15-year-old Steverink Opens Brazilian Interclubs with 15:26.77 in 1500 Free

2019 Brazilian 15-16 Summer Interclub Championships – Troféu Carlos Campos Sobrinho

  • December 3-7, 2019
  • CNR Álvares Cabral pool
  • Vitória, Espírito Santo, Brazil
  • LCM (50m)
  • Results

The 2019 Brazilian Youth (15-16s) Summer Interclub Championships, the Troféu Carlos Campos Sobrinho, kicked off with a bang at the Álvares Cabral pool in Vitória on Tuesday afternoon when 15-year-old Stephan Alexander Steverink downed the meet record in the 1500m free with 15:26.77. Steverink, who represents the club team Athletic Association Bank Brazil – Sao Paulo, came into the meet seeded 1st in the Juvenil 1 category (swimmers born in 2004) with a PB of 16:00.32. With his 33.6-second drop, he broke the age category record as well as the championships record and won his event by nearly 44 seconds.

Steverink, a dual citizen in Brazil and Netherlands, has been breaking Brazilian age group records for years, but they have been mostly in breaststroke. He won gold in the Boys 14 200 breast at the 2019 Dutch Junior Nationals in Eindhoven in June. His time of 2:19.73 was nearly 5 seconds faster than that of the Boys 15 event winner and eclipsed the Boys 16-17 event winner by 2.3 seconds. He also won the Boys 14 400 free (4:04.42), 100 breast (1:05.58), 200 IM (2:07.51), and 400 IM (4:30.33) in Eindhoven.

Brazil is known more as a sprint powerhouse than a distance freestyle incubator. César Cielo, Bruno Fratus, Felipe Lima, Nicholas Santos, Thiago Pereira, Nicolas Oliveira, Felipe Silva, Guilherme Guido, Caio Pumputis, Vini Lanza, Marcelo Chierighini, Etiene Medeiros, Larissa Oliveira, and Jhennifer Conceição are but a few of the names who represent Brazil internationally – and most of them specialize in 200s-and-shorter distances.

Steverink wasn’t the only distance swimmer with big performances on Day 1 in Vitória. Bernardo Marino Gavioli (GNU), runner-up in the Boys 14 event, took 25.3 seconds off his seed time to touch in 16:10.51. Just behind him was Guilherme Sperandio (Bolsa Atleta MS Radio Clube/MS) who improved by 44.1 to stop the clock at 16:10.92.

  • Gustavo Francisco Saldo (Curitibano) won the Boys 15 (Juvenil 2) 1500 free in 15:43.29, a PB by 2.5 seconds.
  • Bruna de Padua (Curitibano) won the Girls 14 (Juvenil 1) 800 free in 9:12.49, dropping 10.5 seconds.
  • Cibelle Jungblut (GNU) won the Girls 15 (Juvenil 2) 800 free in 9:11.79.




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5 years ago

His splits
100 – 58.9
200 – 1:01.9
300 – 1:01.8
400 – 1:02.0
500 – 1:01.9
600 – 1:02.0
700 – 1:01.7
800 – 1:02.0
900 – 1:02.3
1000 – 1:02.0
1100 – 1:02.1
1200 – 1:02.5
1300 – 1:02.5
1400 – 1:02.1
1500 – 1:00.4

5 years ago

How many US 15 years swam that time or faster last year?
It seems like we don’t have a whole bunch of youngsters doing good things in distance. Our distance stars peak later than their european/south american/asian/australian counterparts

Reply to  PKWater
5 years ago

Last Year? If I used the USA database correctly only 2 EVER. Evan Pinion in 2010 at 15:17 and also in 2010 at a different meet Yun Hao at 15:18. Next group is up at 15:29.

Reply to  KDswim
5 years ago

If I checked correctly steverink is 5th fastest ever now as you have the 2 us swimmers, Horton and grgic faster
Can’t find if Perkins was faster at 15

Reply to  Rafael
5 years ago

Horton was 15.14, Hackett 15.30 . Perkins 15.39

About Anne Lepesant

Anne Lepesant

Anne Lepesant is the mother of four daughters, all of whom swam in college. With an undergraduate degree from Princeton (where she was an all-Ivy tennis player) and an MBA from INSEAD, she worked for many years in the financial industry, both in France and the U.S. Anne is currently …

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