Earlier this week the official logos for the Tokyo 2020 Olympics and Paralympics were unveiled, but have already caused controversy among the public.
The logos are seen to contain a red dot which the organising committee have claimed to represent “the power of every beating heart,” according to Mirror.co. However, the red dot bears a similar resemblance to the same red dot on the Japanese flag. Furthermore the T of the logo stands for “Tokyo, tomorrow and team”.
This has created some anger amongst social media that Tokyo is trying to personalise the 2020 Olympics rather than celebrate the games as an international showcase.
Nevertheless, the organising committee says it believes that the logo instead reflects the vibrant nature of the city and the welcoming spirit of its citizens. The vice president of the International Olympic committee, John Coates, even stated that “this emblem will have an important influence on the future of Olympic design.”
Both Olympic and Paralympic logos were designed by Kenjiri Sato, a Japanese artist.
Quotes courtesy of Olympic.org and the Mirror.co.uk.
i think its just ugly lol
why couldn’t he get them at the 2020 Olympics? He’s not going anywhere for a while.
Lol, I could care less about the logo. As long as ryan murphy is breaking piersols records at these games I’m happy
If he gets them at all, it’ll happen in Rio.
Well, My major problem is the fact that the logo looks like it could be found in my little sister’s microsoft paint portfolio.