Olivier Leroy

“Swimming gave me the self-confidence I couldn’t find anywhere else.”

Jeff Float’s journey to Olympic gold illustrates how the power of the sport is felt greatest in helping young people develop confidence and self-belief.


Elite Swimming Starts with Enjoying the Journey

You don’t learn to enjoy the journey by becoming successful. It’s the opposite. Success comes after you learn to enjoy the process and savor the journey.


17 Ways to Drive Your Swimming Coach Nuts

Part life coach, part instructor, and part babysitter, our swim coaches have their hands full with us swimmers. Here’s how we drive coach bonkers.


5 Ways Swimmers Can Supercharge Their Mindset (That You Can Do Today)

Here are some simple strategies any swimmer can use today in practice to unlock a high-performance mindset in training and competition.

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The Neat-o Thing That Happens When Swimmers Work Their Mental Training

There are lots of benefits to spending time each day on your mindset. Besides the whole swimming faster thing, here is what else that happens.

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The Power of Journaling for Swimmers

Want better workouts? A bullet-proof race plan? Less anxiety behind the blocks? Yup—the simple act of journaling can help. Big time. Here’s how.

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10 Things That Have Nothing to Do With Talent

Much is made about having lots of talent. But talent alone doesn’t make champion swimmers. Here’s what to focus on instead.


Why Swimmers Should Peer Mentor Younger Teammates

We’ve all heard of the buddy system and mentoring. Here’s how peer mentoring can boost team culture, increase sense of belonging, and help swimmers improve.

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3 Things Swimmers Can Do Daily to Build Self-Confidence

Struggling to consistently be confident? Here are three things you can do each day at the pool to keep your self-confidence high.


7 Misconceptions About Mental Training for Swimmers

There’s a lot of confusion around mental training for swimmers. Here’s what it can and can’t do for you and your swimming.


5 Things to Track in Your Logbook (Besides Your Swim Practices)

A logbook is much more than workouts and intervals. The pages of your logbook contain the story of your journey in the pool.


You’re Never So Good That You Can’t Help with the Lane Ropes

You can tell a lot about swimmers during the last ten minutes of practice. Here’s what helping with the equipment says about you.


21 Things You Can Learn from the Best Swimmers on the Planet

Want to take things to the next level in the water this season? Learn from the best swimmers in the sport past and present.


5 Lessons in Excellence for Swimmers from MMA Champion Georges St-Pierre

Staying present with your thoughts, chasing small victories for motivation, and a devotion to your goals are things all swimmers could use more of right now.

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How Swimmers Can Keep a Positive Mindset During Covid

Struggling to stay positive during Covid? Here are some things to focus on while your chlorinated world is turned upside down.

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