USA National Team Alumni Social at 2015 Men’s NCAA Championships, Saturday, March 28, 4-6pm – Special Guest Nathan Adrian

by SwimSwam 0

March 28th, 2015 Industry, News

This is an announcement courtesy of the USA National Team Alumni / USA Swimming Foundation.

If you have ever represented Team USA at the National Team level (Olympic, World Championship, Pan Am, Pan Pac, WUGs), and you are at the 2015 Men’s NCAA DI Swimming and Diving Championships in Iowa City, you are invited to the USA National Team Alumni Social.


Saturday, March 28th, 4-6pm (before finals, which start at 7pm)


Onsite at the University of Iowa Campus Recreation and Wellness Center, just inside the pool entrance. Follow the USA Swimming Foundation and USA National Team signs to the hospitality room on the 2nd floor.

Food / Drink

Enjoy the food and a drink on us.


Casual, come as you.

Nathan Adrian, Olympic Gold Medalist (via Twitter @NathanAdrian)

Nathan Adrian, Olympic Gold Medalist (via Twitter @NathanAdrian)

Enjoy BBQ, beer, soda and water courtesy of the USA Swimming Foundation.   Finals are at 7pm, giving you plenty of time to make your way to the stands to see the last night of competition. We will be onsite, just inside the pool’s main entrance. Look for the USA Swimming Foundation banners and follow the signs to our hospitality room.

4-time Olympic Champion and Cal Golden Bear Nathan Adrian will be our special guest. USA Swimming Foundation Board Chair Bill Maxson and USA National Team Ambassador Mel Stewart will be onsite at the meet.  Stop them, say hello, and ask for more details.

See you there!


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