2021 Swammy Awards: Age Group Swimmer of the Year – 10 & Under

originally published Dec 29, 2021

To see all of our 2021 Swammy Awards, click here.

2021 Honorees: Delaney O’Toole and Reef McMeeking

10 & Under Girls

Delaney O’Toole – Fox Chapel Killer Whales (Pittsburgh, PA)

O’Toole achieved 18 top-ten times (of 23 total events) in the 10-and-under age group during 2021. She led the nation in six events and ranked among the seven fastest swimmers in another 12 events. She began her rampage this summer in long course, finishing with the #1 IMX ranking among 10-year-olds for the 2021 LCM season. In the months that followed, she jumped to the top of the rankings thanks in large part to big performances at the Mark J. Braun Fall Classic. She wrapped up 2021 at the 59th Annual Pitt Christmas Meet, winning all her events (50/100/200/500 free, 50/100 back, 50/100 breast, 50 fly, and 100 IM) and taking home the High Point Award for 10&U girls.

O’Toole led the nation for 10-and-under girls in the SCY 500 free and 50 back and LCM 100/200/400 free and 100 back. She ranked #2 in the SCY 00 free and LCM 50 back, 50 fly, and 200 IM; #3 in the SCY 100/200 free, 100 back, and 200 IM and LCM 50 free; #4 in the LCM 100 fly; #5 in the SCY 200 IM; and #7 in the LCM 50 breast.

Rank Event Age Time Std Meet Date Team LSC Points
1 500 FR SCY 10 5:25.92 AAAA 2021 LE Mark J. Braun Fall Cl 11/19/21 KW AM 983
1 50 BK SCY 10 28.95 AAAA 2021 LE Mark J. Braun Fall Cl 11/21/21 KW AM 990
1 100 FR LCM 10 1:04.00 AAAA 2021 FL ISCA Summer Elite Showcase 8/6/21 KW AM 943
1 200 FR LCM 10 2:17.89 AAAA 2021 FL ISCA Summer Elite Showcase 8/5/21 KW AM 983
1 400 FR LCM 10 4:52.74 AAAA 2021 FL ISCA Summer Elite Showcase 8/4/21 KW AM 986
1 100 BK LCM 10 1:11.31 AAAA 2021 FL ISCA Summer Elite Showcase 8/6/21 KW AM 1012
2 50 FR SCY 10 25.33r AAAA 2021 LE Mark J. Braun Fall Cl 11/21/21 KW AM 951
2 50 BK LCM 10 33.53 AAAA 2021 FL ISCA Summer Elite Showcase 8/4/21 KW AM 991
2 50 FL LCM 10 32.45 AAAA 2021 FL ISCA Summer Elite Showcase 8/5/21 KW AM 893
2 200 IM LCM 10 2:37.95 AAAA 2021 FL ISCA Summer Elite Showcase 8/7/21 KW AM 941
3 100 FR SCY 10 56.70 AAAA 2021 LE Mark J. Braun Fall Cl 11/20/21 KW AM 922
3 200 FR SCY 10 2:04.98 AAAA 2021 LE Mark J. Braun Fall Cl 11/21/21 KW AM 897
3 100 BK SCY 10 1:03.58 AAAA 2021 LE Mark J. Braun Fall Cl 11/20/21 KW AM 940
3 100 IM SCY 10 1:05.46 AAAA 2021 AM Fox Richagheny Invitational Se 10/24/21 KW AM 917
3 50 FR LCM 10 29.75 AAAA 2021 LE Holtrey Summer Classic 6/18/21 KW AM 888
4 100 FL LCM 10 1:14.58 AAAA 2021 AM LC Junior Olympics 7/25/21 KW AM 870
5 200 IM SCY 10 2:20.06 AAAA 2021 LE Mark J. Braun Fall Cl 11/19/21 KW AM 909
7 50 BR LCM 10 39.62 AAAA 2021 AM LC Junior Olympics 7/23/21 KW AM 846


Grace Koenig-Song – NASA Wildcat Aquatics (Chicago, IL): Koenig-Song aged out of the 10-and-unders in the early spring but she still finished the year with 13 top-ten performances for the age group, eight of them at #1. In the nine months after her nation-leading swims, no one was able to match her times in the SCY 200 free, 50 breast, 50/100 fly, and 200 IM and the LCM 50 free, 100 fly, and 200 IM. She also finished the year ranked #2 in the LCM 100/200 free; #3 in the and LCM 100 breast; and #4 in the SCY 100 breast.

Rank Event Age Time Std Meet Date Team LSC Points
1 200 FR SCY 10 2:02.93 AAAA 2021 ILCL PAC vs WILD 2/28/21 WILD IL 938
1 50 BR SCY 10 32.05 AAAA 2021 ILCL GSC vs WILD 3/7/21 WILD IL 974
1 50 FL SCY 10 27.22 AAAA 2021 ILCL GSC vs WILD 3/7/21 WILD IL 991
1 100 FL SCY 10 1:00.28 AAAA 2021 ILCL WILD NASA Time Trial 2/13/21 WILD IL 1006
1 200 IM SCY 10 2:16.07 AAAA 2021 ILCL GSC vs WILD 3/7/21 WILD IL 970
1 50 FR LCM 10 29.51 AAAA 2021 WI 18&U MAC Spring Virtual 3/20/21 WILD IL 903
1 100 FL LCM 10 1:08.91 AAAA 2021 WI 18&U MAC Spring Virtual 3/19/21 WILD IL 1011
1 200 IM LCM 10 2:33.84 AAAA 2021 WI 18&U MAC Spring Virtual 3/20/21 WILD IL 996
2 100 FR LCM 10 1:04.22 AAAA 2021 WI 18&U MAC Spring Virtual 3/21/21 WILD IL 936
2 200 FR LCM 10 2:19.79 AAAA 2021 WI 18&U MAC Spring Virtual 3/19/21 WILD IL 949
3 50 FR SCY 10 25.96r AAAA 2021 ILCL GSC vs WILD 3/7/21 WILD IL 904
3 100 BR LCM 10 1:20.84 AAAA 2021 WI 18&U MAC Spring Virtual 3/19/21 WILD IL 974
4 100 BR SCY 10 1:11.36 AAAA 2021 ILCL PAC vs WILD 2/28/21 WILD IL 937

Honorable Mention

  • Elisabeth Chiu – Rockwall Aquatic Center of Excellence-NT: Chiu finished the year among the ten fastest swimmers in 13 events. She ranked 2nd in the SCY 200/500 free and LCM 400 free; 3rd in the SCY 200 IM and LCM 100 back; 4th in the SCY 100 back and 100 fly and LCM 200 free; 7th in the Lcm 100 fly and 200 IM; and 8th in the SCY 50 back and 100 IM and LCM 100 free. She finished the 2021 long-course season second to O’Toole in IMX points and currently leads the nation for 10-year-olds in the 2021-22 short-course IMX season.
Rank Event Age Time Std Meet Date Team LSC Points
2 200 FR SCY 10 2:04.93 AAAA 2021-NT RACE 4th Annual Scary Fast Swi 10/24/21 RACE NT 898
2 500 FR SCY 10 5:30.18 AAAA 2021-NT COR CLASSIC INVITATION 12/3/21 RACE NT 950
2 400 FR LCM 10 5:02.09 AAAA 2021-NT-MARS LC TAGS 7/24/21 RACE NT 906
3 200 IM SCY 10 2:19.62 AAAA 2021-NT COR CLASSIC INVITATION 12/3/21 RACE NT 916
3 100 BK LCM 10 1:14.68 AAAA 2021-NT-MARS LC TAGS 7/25/21 RACE NT 917
4 100 BK SCY 10 1:03.95 AAAA 2021-NT COR CLASSIC INVITATION 12/4/21 RACE NT 928
4 100 FL SCY 10 1:03.20 AAAA 2021-NT COR CLASSIC INVITATION 12/4/21 RACE NT 922
4 200 FR LCM 10 2:23.41 AAAA 2021-NT-MARS LC TAGS 7/23/21 RACE NT 886
7 100 FL LCM 10 1:15.46 AAAA 2021 ST AAAA NS George Block I 6/27/21 RACE NT 849
7 200 IM LCM 10 2:44.98 AAAA 2021 ST AAAA NS George Block I 6/26/21 RACE NT 850
8 50 BK SCY 10 30.53 AAAA 2021-NT RACE LPA 11/13/21 RACE NT 876
8 100 IM SCY 10 1:06.87 AAAA 2021-NT RACE LPA 11/13/21 RACE NT 871
8 100 FR LCM 10 1:07.35 AAAA 2021-NT-MARS LC TAGS 7/22/21 RACE NT 831
  • Haylee Pramono – Aquazot Swim Club-CA: Pramono was one of the leading 10-and-under swimmers of the second half of 2021, finishing the year with 12 top-10 times. She was #2 in the SCY 100 breast and 100 IM; #3 in the LCM 50 breast; #4 in the LCM 100 breast and 200 IM; #5 in the SCY 50 breast; #6 in the SCY 50/100 back and LCM 100 back; and #7 in the SCY 50/100 fly and 200 IM. She is also #2 in IMX points for the 2021-22 short-course season.
Rank Event Age Time Std Meet Date Team LSC Points
2 100 BR SCY 10 1:10.29 AAAA 2021 CA SCAT/SCS WAG 12/10/21 AZOT CA 965
2 100 IM SCY 10 1:03.61 AAAA 2021 CA SCAT/SCS WAG 12/11/21 AZOT CA 979
3 50 BR LCM 10 38.39 AAAA 2021 CA MVN Summer JO’s 7/23/21 AZOT CA 905
4 100 BR LCM 10 1:23.88 AAAA 2021 CA MVN Summer JO’s 7/25/21 AZOT CA 908
4 200 IM LCM 10 2:42.70 AAAA 2021 CA MVN Summer JO’s 7/24/21 AZOT CA 879
5 50 BR SCY 10 34.07 AAAA 2021 CA AZOT Dec Last Chance 12/5/21 AZOT CA 862
6 50 BK SCY 10 30.21 AAAA 2021 CA AZOT Dec Last Chance 12/4/21 AZOT CA 899
6 100 BK SCY 10 1:04.87 AAAA 2021 CA SCAT/SCS WAG 12/12/21 AZOT CA 898
6 100 BK LCM 10 1:15.40 AAAA 2021 CA MVN Summer JO’s 7/23/21 AZOT CA 897
7 50 FL SCY 10 29.43 AAAA 2021 CA SCAT/SCS WAG 12/11/21 AZOT CA 847
7 100 FL SCY 10 1:05.23 AAAA 2021 CA SCAT/SCS WAG 12/10/21 AZOT CA 865
7 200 IM SCY 10 2:21.02 AAAA 2021 CA SCAT/SCS WAG 12/12/21 AZOT CA 895
  • Gabi Brito – Beach Cities Swimming: Brito aged out of the 10-and-unders after the summer, but not before she left her mark with 12 top-10 swims. She finished the 2020-21 season ranked #1 among 10-year-olds in IMX points. As 2021 drew to a close, she was ranked #2 in the LCM 50 free; #3 in the LCM 100 free and 200 IM; #4 in the SCY 50 free and 200 IM; #5 in the SCY 100 breast; #6 in the SCY 200 free; #7 in the LCM 200 free and 100 breast; #8 in the SCY 100 fly; #9 in LCM 100 back; and #10 in the SCY 100 free.
Rank Event Age Time Std Meet Date Team LSC Points
2 50 FR LCM 10 29.62 AAAA 2021 CA SBSC July Invite 7/10/21 CITI CA 896
3 100 FR LCM 10 1:05.92 AAAA 2021 CA SBSC July Invite 7/11/21 CITI CA 878
3 200 IM LCM 10 2:39.64 AAAA 2021 CA SBSC July Invite 7/10/21 CITI CA 919
4 50 FR SCY 10 26.13 AAAA 2021 CA ALPH Summer Invite 6/19/21 CITI CA 891
4 200 IM SCY 10 2:19.97 AAAA 2021 CA ALPH Summer Invite 6/20/21 CITI CA 911
5 100 BR SCY 10 1:12.46 AAAA 2021 CA ALPH Summer Invite 6/19/21 CITI CA 910
6 200 FR SCY 10 2:06.05 AAAA 2021 CA ALPH-CITI Dual  Closed Inv 5/21/21 CITI CA 876
7 200 FR LCM 10 2:25.21 AAAA 2021 CA SBSC July Invite 7/11/21 CITI CA 855
7 100 BR LCM 10 1:25.84 AAAA 2021 CA SBSC July Invite 7/11/21 CITI CA 866
8 100 FL SCY 10 1:05.43 AAAA 2021 CA ALPH Summer Invite 6/20/21 CITI CA 859
9 100 BK LCM 10 1:16.17 AAAA 2021 CA SBSC July Invite 7/10/21 CITI CA 876
10 100 FR SCY 10 58.25 AAAA 2021 CA ALPH-CITI Dual  Closed Inv 5/21/21 CITI CA 863
  • Julia Bak – Queens Aquatic Club-MR: Bak had some big swims this summer and at the end of the year to land in the top-10 in the age group 11 times. She finished 2021 1st in the LCM 50 free; 3rd in the SCY 50 back and 50 fly and the LCM 50 back; 4th in the LCM 50 free; 5th in the SCY 100 fly and LCM 100 fly; 6th in the SCY 100 free and 100 IM; 7th in the SCY 50 free; and 10th in the LCM 100 free.
Rank Event Age Time Std Meet Date Team LSC Points
1 50 FL LCM 10 32.31 AAAA 2021 VA Eastern Zone LC Championship 8/5/21 QNS MR 901
3 50 BK SCY 10 30.18 AAAA 2021 PV NCAP Invitational 12/11/21 QNS MR 901
3 50 FL SCY 10 29.23 AAAA 2021 PV NCAP Invitational 12/10/21 QNS MR 860
3 50 BK LCM 10 34.01 AAAA 2021 VA Eastern Zone LC Championship 8/6/21 QNS MR 961
4 50 FR LCM 10 29.93 AAAA 2021 VA Eastern Zone LC Championship 8/7/21 QNS MR 876
5 100 FL SCY 10 1:04.58 AAAA 2021 PV NCAP Invitational 12/12/21 QNS MR 883
5 100 FL LCM 10 1:15.22 AAAA 2021 VA Eastern Zone LC Championship 8/4/21 QNS MR 855
6 100 FR SCY 10 57.44 AAAA 2021 PV NCAP Invitational 12/10/21 QNS MR 893
6 100 IM SCY 10 1:06.56 AAAA 2021 PV NCAP Invitational 12/12/21 QNS MR 881
7 50 FR SCY 10 26.47 AAAA 2021 MR WEST Tina Ficcarelli Memorial 10/24/21 QNS MR 866
10 100 FR LCM 10 1:07.68 AAAA 2021 MR Metropolitan LCM Junior Olympics 7/23/21 QNS MR 821
  • Koto Kobukai – Lakeside Aquatic Club-NT: Kobukai ranked in the top-10 of the age group for the year in 11 events. She was #2 in the LCM 100 fly; #3 in the LCM 200 free; #4 in the SCY 500 free and LCM 100 free; #5 in the SCY 50 fly and LCM 50 fly; #6 in the SCY 100 fly; #7 in the SCY 100/200 free; and #10 in the SCY 100 IM and LCM 200 IM.
Rank Event Age Time Std Meet Date Team LSC Points
2 100 FL LCM 10 1:14.03 AAAA 2021-NT-LAC LC Season Opener 4/17/21 LAC NT 883
3 200 FR LCM 10 2:21.51 AAAA 2021-NT-LAC LC Season Opener 4/18/21 LAC NT 919
4 500 FR SCY 10 5:38.72 AAAA 2021 GU TWST Short Course TAGS 3/4/21 LAC NT 884
4 100 FR LCM 10 1:06.54 AAAA 2021-NT-LAC LC Season Opener 4/17/21 LAC NT 858
5 50 FL SCY 10 29.34 AAAA 2021 GU TWST Short Course TAGS 3/7/21 LAC NT 853
5 50 FL LCM 10 33.10 AAAA 2021-NT-LAC LC Season Opener 4/18/21 LAC NT 856
6 100 FL SCY 10 1:05.02 AAAA 2021 GU TWST Short Course TAGS 3/6/21 LAC NT 871
7 100 FR SCY 10 57.83 AAAA 2021 GU TWST Short Course TAGS 3/7/21 LAC NT 879
7 200 FR SCY 10 2:06.46 AAAA 2021 NT LAC Ice Breaker 1/10/21 LAC NT 868
10 100 IM SCY 10 1:07.63 AAAA 2021 GU TWST Short Course TAGS 3/5/21 LAC NT 847
10 200 IM LCM 10 2:46.67 AAAA 2021-NT-LAC LC Season Opener 4/17/21 LAC NT 829
  • Drue Rogers – Lakeside Aquatic Club-NT: Like her teammate Kobukai, Rogers finished 2021 among the nation’s top-10 in 11 events. She was 2nd in the SCY 100 fly; 4th in the SCY 100 free and 50 back; 5th in the LCM 200 free and 200 IM; 6th in the SCY 200 IM and LCM 400 free; 7th in the SCY 100 IM; 8th in the SCY 200 free and LCM 100 back; and 9th in the SCY 500 free.
Rank Event Age Time Std Meet Date Team LSC Points
2 100 FL SCY 10 1:02.80 AAAA 2021-NT COR CLASSIC INVITATION 12/4/21 LAC NT 933
4 100 FR SCY 10 57.24 AAAA 2021-NT COR CLASSIC INVITATION 12/5/21 LAC NT 901
4 50 BK SCY 10 30.19r AAAA 2021-NT COR CLASSIC INVITATION 12/4/21 LAC NT 900
5 200 FR LCM 10 2:23.45 AAAA 2021-NT-MARS LC TAGS 7/23/21 LAC NT 885
5 200 IM LCM 10 2:43.54 AAAA 2021-NT-MARS LC TAGS 7/22/21 LAC NT 869
6 200 IM SCY 10 2:20.46 AAAA 2021-NT COR CLASSIC INVITATION 12/3/21 LAC NT 903
6 400 FR LCM 10 5:09.67 AAAA 2021-NT-MARS LC TAGS 7/24/21 LAC NT 843
7 100 IM SCY 10 1:06.66 AAAA 2021-NT COR CLASSIC INVITATION 12/5/21 LAC NT 878
8 200 FR SCY 10 2:07.48 AAAA 2021-NT COR CLASSIC INVITATION 12/4/21 LAC NT 848
8 100 BK LCM 10 1:15.92 AAAA 2021-NT-MARS LC TAGS 7/25/21 LAC NT 883
9 500 FR SCY 10 5:43.49 AAAA 2021-NT COR CLASSIC INVITATION 12/3/21 LAC NT 849
  • Victoria Setyabudhy – Club Wolverine-MI: Setyabudhy wrapped up 2021 with ten times that ranked among the top-10 for the age group. She was the fastest LCM 50 breaststroker in the nation and finished with the #2 times in the SCY 50 breast and LCM 100 breast. She was #3 in the SCY 100 breast; #4 in the SCY 50 back; #5 in the SCY 100 IM; #6 in the LCM 200 IM; #7 in the LCM 50 back; #8 in the SCY 100 back; and #10 in the SCY 100 IM. She was also the third-ranked 10-year-old in IMX points for the 2021 LCM season.
Rank Event Age Time Std Meet Date Team LSC Points
1 50 BR LCM 10 36.85 AAAA 2021 IN ELK Central Zone 14 and U 8/6/21 CW MI 979
2 50 BR SCY 10 33.44 AAAA 2021 MI 12 & Under MS Summer States 7/18/21 CW MI 896
2 100 BR LCM 10 1:20.38 AAAA 2021 IN ELK Central Zone 14 and U 8/7/21 CW MI 984
3 100 BR SCY 10 1:10.95 AAAA 2021 MI 12 & Under MS Summer States 7/17/21 CW MI 948
4 50 BK SCY 10 30.19 AAAA 2021 MI USSC May Closed Invite 5/16/21 CW MI 900
5 100 IM SCY 10 1:05.93 AAAA 2021 MI 12 & Under MS Summer States 7/16/21 CW MI 902
6 200 IM LCM 10 2:43.88 AAAA 2021 IN ELK Central Zone 14 and U 8/7/21 CW MI 864
7 50 BK LCM 10 35.08 AAAA 2021 IN ELK Central Zone 14 and U 8/8/21 CW MI 894
8 100 BK SCY 10 1:04.96 AAAA 2021 MI 12 & Under MS Summer States 7/16/21 CW MI 896
10 200 IM SCY 10 2:23.32 AAAA 2021 MI 12 & Under MS Summer States 7/18/21 CW MI 861

10 & Under Boys

Reef McMeeking – Hydro4 Swimming (DeLand, FL)

McMeeking was a force in the 10-and-under age group all year, and he wrapped up 2021 ranked among the seven fastest 10&U swimmers in the country in 13 events. At year-end, he had the third-highest IMX score for 10-year-olds thus far in the 2021-22 SCY season. He also finished the year with Florida Swimming LSC records in the SCY 100 free (it had belonged to Ryan Murphy for 16 years), 50 breast and 100 breast, and the LCM 50 breast.

McMeeking notched the top time in the nation this year in the LCM 50 breast. He was ranked #2 in the SCY 100/500 free and 50 breast; #3 in the SCY 200 free and 200 IM and LCM 100 breast; #4 in the SCY 100 IM; #5 in the SCY 50 free and 100 breast and LCM 50 free; #6 in the LCM 100 free; and #7 in the LCM 400 free.

Rank Event Age Time Std Meet Date Team LSC Points
1 50 BR LCM 10 37.46 AAAA 2021 FL Hydro4 Halloween Intrasquad Meet-Blue 10/24/21 H4S FL 970
2 100 FR SCY 10 56.07 AAAA 2021 FL Speedo Holiday Classic 12/5/21 H4S FL 916
2 500 FR SCY 10 5:31.09 AAAA 2021 FL Patriot Aquatics Winter Invite 11/12/21 H4S FL 885
2 50 BR SCY 10 32.74 AAAA 2021 FL Speedo Holiday Classic 12/3/21 H4S FL 948
3 200 FR SCY 10 2:04.78 AAAA 2021 FL RAFC Almost Turkey Invitational 11/19/21 H4S FL 873
3 200 IM SCY 10 2:18.10 AAAA 2021 FL Speedo Holiday Classic 12/4/21 H4S FL 940
3 100 BR LCM 10 1:24.46 AAAA 2021 FL Summer Age Group Champs-North 7/16/21 H4S FL 910
4 100 IM SCY 10 1:05.22 AAAA 2021 FL Speedo Holiday Classic 12/3/21 H4S FL 919
5 50 FR SCY 10 26.24 AAAA 2021 FL Speedo Holiday Classic 12/4/21 H4S FL 858
5 100 BR SCY 10 1:12.92 AAAA 2021 FL RAFC Almost Turkey Invitational 11/20/21 H4S FL 895
5 50 FR LCM 10 30.15 AAAA 2021 FL BSS TYR May Meet 5/1/21 H4S FL 860
6 100 FR LCM 10 1:05.75 AAAA 2021 FL ISCA Summer Elite Showcase 8/6/21 H4S FL 868
7 400 FR LCM 10 4:59.92 AAAA 2021 FL BSS TYR May Meet 5/1/21 H4S FL 895


Morgan Wendler – Terrapins Swim Team (Concord, CA): Wendler aged up to the 11-12s in the spring, but he left the 10-and-unders unbeaten in the SCY 50/100 fly and 100/200 IM and the LCM 50/100 fly. He also finished the year at #2 in the LCM 200 IM; #6 in the SCY 100 breast; #7 in the SCY 100 back and 50 breast; and #10 in the SCY 200/500 free and LCM 100 breast. He was second in IMX points for the 2020-21 SCY season.

Rank Event Age Time Std Meet Date Team LSC Points
1 50 FL SCY 10 28.10 AAAA 2021 PC TERA Intrasquad 3/27/21 TERA PC 918
1 100 FL SCY 10 1:01.00 AAAA 2021 PC TERA Intrasquad 3/27/21 TERA PC 978
1 100 IM SCY 10 1:04.50 AAAA 2021 PC TERA Intrasquad 3/26/21 TERA PC 944
1 200 IM SCY 10 2:16.10 AAAA 2021 PC TERA Intrasquad 3/28/21 TERA PC 972
1 50 FL LCM 10 31.31 AAAA 2021 PC TERA Intrasquad 4/24/21 TERA PC 960
1 100 FL LCM 10 1:09.87 AAAA 2021 PC TERA Intrasquad 4/25/21 TERA PC 981
2 200 IM LCM 10 2:38.22 AAAA 2021 PC TERA Intrasquad 4/24/21 TERA PC 927
6 100 BR SCY 10 1:13.65 AAAA 2021 PC TERA Intrasquad 3/28/21 TERA PC 876
7 100 BK SCY 10 1:05.28 AAAA 2021 PC TERA Intrasquad 3/28/21 TERA PC 883
7 50 BR SCY 10 34.04 AAAA 2021 PC TERA Intrasquad 3/27/21 TERA PC 873
10 200 FR SCY 10 2:06.04 AAAA 2021 PC TERA Intrasquad 3/27/21 TERA PC 851
10 500 FR SCY 10 5:37.02 AAAA 2021 PC TERA Intrasquad 3/26/21 TERA PC 845
10 100 BR LCM 10 1:27.22 AAAA 2021 PC TERA Intrasquad 4/24/21 TERA PC 850

Jacob Nadur – Dublin Community Swim Team (Dublin, OH): Nadur had 14 top-10 swims for 2021 and he leads the nation in IMX scores for the 2021-22 SCY season so far. Nadur ranks #2 in the SCY 200 free, #3 in the SCY 100 IM; #4 in the SCY 200 IM and LCM 100 /200 free and 200 IM; #5 in the SCY 100 free; #6 in the SCY 50 free and 100 fly; #7 in the SCY 50 fly; #8 in the LCM 100 fly; and #10 in the SCY 50/100 breast and LCM 50 fly.

Rank Event Age Time Std Meet Date Team LSC Points
2 200 FR SCY 10 2:04.46 AAAA 2021 OH MAKO Holiday Spirit In 12/10/21 DCST OH 879
3 100 IM SCY 10 1:05.16 AAAA 2021 OH UASC Golden Bear Invit 11/6/21 DCST OH 921
4 200 IM SCY 10 2:19.39 AAAA 2021 OH MAKO Holiday Spirit In 12/10/21 DCST OH 919
4 100 FR LCM 10 1:05.64 AAAA 2021 IN ELK Central Zone 14 and U 8/6/21 DCST OH 872
4 200 FR LCM 10 2:22.90 AAAA 2021 OH BGSC LC Summer Champio 7/10/21 DCST OH 864
4 200 IM LCM 10 2:40.21 AAAA 2021 IN ELK Central Zone 14 and U 8/7/21 DCST OH 899
5 100 FR SCY 10 56.93 AAAA 2021 OH MAKO Holiday Spirit In 12/12/21 DCST OH 886
6 50 FR SCY 10 26.27 AAAA 2021 OH MAKO Holiday Spirit In 12/11/21 DCST OH 856
6 100 FL SCY 10 1:04.04 AAAA 2021 OH MAKO Holiday Spirit In 12/11/21 DCST OH 884
7 50 FL SCY 10 29.05 AAAA 2021 OH UASC Golden Bear Invit 11/7/21 DCST OH 853
8 100 FL LCM 10 1:13.39 AAAA 2021 IN ELK Central Zone 14 and U 8/8/21 DCST OH 886
10 50 BR SCY 10 34.63 AAAA 2021 OH UASC Golden Bear Invit 11/7/21 DCST OH 839
10 100 BR SCY 10 1:14.56 AAAA 2021 OH MAKO Holiday Spirit In 12/12/21 DCST OH 853
10 50 FL LCM 10 32.87 AAAA 2021 OH BGSC LC Summer Champio 7/8/21 DCST OH 864

Honorable Mention

  • Lincoln Montague – Cypress Fairbanks Swim Club-GU: Montague had a big summer, finishing 2nd in IMX scores for 10-year-olds. He made the top-10 ranks 10 times this year, finishing #1 in the SCY 100 back; #2 in the LCM 100 back; #3 in the SCY 500 free and 50 back and LCM 200/400 free and 200 IM; #4 in the LCM 50 back; #5 in the LCM 100 fly; and #7 in the LCM 50 fly.
Rank Event Age Time Std Meet Date Team LSC Points
1 100 BK SCY 10 1:04.16 AAAA 2021 GU TWST Short Course TAGS 3/7/21 CFSC GU 917
2 100 BK LCM 10 1:13.17 AAAA 2021 GU FCST LC Invite 6/19/21 CFSC GU 950
3 500 FR SCY 10 5:31.31 AAAA 2021 GU TWST Short Course TAGS 3/4/21 CFSC GU 883
3 50 BK SCY 10 30.29 AAAA 2021 GU TWST Short Course TAGS 3/5/21 CFSC GU 893
3 200 FR LCM 10 2:21.94 AAAA 2021-NT-MARS LC TAGS 7/23/21 CFSC GU 879
3 400 FR LCM 10 4:56.48 AAAA 2021-NT-MARS LC TAGS 7/24/21 CFSC GU 921
3 200 IM LCM 10 2:39.54 AAAA 2021-NT-MARS LC TAGS 7/22/21 CFSC GU 908
4 50 BK LCM 10 33.99 AAAA 2021 GU FCST LC Invite 6/20/21 CFSC GU 935
5 100 FL LCM 10 1:12.29 AAAA 2021-NT-MARS LC TAGS 7/23/21 CFSC GU 915
7 50 FL LCM 10 32.61 AAAA 2021-NT-MARS LC TAGS 7/24/21 CFSC GU 880
  • Trace Colton – North Palm Beach Swim Club-FL: Colton also finished the year with ten top-10 times. He was the age group’s top LCM 100 freestyler and he ranked 2nd in the LCM 50/200 free and 100 fly; 3rd in the SCY 50 free; 4th in the SCY 100 free and LCM 400 free and 50 fly; 5th in the SCY 200 free; and 10th in the LCM 200 IM.
Rank Event Age Time Std Meet Date Team LSC Points
1 100 FR LCM 10 1:04.34 AAAA 2021 FG 14 & Under Junior Olympics 7/24/21 NPB FG 911
2 50 FR LCM 10 29.62 AAAA 2021 FG 14 & Under Junior Olympics 7/23/21 NPB FG 890
2 200 FR LCM 10 2:21.18 AAAA 2021 FG 14 & Under Junior Olympics 7/25/21 NPB FG 891
2 100 FL LCM 10 1:11.80 AAAA 2021 FG 14 & Under Junior Olympics 7/25/21 NPB FG 929
3 50 FR SCY 10 26.22 AAAA 2021 FG Junior Olympics 3/12/21 NPB FG 860
4 100 FR SCY 10 56.90 AAAA 2021 FG Junior Olympics 3/13/21 NPB FG 887
4 400 FR LCM 10 4:56.87 AAAA 2021 FG 14 & Under Junior Olympics 7/22/21 NPB FG 918
4 50 FL LCM 10 32.30 AAAA 2021 FG 14 & Under Junior Olympics 7/24/21 NPB FG 899
5 200 FR SCY 10 2:05.54 AAAA 2021 FG Junior Olympics 3/14/21 NPB FG 859
10 200 IM LCM 10 2:43.75 AAAA 2021 FG 14 & Under Junior Olympics 7/23/21 NPB FG 851
  • Gareth Hollender – NOVA of Virginia Aquatics-VA: Hollender was the #1 10-year-old in the nation in IMX points for the 2021 LCM season and the #2 10-year-old for the 2020-21 SCY season. He finished the year at #1 in the LCM 100 back and 200 IM; #2 LCM 100 breast; #5 SCY 100 IM; #6 SCY 200 IM and LCM 50 breast and 50/100 fly; #8 LCM 200 free; and #10 SCY 100 fly.
Rank Event Age Time Std Meet Date Team LSC Points
1 100 BK LCM 10 1:13.02 AAAA 2021 VA LC Age Group Championship 7/25/21 NOVA VA 954
1 200 IM LCM 10 2:36.47 AAAA 2021 VA LC Age Group Championship 7/24/21 NOVA VA 951
2 100 BR LCM 10 1:23.31 AAAA 2021 VA LC Age Group Championship 7/24/21 NOVA VA 936
5 100 IM SCY 10 1:05.46 AAAA 2021 FL NCSA Age Group Swimming Champs 3/27/21 NOVA VA 911
6 200 IM SCY 10 2:20.41 AAAA 2021 VA SC Age Group Champs 3/13/21 NOVA VA 903
6 50 BR LCM 10 39.10 AAAA 2021 VA LC Age Group Championship 7/23/21 NOVA VA 887
6 50 FL LCM 10 32.56 AAAA 2021 VA LC Age Group Championship 7/25/21 NOVA VA 883
6 100 FL LCM 10 1:12.35 AAAA 2021 VA WAC Summer Sizzle  Mee 6/27/21 NOVA VA 914
8 200 FR LCM 10 2:23.63 AAAA 2021 VA LC Age Group Championship 7/23/21 NOVA VA 853
10 100 FL SCY 10 1:04.75 AAAA 2021 FL NCSA Age Group Swimming Champs 3/26/21 NOVA VA 863
  • Sawyer Hansen – Saint Petersburg Aquatics-FL: Hansen closed out the 2020-21 SCY season ranked second in the nation among 9-year-old in IMX points. After aging up, he had a big summer and fall, and finished the year with the top times in the SCY 200/500 free and LCM 200 free. He also ranked #2 in the LCM 100/400 free; #6 in the LCM 200 IM; #7 in the LCM 100 fly; #8 in the LCM 50 free; and #9 in the LCM 50 back.
Rank Event Age Time Std Meet Date Team LSC Points
1 200 FR SCY 10 2:03.83 AAAA 2021 FL Speedo Holiday Classic 12/3/21 SPA FL 890
1 500 FR SCY 10 5:28.07 AAAA 2021 FL SPA – PYP NOVEMBER MEET 11/19/21 SPA FL 905
1 200 FR LCM 10 2:18.58 AAAA 2021 FL Summer Age Group Champs-South 7/16/21 SPA FL 933
2 100 FR LCM 10 1:04.68 AAAA 2021 FL ISCA Summer Elite Showcase 8/6/21 SPA FL 901
2 400 FR LCM 10 4:54.04 AAAA 2021 FL ISCA Summer Elite Showcase 8/4/21 SPA FL 939
6 200 IM LCM 10 2:41.95 AAAA 2021 FL ISCA Summer Elite Showcase 8/7/21 SPA FL 875
7 100 FL LCM 10 1:13.35 AAAA 2021 FL ISCA Summer Elite Showcase 8/7/21 SPA FL 887
8 50 FR LCM 10 30.27 AAAA 2021 FL ISCA Summer Elite Showcase 8/7/21 SPA FL 853
9 50 BK LCM 10 35.02 AAAA 2021 FL ISCA Summer Elite Showcase 8/4/21 SPA FL 876

Past Winners

Year 10-U Girl 10-U Boy
2021 Delaney O’Toole Reef McMeeking
2020 Lexi Sereno Spencer Belbot
2019 Kayla Han Joey Campagnola
2018 Alexis Mesina Timothy Lee
2017 Erika Pelaez Kaii Winkler
2016 Leah Hayes Jaeddan Gamilla
2015 Miriam Sheehan Ronald Dalmacio
2014 Meghan Lynch Andrew Rogers
2013 Lillie Nordmann Winn Aung
2012 Regan Smith Destin Lasco


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3 years ago

Always seems to be three camps on this topic…

  1. Parents and friends of the kids who are recognized are pleased
  2. Parents and friends of kids who aren’t recognized don’t really care
  3. Parents and friends of kids who aren’t recognized turn green

Facts are facts. You decide how much space they take up in your head.

3 years ago

Probably working on their NIL paperwork too at this very moment.

Anne-Marie Estrada
3 years ago

Too bad NE swimming doesn’t believe 10 and unders are worth recognizing. They have no championship only a challenge. It is felt if you recognize young fast swimmers you will develop crazy parents

Coach Tom
Reply to  Anne-Marie Estrada
3 years ago

I distinctly remember a 9 year old showing up to that meet covered in cupping marks, so I think it’s safe to say that crazy swim parents are going to do their thing regardless of whether you call it a challenge or a championship.

Reply to  Anne-Marie Estrada
3 years ago

The fact that you came here to complain about it being called a “challenge” not a “championship” maybe implies that the crazy parents will find a way regardless of what you call the meet.

So, I think that means that I agree with you???? That’s wild.

3 years ago

Reef McMeeking is an A+ name

3 years ago

2012 was a pretty good year, as it turns out!

Ryan Murphy fanboy
3 years ago

Lmao don’t matter Ryan Murphy better

3 years ago

2012, 2013, 2014 10&under girl winners now all on the roster at Stanford but in the same class

3 years ago

Where’s my 3 year old on the list 🙄🙄🙄🙄

About Anne Lepesant

Anne Lepesant

Anne Lepesant is the mother of four daughters, all of whom swam in college. With an undergraduate degree from Princeton (where she was an all-Ivy tennis player) and an MBA from INSEAD, she worked for many years in the financial industry, both in France and the U.S. Anne is currently …

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