout is probably over, and the therapists are probably exposing him to the scathing criticism of his behaviour that exists on the internet. They probably want him to spend more time in Rehab; it seems like he has a LOT of issues to work through.

Reply to  Diana
10 years ago

A lot of supposition in the comment above. Leave the young man alone. There arelenty of other people who have done the same mistake in their lives. The were lucky that they were not as famous so know one knew of it. That goes for coaches and swimmers.

Gina Rhinestone
10 years ago

Gonna be a whole lotta lists rearranged in Maryland between now and January . Why not just walk right in & sit right down in the jury call room? .You never know your luck .

10 years ago

How do you become a juror for this case?

About Anne Lepesant

Anne Lepesant

Anne Lepesant is the mother of four daughters, all of whom swam in college. With an undergraduate degree from Princeton (where she was an all-Ivy tennis player) and an MBA from INSEAD, she worked for many years in the financial industry, both in France and the U.S. Anne is currently …

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