Coach’s Log

How to Kick Faster with Boilermaker Aquatics

Chad Dillon, the head coach of Boilermaker Aquatics, realizes the importance of doing a lot of kick during swim practices…

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How to Improve Your Kick with the Mesa Aquatic Club

Want to improve you kick? Here is a workout and a kicking drill from Paul Smith, owner and director of coaching of the Mesa Aquatics Club one of the top age group and masters programs in the country and hosts of the annual Mesa Grand Prix.

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‘They Rested!’: How Fast Swimming Doesn’t Always Imply Full Taper

It’s one of swimming’s time-honored past-times: poring through meet results mid-season and arguing about whose swims count and who rested to achieve their big upset.


35 Tips from 35 Swim Coaches

Get more from your swimming with 35 tips from 35 swim coaches from across North America. Train smarter and faster at the pool starting today.


Encore Presentations Highlight Last Day Of Global Swimming Summit

Catch the Global Swimming Summit’s most popular talks via today’s encore presentation.

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Dave Salo, Peter Andrew Talk USRPT At Global Swimming Summit

The first-ever Global Swimming Summit continues this week, offering coaches, swimmers and swimming enthusiasts a chance to connect and listen to some of the brightest minds in the sport speak.


The Kansas Swimming Set: Take It Out Fast and Bring It Home

Clark Campbell, head coach of the University of Kansas Swimming & Diving program stopped by to share a versatile set…

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Dryland Stations with Larry Arnold

This circuit takes the swimmers through four types of equipment, Kettlebells, Medicine Balls, 1/2 Bosu Balls, and Power Plates. They go through each of those stations for :60 on :10 off for 5 rounds where the exercise changes each round.

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Leila Vaziri Water Workout: Breathing (Video)

Leila Vaziri tackles the simple-yet complex topic of breathing in the latest installment in her Water Workouts series. You can check out…

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Leila Vaziri Water Workout: Pre-Workout Stretching (Video)

U.S. National Teamer Leila Vaziri tackles stretching in her latest swimming technique videoWant to bolster your own stretching routine with tried-and-true techniques for getting loose? This week, Vaziri Swim shows you how.

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Kettlebell Streamline Snatch

This group has done the exercise a lot this fall and every time Larry Arnold explains it I’m more convinced that this is why our walls are sharper than ever.

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Larry Arnold Dryland: Kettlebell Snatch and Running Circuit

The circuit itself is similar to the work the swimmers do in the water where their anaerobic capacity is being worked, by the kettle bells, with an aerobic element in the running.

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Dryland: Hyperoxygenation

420 burpies. Sounds basic but like everything with Larry Arnold, even the simplest exercise can be made into a layered workout.

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Leila Vaziri Technique Tips: Breaststroke With Dolphin Kick (Video)

Vaziri: Breaststroke involves an undulation to the stroke, it has a slight up motion at the end of the kick. Consisting mostly of a strong kick but follows through with a propulsion of the hips.

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Dryland: Turkish Getups

Larry Arnold takes swimmers from Phoenix Swim Club through a well known exercise focused on body and breath control.