Video Interview: Wilimovsky and Casey discuss redshirt year plans

Team Santa Monica’s Jordan Wilimovsky (Northwestern University) and Brendan Casey (University of Virginia) are both taking a redshirt year to train at home with their club coach, Dave Kelsheimer, in preparation for the 2016 US Olympic Team Trials. The pair sat down with SwimSwam’s Anne Lepesant after workout on Saturday, June 6 and talked about their motivations for taking the year off to train with Kelsheimer, as well as their short-term and longer-term goals.

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9 years ago


These two young men are obviously a little awkward in front of the camera and most likely have not done a lot of interviews. You’d be surprised on how difficult it is to look polished without a lot of practice.

9 years ago

Wow! I can’t fathom the charisma and insight gained from these two great speakers!!

About Anne Lepesant

Anne Lepesant

Anne Lepesant is the mother of four daughters, all of whom swam in college. With an undergraduate degree from Princeton (where she was an all-Ivy tennis player) and an MBA from INSEAD, she worked for many years in the financial industry, both in France and the U.S. Anne is currently …

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