Will Jonathan

Living a Balanced Swim Life

Love your swimming, but remember you’re not just a swimmer. You’re a valuable, amazing human being that does swimming. It’s only part of your life.

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Getting Mentally Prepared for Championship Meets

Championship Meets are the most important meets of any season, and getting yourself into the right frame of mind going into them is absolutely crucial to performing your best.

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3 Mental Tips for Future College Swimmers

In this video, I want to share with you 3 mental tips and pieces of advice for those of you who plan on swimming in college in the future that will allow you to go into your first year as a college swimmer with the right mindset and mentality so that you can succeed there and be your best.

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The Five Performance Priorities

To help my swimmers create a strong, positive, efficient, high-performance mindset, I have them utilize what I like to call The Five Performance Priorities.

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3 Mental Tips for Having a Great Practice

As a swimmer, you train and practice much more than you actually compete, so being able to get yourself into the right frame of mind and get the most out of yourself in a practice is key.

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Getting Focused on the Process with Florida State Swimming

Hey folks! I just got back from Clearwater, FL where I spent the past 4 days working on location with…

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How to Find the Motivation to Train When You Really Don’t Want To

Here are some things that you can do to delve deep within yourself and find the motivation to keep going even when you feel like backing out.


Il Coaching é Gestione Di Risorse Umane-Come Valorizzare L’atleta

Ci sono due aspetti del coaching. Il primo aspetto del coaching è essere in grado di insegnare lo sport e…

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5 Ways Swim Coaches Can Get the Best Out of Their Swimmers

The true art of great coaching is being able to, not only develop your swimmers physically, but to also develop them mentally; to understand what makes each of your swimmers tick and how you need to interact with them in order to get the best out of them.


How to Stop Comparing Yourself to Everyone Else

It’s an easy trap to fall into. You see other swimmers around you achieving the things you want to achieve and finding the success you want to find but that, for whatever reason, you just can’t seem to get your hands on.


5 Ways To Get Out of Your Comfort Zone

Growth and progress doesn’t come from staying where you feel comfortable. That only happens outside of your comfort zone.

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A Great Way to Keep Yourself Motivated

Being an athlete isn’t easy. It’s a difficult life, and having the motivation to push you through the hard times and painful moments when you feel like giving up is absolutely essential.

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How to Stay Confident Every Single Day

Confidence is a skill. And, like any skill, it’s something that you have to continuously work on if you want to maintain it and keep it sharp.

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Per non Perdere la Motivazione nel Nuoto, Ricorda di Divertirti!

Sono sicura che ami il nuoto. Hai impiegato negli anni tutte le tue energie. Tempo e dedizione per spingerti al…

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Do It For The Memories

I have a confession to make. My confession is that I’m a pure land mammal. I was never a swimmer like you are.

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