Uzbek Administrators Suspended 5 Years for Falsifying Olympic Qualifying Times

by Riley Overend 11

August 03rd, 2023 Asia, International, News

Uzbek administrators Javodilla Khasanov and Sherzod Inogamov were given five-year suspensions by World Aquatics last January for falsifying Tokyo 2021 Olympic qualifying times.

The global governing body’s Ethics Panel concluded its investigation in December of 2021 after Indian swimmer Likith Prema called out meet officials at the 2021 Uzbekistan Open of manipulating results to help swimmers achieve Olympic qualifying times. At the time, the Uzbekistan Swimming Federation called the allegations “unfounded and unsubstantiated,” and Prema said he was forced to apologize in person to his federation official for “taking such a direct approach.” But a few months later, World Aquatics (then FINA) agreed with Prema and invalidated all times from the meet.

Perhaps the most blatant example of cheating was Eldorbek Usmonov’s 100-meter butterfly time of 51.83, which was almost 13 seconds faster than his fastest time on record (1:04.60). He had no official results in the event from 2020 or 2021.

“To put this result into perspective, with 51.83, Mr. Usmonov would be within the top 10 athletes of the world in this discipline, taking the last FINA World Championships (2019) as a reference,” the Ethics Panel wrote. “Without meaning any disrespect to Mr. Usmonov, the Ethics Panel considered this to be highly unlikely.

“Moreover, after having considered all the circumstances of the case, the Ethics Panel is of the view that these results have not been caused by an unintentional mistake but rather by a deliberate manipulation of the results. The fact that the events took place in Uzbekistan, that the results allowed only Uzbek athletes to participate in the 2021 Tokyo Olympic Games, and that the scoreboard was shut down during Event 2, all comforted the Ethics Panel in reaching this conclusion.”

Neither Khasanov nor Inogamov denied their involvement in the scandal, according to the Ethics Panel. Their suspensions are effective from the ruling on January 14, 2022, meaning they will be eligible to return to aquatics-related activities in January of 2027. Swiss chairman Jean Gay was in charge of the review panel along with members Rashid Alanezi (KUW) and Abdon Deguenon (BEN). You can read the entire breakdown of their ruling here.

Meanwhile, Prema said the Uzbekistan incident actually paved the way for him to receive a full-ride Division II scholarship to the University of Indianapolis as a graduate student last season.

“Right now things have subsided and I’m looking forward to a strong year ahead,” Prema said.

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11 months ago

SwimSwam should interview Borat for his thoughts on the Uzbekistan swimming federation

Reply to  Bossanova
11 months ago

Borat is from Kazakhstan.

Swimmer Brent
Reply to  Braden Keith
11 months ago

But he notoriously hates Uzbekistan. They’re very nosey people with bone in their brain.

Reply to  Swimmer Brent
11 months ago


11 months ago

Hi is there a link to the break down of the entire ruling? Because it mentions “you can read the breakdown of the entire ruling here”

Fukuoka Gold
11 months ago


11 months ago

I cannot comprehend why this is not a lifetime ban

Reply to  Tomek
11 months ago

I can’t either. Cynically, administrators are probably afraid to drop the hammer too hard on other administrators.

But maybe…there’s just not enough people to run swimming in Uzbekistan if you ban the administrators??

James Beam
Reply to  Braden Keith
11 months ago

Braden- I googled Usmonov to see his times…he’s actually not far off the 51 seconds they fudged his times for. Wonder how he went from 104 to 52 in the 100 fly. (Note, I am NOT defending what they did, clearly a crappy move)…

11 months ago

Somalia doing their best Uzbek impression this year

Last edited 11 months ago by Facts
11 months ago

imagine if that butterfly time wasn’t faked and that guy really did just become a beast during Covid and dropped 13 seconds

About Riley Overend

Riley is an associate editor interested in the stories taking place outside of the pool just as much as the drama between the lane lines. A 2019 graduate of Boston College, he arrived at SwimSwam in April of 2022 after three years as a sports reporter and sports editor at newspapers …

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