The 8 Most Common Swimmer Stereotypes – DEBUNKED!

Like any other sport, swimmers are one of a kind. We tend to fade into the background, pursuing a sport that no one knows much about, leaving much about our lives to speculation. Here are 8 common assumptions people make about swimmers:

  1. “Don’t forget me when you go to the Olympics!”

For some reason, people I come into contact with outside swimming like to ask me if I’m going to the Olympics. I guess it’s because they don’t come across swimmers too often, or maybe swimming is only broadcast in the mainstream media every four years.

FALSE- most of us are not destined for Olympic stardom.

  1. “You’re a swimmer, why can’t you run?”

Yes, swimming works more muscles than most sports, but, no, this does not make us good at every other sport. We may seem graceful in the pool, but that doesn’t mean we’re coordinated. I’ve also been asked why I can’t run since I’m a swimmer. There are exceptions, but most of us struggle with land sports.

FALSE- we are not athletic prodigies.

  1. Flower cap:

There is no doubt that when people think of swimmers, they envision us wearing those caps with the flowers that pop out from it.

FALSE- we do not wear bulky morning-stroll caps with the chin straps.

  1. Big shoulders

This one is fitting because I was in the store the other day and a man told me that I don’t look like a flyer because I don’t have man shoulders. Thank you, sir. I think.

FALSE- not all female swimmers have a manly physique.

  1. Hannah Montana quote

Another common image conjured in people’s minds is season 3,  episode 17 of Hannah Montana, when Hannah describes how Gabe is a “hottie lamottie with a swimmer’s body”.

TRUE- Us swimmers generally have great physique.

  1. Hefty appetite

By now, we’ve all seen that article that showed the whole world just how much Michael Phelps eats in a day. And since he’s a swimmer, it’s only natural all the other swimmers eat a lot, too.

TRUE- It would be safe to assume if someone is serious about swimming, they’re most likely serious about eating as well.

  1. The fast swimmers are all tall.

Height absolutely plays a factor in swimming, but not as much as one would think. There are so many different components to swimming, height plays a pretty minor factor.

FALSE- You don’t have to be tall to be fast.

  1. Swimmers are always smooth shaved.

The reaction I get when I try to explain shaving and tapering to people is priceless. They get so confused and respond with some variation of “Doesn’t that make you slower?” Then, when I try to explain the science of it, they just give me a confused look until I give up.

FALSE- On any given day from September to April,  a swimmer is probably more likely to be hairy than shaved.

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About Bryana Cielo

Bryana Cielo

Bryana Cielo Shortly after Bryana Cielo’s birth, she developed her love of water at her family beach house–and hasn’t stopped since. At the conclusion of her swim lessons at age 7, it was recommended that she try out for the local summer swim team. After her first season, she won the …

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